Sitka High School - System for School Success (2024)

In response to Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), the Alaska Department of Education and Early Development (DEED) submitted a request to the U.S. Department of Education (US ED) to waive certain requirements of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA, section 1111) related to accountability requirements.

On March 23, 2020, US ED gave notification to DEED that the waiver would be approved. As a result, schools that were identified for support in the 2019-2020 school year will maintain their identification status in the 2020-2021 school year.

When considering information about schools that were designated for support in the 2020-2021 school year, please note that this designation was based on data from the 2018-2019 school year.

  • Grades Served: Grades 9 - 12
  • October 1, 2022 Enrollment: 330

Sitka High School - System for School Success (1) School Designation: Universal Support

Sitka High School - System for School Success (2) Overall School Index Value: 67.04

  • Printable PDF

System for School Success Overview

Alaska’s education accountability system, System for School Success, includeseach student group individually, creating a holistic vision of a school through two lenses:the performance of all students and that of theirstudent group populations

  • System for School Success Resources

The Compass
A Guide to Alaska’s Public Schools

Alaska recently launched The Compass, a website designed to help parents access important data about public schools in Alaska. The Compass features a wealth of meaningful information on schools and districts so that parents and guardians can participate in decisions to improve their student’s learning.
Sitka High School on The Compass

Academic Achievement

Sitka High School - System for School Success (3) English Language Arts
Percentage of students that were proficient on the state summative assessment.
Percentage of students that were proficient on the state summative assessment.
All Students 56.58 59.21

Student Group Performance

Sitka High School - System for School Success (4) Student Group Performance
Subgroups of students with index values that fall below the TSI Performance Threshold.
Student Groups N/A

Academic Growth

Sitka High School - System for School Success (5) Not Part of 2022-2023 Accountability
Because of the change to AKSTAR cut scores in the spring of 2023, two years of data for comparison are not available to calculate this indicator. For more information about changes to AKSTAR cut scores see: AKSTAR_ResultsFlyer2023_final.pdf

English Learner Progress

Sitka High School - System for School Success (6) English Learner Progress
Percentage of English Learners that met or exceeded their growth target on the ACCESS for ELLs assessment.
All Students n/a

School Quality/Success

Sitka High School - System for School Success (7) Chronic Absenteeism
Percentage of students determined to not be chronically absent.
Grade 3 ELA
Percentage of Grade 3 students that were proficient on the state summative assessment in ELA.
All Students 65.41 n/a

Graduation Rates (lagging)

Sitka High School - System for School Success (8) Graduation Rate
The rate of students that graduated from high school within four or five years of enrolling as ninth graders.
Four-Year 82.43
Five-Year 97.56

^Reporting Protocol - Top-Bottom Suppression.pdf

How is my school designated for support?

Each year an overall school index value is calculated for each school and a school designation is assigned. There are three school destinations for Alaska’s schools:

  • Comprehensive Support
    • Lowest 5% - If the overall school index value of a school falls in the lowest 5% of Title I schools, that school receives a designation of Comprehensive Support (Lowest 5%).
    • Graduation Rate - If a secondary school has a graduation rate of less than 66.67%, that school receives a designation of Comprehensive Support (Graduation Rate).
    • Targeted Support - A Title I school that has the same student group identified as performing below the Lowest 5% threshold for three consecutive accountability years is designated as Comprehensive Support-Targeted Support (CSI-TSI).
  • Additional Targeted Support - If a school has any student groups with index values under the Comprehensive Support (lowest 5%) threshold, that school receives a designation of Additional Targeted Support.
  • Universal Support - All other schools are considered Universal Support schools.

How is my school measured?

K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
ELA and Math Proficiency No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No
ELA and Math Growth No No No No No No No No No No No No No
Graduation No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes
English Learner Progress Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Chronic Absenteeism Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Grade 3 ELA Proficiency No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No

Measures Combine into Index Score

Each indicator in the table above is given a score for the school. These scores are combined based on the grade span of the school.
In addition to looking at the whole school, each student group in a school is measured in the areas listed in the table to the left. These scores are combined and the student group is given a score.

What is the 5% Performance Threshold?

Sitka High School - System for School Success (9) Index Scores

Sitka High School - System for School Success (10) 100
Highest Index Score Possible

The lowest 5% of Title I schools have index scores ranging from 0 to 7.62.

  • If a school is Title I and has an overall school index score of 7.62 or lower, it receives a designation of Comprehensive Support (Lowest 5%).
  • If a school has any student group with an index score below 7.62, the school receives a designation of Targeted Support.

Sitka High School - System for School Success (11) 7.62
5% Performance Threshold

Sitka High School - System for School Success (12) 0.00
Lowest Index Score Possible

Which student groups are measured?

  • African American
  • Alaska Native/American Indian
  • Asian/Pacific Islander
  • Caucasian
  • Hispanic
  • Two or More Races
  • Students with Disabilities
  • English Learners
  • Economically Disadvantaged

What are some questions I could ask my school?

  • Where can I find more information about how my school is performing?
  • What supports are being provided to my school based on its designation?
  • What opportunities are available for me to be involved in my student’s education?
Comprehensive Data

Academic Achievement

Subcategory Value Weight for School Points
ELA Proficiency 56.58 25.88 14.64
Math Proficiency 59.21 25.88 15.32

Academic Achievement

This indicator looks at the achievement level of students on the statewide AK STAR and DLM summative assessments in the content areas of English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics.

% Proficient:
This field indicates the percent of proficient FAY students and is calculated by dividing the number of proficient FAY students by the number of FAY students tested in this content area, ELA or Mathematics. See Appendix D for the rules impacting the display of this data.
The system weight for ELA proficiency and Mathematics proficiency is 16.23% for each content area. If a school does not have at least ten students represented in an indicator even after aggregation, then there is no value for that indicator and the weighting is proportionally redistributed to the other indicators that do have values.
If the school has a participation rate of 95% or greater, the academic achievement value is calculated by dividing the count of FAY students who were proficient or advanced in the content area by the number of FAY students who tested in the content area, then multiplying by 100. If a school does not meet the participation rate of 95% or greater, the academic achievement value is calculated by dividing the total number of students who were either proficient or advanced by 95% of the total FAY students in the tested grades (not just those students who tested) and multiplying by 100. As an example, if a grade span had 237 students, 95% of 237 is 225.15 students. A school that had less than 95% participation would have its number of proficient or advanced students in the grade span divided by 226 to calculate the percent proficient.
  • 80/20 Rule: If the value is less than or equal to 20, the reported value for the indicator will be 0. If the value is greater than 80, the reported value for the indicator will be 100. The 80/20 rule has been established to protect student privacy in Alaska’s smaller schools. However, for the system to be fair to all schools, the suppression rule must be applied consistently to every school.

English Learner Progress

Subcategory Value Weight for School Points
English Learner Progress n/a n/a n/a

English Learner Progress

This indicator demonstrates the percentage of English Learners that have met or exceeded their growth target. Growth targets are determined annually based on a student’s performance on ACCESS for English Language Learners (ELLs) in the baseline year.

The system weight for English Learner Progress is 16.23%. If a school does not have at least ten students represented in an indicator even with aggregation, then there is no value for that indicator and the weighting is proportionally redistributed to the other indicators.
This field is the percentage of EL students in the grade span that have met or exceeded their growth target multiplied by 100.
  • 80/20 Rule: If the value is less than or equal to 20, the reported value for the indicator will be 0. If the value is greater than 80, the reported value for the indicator will be 100. The 80/20 rule has been established to protect student privacy in Alaska’s smaller schools. However, for the system to be fair to all schools, the suppression rule must be applied consistently to every school.
  • Minimum “n” Rule: A reported value of “n/a” indicates that there were less than 10 students represented in this indicator.
Weight for School:
This field indicates the weight of this particular indicator in the school’s total value. If one or more of the system’s indicators do not meet the “minimum n” requirement of 10 students with aggregation, the system weight for that indicator is proportionally redistributed to the remaining indicators that meet the “minimum n”. A weight of “n/a” indicates that there were less than 10 students even with aggregation represented in this indicator.
Represents the points earned for this indicator towards the school’s total value. This value is calculated by multiplying the value of the indicator by the weight for the school.

Graduation Rate

Subcategory Value Weight for School Points
Four-Year 82.43 19.93 16.43
Five-Year 97.56 6.63 6.47

Graduation Rate

Graduation Rate: Four Year

This indicator looks at the number of students who graduated from high school within four years of enrolling as ninth graders. The four-year graduation rate is calculated by dividing the number of students who graduated in four years or less by the total number of students in the four-year cohort.

The system weight for four-year graduation rate is 12.5%. If a school does not have at least ten students represented in an indicator, then there is no value for that indicator and the weighting is proportionally redistributed to the other indicators.
Calculated by dividing the number of graduates in the four-year cohort group by the number of students in the four-year cohort group, then multiplying by 100.
  • 80/20 Rule: The 80/20 rule does not apply to the four-year graduation rate.
  • Minimum “n” Rule: A reported value of “n/a” indicates that there were less than 10 students represented in this indicator.
Weight for School:
This field indicates the weight of this particular indicator in the school’s total value. If one or more of the system’s indicators do not meet the “minimum n” requirement of 10 students even after aggregation, the system weight for that indicator is proportionally redistributed to the remaining indicators that meet the “minimum n”. A weight for school of “n/a” indicates that there are less than 10 students represented in this indicator.
Represents the points earned for this indicator towards the school’s total value. This value is calculated by multiplying the value of the indicator by the weight for the school.

Graduation Rate: Five Year

This indicator looks at the number of students who graduated from high school within five years of enrolling in ninth grade. The five-year graduation rate is calculated by dividing the number of students who graduated in five years or less by the total number of students in the five-year cohort.

The system weight for five-year graduation rate is 4.16%. If a school does not have at least ten students represented in an indicator, then there is no value for that indicator and the weighting is proportionally redistributed to the other indicators.
Calculated by dividing the number of graduates in the five-year cohort group by the number of students in the five-year cohort group, then multiplying by 100.
  • 80/20 Rule: The 80/20 rule does not apply to the five-year graduation rate.
  • Minimum “n” Rule: A reported value of “n/a” indicates that there were less than 10 students represented in this indicator.
Weight for School:
This field indicates the weight of this particular indicator in the school’s total value. If one or more of the system’s indicators do not meet the “minimum n” requirement of 10 students even after aggregation, the system weight for that indicator is proportionally redistributed to the remaining indicators that meet the “minimum n”. A weight for school of “n/a” indicates that there are less than 10 students represented in this indicator.
Represents the points earned for this indicator towards the school’s total value. This value is calculated by multiplying the value of the indicator by the weight for the school.

School Quality / Student Success

Subcategory Value Weight for School Points
Grade 3 ELA n/a n/a n/a
Chronic Absenteeism 65.41 21.68 14.18

School Quality / Student Success

Chronic Absenteeism

This indicator looks at the number of students that are not considered chronically absent. Chronic absenteeism is defined as missing at least 10% of the days in which a student was enrolled at the school. Only students that have been enrolled for at least one half of the school term are considered in the chronic absenteeism indicator. The chronic absenteeism indicator is not considered for correspondence schools and schools located in facilities where students are incarcerated.

The system weight for chronic absenteeism is 13.6%. If a school does not have at least ten students represented in an indicator after aggregation, then there is no value for that indicator and the weighting is proportionally redistributed to the other indicators.
This field indicates the percentage of students enrolled for at least one half of the school term who did NOT meet the definition of chronically absent during the 2017-2018 school year, multiplied by 100. If 15% of the students in the grade span were chronically absent, the value would be 85.
  • 80/20 Rule: The 80/20 rule does not apply to attendance data.
  • Minimum “n” Rule: A reported value of “n/a” indicates that there were less than 10 students represented in this indicator. If the school is a correspondence school or a school located in facilities where students are incarcerated, the reported value for chronic absenteeism is also “n/a”.
Weight for School:
This field indicates the weight of this particular indicator in the school’s total value. If one or more of the system’s indicators do not meet the “minimum n” requirement of 10 students, the system weight for that indicator is proportionally redistributed to the remaining indicators that meet the “minimum n”.
Represents the points earned for this indicator towards the school’s total value. This value is calculated by multiplying the value of the indicator by the weight for the school.

Grade 3 ELA

This indicator looks at the number of Grade 3 students who were either proficient or advanced on the PEAKS ELA summative assessment. Grade 3 ELA proficiency is calculated by dividing the number of Grade 3 FAY students at the proficient or advanced achievement level on the PEAKS ELA summative assessment by the total number of FAY Grade 3 students that tested.

If the school has a participation rate of less than 95%, the Grade 3 ELA value is calculated by dividing the count of 3rd grade students who were either proficient or advanced by 95% of the FAY 3rd grade students, then multiplying by 100.

% Proficient:
This field indicates the percent of proficient 3rd Grade FAY students and is calculated by dividing the number of proficient 3rd Grade FAY students by the number of 3rd Grade FAY students tested in this content area, ELA or Mathematics. See Appendix D for the rules impacting the display of this data.
The system weight for Grade 3 ELA proficiency is 21.05%. If a school does not have at least ten students represented in an indicator even after aggregation, then there is no value for that indicator and the weighting is proportionally redistributed to the other indicators.
This field is the percentage of FAY Grade 3 students who were proficient or advanced on the ELA assessment in 2018 multiplied by 100.
  • 80/20 Rule: If the value is less than or equal to 20, the reported value for the indicator will be 0. If the value is greater than 80, the reported value for the indicator will be 100. The 80/20 rule has been established to protect student privacy in Alaska’s smaller schools. However, for the system to be fair to all schools, the suppression rule must be applied consistently to every school.
  • Minimum “n” Rule: A reported value of “n/a” indicates that there were less than 10 students represented in this indicator.
Weight for School:
This field indicates the weight of this particular indicator in the school’s total value. If one or more of the system’s indicators do not meet the “minimum n” requirement of 10 students, the system weight for that indicator is proportionally redistributed to the remaining indicators that meet the “minimum n”. A weight for school of 0% indicates that there were less than 10 students represented in this indicator.
Represents the points earned for this indicator towards the school’s total value. This value is calculated by multiplying the value of the indicator by the weight for the school.

* Aggregated data (multiple years) used to calculate score.

^Reporting Protocol - Top-Bottom Suppression.pdf

Student Group Index Values

The Student Group Index Value is used to identify inequities within a school. The Student Group Index Value will trigger a school designation of Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (ATSI) if the student group index value falls below the 5% Performance Threshold. The 5% Performance Threshold is the greatest index value of the lowest 5% of Title I schools identified as needing Comprehensive Support and Intervention (CSI). For the 2022-2023 System for School Success, the 5% Performance 7.62.

African American n/a
Alaska Native/American Indian 59.54
Asian/Pacific Islander 77.34
Caucasian 71.37
Hispanic n/a
Two or More Races n/a
Students With Disabilities 17.29
English Learners n/a
Economically Disadvantaged 57.16
5% Student Group Performance Threshold 1 7.62

1 If a school has a student group index value equal to or less than the 5% Performance Threshold, the school is designated as an Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (ATSI) School for that student group. Schools with the same student group index value that is equal to or less than the 5% Performance Threshold for three years in a row receive a designation of Comprehensive Support and Improvement – Target Support (CSI-TSI).

Sitka High School - System for School Success (2024)


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Name: Tyson Zemlak

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.