The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

3 HOCKEY PLAYERS OPEN SCHEDULES ON COLISEUM ICE TODAY YOUNG AMATEUR THE SPRINGFIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1941 Hockey Lads in Rally With Opening Day Due Eddie Shore and John Mitchell Among Those Who! Address Young Pucksters On Eve of Season's Inaugural at E. S. Coliseum Here. This Morning The Greater Springfield Junior Amateur Hockey league's "kid" pucksters participated in A gigantic hockey rally last night at the Hotel Bridgway as a prelude to the opening of the circuits this morning at 8 at the Eastern States coliseum ice rink on the West side. Eddie Shore, the Springfield Indians hockey owner, who graciously puts the West -side ice rink at the youngsters' disposal winter long, was the big attraction.

at Along with the popular Edmonton the Express were John Mitchell, Springtield Indians great little coach, and Walter Graham, sports editor of The Springfield Daily News. Both were given EL rousing cheer by the hundreds of "kids" in attendance. John Is. Sullivan. connected with the "kid" hockey leagues ever since their inception, Doc" Lou Lumbertini, his aid through the many yeara promotion of the puck sport, and Hay Wright, league secretary, also held honored seats at the rally.

George C. Stebbing, president of the Greater Springfield Junior Amateur Hockey circuits, acted as toastmaster for occasion. Stebbins also addressed the boys and told them of the fine opportunities Eddie Shore was giving them to play under a covered roof and the efforts he was expending to make the leagues as well organized as the best of the leading amateuuntry. pro hockey leagues Shore explained to the "kids" what he has been attempting to do to give them the finest organized leugue possible. Ile asked the boys to aid him in his endeavors and to cooperate by keeping within the rules and regulations of the league.

He said true sportsmanship and honesty in adhering to those rules, at this stage in one's life meant a future to every boy that none could ever point to with anything but trust and admiration. lIe asked the boys to remember that he renting the coliseum, the same. as some of the boys' parents were renting their home, and he asked their cooperation in keeping it in the best of condition through a little restraint and thoughtfulness. said he knew he could depend on them to do this. Johnny Mitchell said that he would be on.

hail many mornings throughcut the season and that both he and his pucksters would he willing at all times to help the junior in the fundamentals of the sport. Sports Editor Walter Graham told off the goal that he and Eddie Shore and have the league boys officials realize have and reach. sought ate said they wish to I make this great sport of hockey and the Greater Springfield Junior Amateur leagues community "items that will be spoken of in terms bespeaking the finest elements of both sportsmanship and excellency of play for a group of youngsters. He said he hoped the boys realized what the league officials and those Interested in them are attempting to do for them. He said it is their hope make them fine pucksters, but above all fine boys and future citizens the community will honor and respect.

John L. Sullivan' 'spoke of his many years connected with the sport. He mentioned the days when he scraped together enough teams to play at the Forest park rinks when the coliseum's covered surface was not to he had. He said that through all manner of adversity he has attempted to keep greater Springfield's kids happy and engaged in the sports they love best. He said hockey was one of his greatest Sports, but that he had "kid" teams in every popular sport they would play.

He asked all to make this the greatest hockey year in junior antateur puck history. The rally was topped off with an awarding of prizes to the "kids" in Attendance. Albert Sinico and Bobby received hockey sticks; Donald Firth, Fred Ackley received hockey guards: Edward Maloney, Paul Gray, William Fitzmaurice, Gerald Woods, and Nicholas Rosetti received pucks. prizes went to Bernard Cawley and Roland Durocher, who received two passes each to tonight's Indians-Buffalo game. Ant Johnny Mitchell, a youngster from Longmeadow.

who received A pair of hockey skates, got the grand prize. Today's A (14 to 16) Meat Side Olympics againet Went Side Girystal Cafe 8.00 Last Springfield Americans against Uhicopre Falle Braves to 8.12 JUNIOR (1? Forest Park Rangers against Forest Park Thunderbolts 9.17 Melha Tigers against Longmradow Tigers Warriors 9.27 Lonemeadow Fast cotingfeld .10.21 JUNIOR to 12; Wish Side Stars acainst Forest l'ark Rangers Juniors 10.31 Program concludes at ELECTRIC PLAYER TO SEEK MAJOR BERTH Pittsfield. Nov. 21 Gene Lovett, former Harvard university athlete, who played the outfield for the Pittsfield Electrics of the Canadian-American league and end for the St Mary's Golden Bears, will complete his course at Harvard in February. Gene joined the Pittsfield Electrics the middle of Auguat and remained the rest of the senson with the team, also figuring in the playoffs.

His heavy hitting and dependable fielding proved a big factor in the success of the club. Lovett has been given his release in accordance with an agreement reached when 'he signed a contract with the Pittsfield a club. He expects to sign either with the Detroit Tigers or Roston Red Sox and he sent to 3 minor Iraguo team. Shauno Collins, former P'hillie manager, who scouts for Detroit, arranged to have Gene join the Pittsfield club and also recommended that the Tigers fake him on to play on a minor lensue team. As Gene was with the Electrics through the playofis it was not possible to release him until the time had expired a when various leagues could draft.

No Pittsfield, player was taken in the draft and that was somewhat surprising as offers had been received fora Lloyd, Jerry Moore, Navrocki. Connie Possibly Woltkowlak one more of those players will be sold during the winter. Racing Consensus AT 1-awita, High Martin, Baba. 2-Madison, Night Tide, Full o' Run. 3-Close Kin, San Francisco, Eldee.

4-Cadet Bob, Adolf. Sun Girl. 5-Fritz, Argella, Stimuli. (Match raze)-Sweet Willow. Wine Mose.

6-Wanna Hygro, Fencing, Cease Fire. 7-County Cork, Dianapat. Slight Error. -Abyssinia, Mowseen, Sir Eimer. Best -County Cork.

AT IF 1-H-aid. Shadows Pass, Lady Andy. tialf, Gimpey. -Crius. Connie Plaut.

Marzaca. -lale de Pine. Boster, Michigan Sun. -America Fore. Post Haste, Markaman.

Nicht Glow, Rosetonn. Jay Jay. Regent, Janegri, Dusky Fox. R- No. Sir.

Star of Padula, Bury Man. Best-Crius. Amateur Hockey Players Make Final Plans up on eve of opening of leagues entry blank; George C. Stebbins, Standish Bradford, Arthur Bogue, Lambertini, Secretary Ray HORSE RAG GIN RESULTS A AT BOWIE Baltimore, Nov. 21 Clyde 0.

Tolson aN Brigade he turned the the Tinish a length and a halt to tables on drove good to to win the Carvel Hall handicap the six furlongs at Bowie today. Clyde Tolat was another length and half before gon Night Editor ir. the field of five. Ken Mehad ite mount on the winner was AS aveng- the Mrs Combe Ethel D. Jacoba's charge ing a needed 1.13 for the distance in recent by Clyde Tolson.

Air Brigade mile. Time 1.15 2-3. 10.90 3.600 Mystique Acre (Day) (Strickler) 6 7.30 3.10 Bright Newfoundland (Keiper) 8.10 Also ran: Sweeping Lee. Bluffer, Snarle- Myrtle M. Ingerfre, aLit tp.

a Showtop, yow, Argo Lassie. Sampler. A A--H. Horkheimer entry. SECOND RACE-3-year olds and up: mile.

Time 1.14 3-3. 4.30 4.10 Misrule a.loanny (McCombs) 5.30 4.10 8.00 Hostess (Scott) Farrell. 9.80 Happy Also Wake, High Bud! aLerLin, St Dismas, Fold Under, Perth Amboy, Fitmiss, Meadow Gold. mite. Time Hardy 1-3.

Bud (Breen) ...20.30 8.30 6.50 1.14 Sun Triad (N. Wall) 5.90 4.50 Docket (trickier) 5.80 er Lad. Night Rain, Laughy and Play, Hada Also" ran: Jimson Belle. Pettacairn, QuakStar. Butcher Boy.

Mr Jim. Escolar. mile. FOURTH RACE 2-year-olds: .1 Aunt Ada (Berg) 12.20 6.30 Time 1.14 1-3. Solar Star (Meade) 4.20 3.40 Clip lop Wall) 6.20 Also ran: Hearts Entwine.

Automaton, Many Lands, Connte Jean. Bright. Henrina, Ballyarnett, Brother Dear. Lithograph. FIFTH RACE--All ages: 1 mile and 70 JUBILEE LEAGUE VOTES TWO CLUBS Fort Meadows, Holy Name Complete Local CircuitOpener Listed, Dec.

7 The Golden Jubilee Basketball league brought its membership up: to six trams last night at 3. meeting in The Republican office when it voted the Fort Meadow team of Westfield and the local Holy Name outfit, who were here with their entrance fecs. The other four clubs already slated to get off the mark are Emery Cafe, Franklin Cleaners, Catholic Action Club and lope Church. 'The league also voted to postpone the opening of the season to Decemher 7, instead of the 30th, 60 that the program would in no way conflict with a. home date by the Churchill football team.

The by -laws of the league were adopted and tickets will be out soon with the team managers to build up an advance sale. All games are to be played at the local Dosa' club on Sunday afternoons. The Fort Meadow team, which entered the 'circuit last night, had a fine record last winter, winning 24 out of 28 games and copping the championship Bill McCrystal's Ware as runner-un the Woronocol tournament. Then club also Anished Strathmore tourney. Joe Horosco in manager of the club, which has "Red" Logan Among as its the coach.

prominent players. on this outfit are such former Westfield High stars as Ed Sokolowski, Stanley and Henry Kaminski, Jack Schoenrock and Al Bucko. John Bieda, an all- Western Massachusetts player with Westfield Trade, is another member of the Fort Meadows club while Coach Logan predicts he may come up with the league's surprise in John Malcovsky. A player from Pennsylvania. who has shown up.

very well in practices. to date. The circuit is due to hold another meeting next Friday night at 7.30 at The Republican offices on Cypress street, and by that time the loop managers will present their final player lists for the opening games. Lists turned In to date have only been temporary, 1 ZUPPKE ENDS LONG ILLINOIS POST TODAY Evanston, Nov. 21-(AP) -The curtain will be drawn on the coaching career of Bob Zuppke, head mentor at the University of Illinois for 20 years, with the Northwestern -Illinois game tomorrow.

A of 30,000 will witness the season's windup, in which Northwestern is favorite. Zuppke started his "Big Ten" career against Northwestern in 1913, with the Illini 37 to 0. Between halves tomorrow Zuppke will be presented with a. plaque in recognition of his services. Local amateur hockey players sign are: Francis Kenney, signing his row; John L.

Sullivan, director; Bookmakers Make Harvard 5-1 Favorite Over Yale By JOHN LARDNER Newe York, Nov. 21-Here are the football odds fon this weekend, as crated to your correspondent by' a bookmaker with a warm smile and a cold heart. they come in of Watch for Upsets Check the returns as and see how form stands up: Pennsylvania 6-5 over Cornell. in Harvard 5-4 over Yale. Penn State 7-5 over Pittsburg.

Fordham 4-1 over St Marys. Army 3-1 over West 'Virginia. Holy Cross 2-1 over Temple. Navy 3-1 over Princeton. Lafayette 3-1 over Lehigh.

Colgate 8-5 over Columbia. Georgia 41 over Dartmouth. Mississippi 8-5 over Arkansas. Duke 5-1 over North Carolina State. Alabama 3-1 over Vanderbilt.

Tennessee 3-1 over Kentucky. 2-1 over Florida. Michigan 2-1 over Ohio State. Purdue 8-5 over Indiana. Minnesota, over 4-t over Nebraska.

Wisconsin. Northwestern 3-1 over Illinois. Oklahoma 8-3 Marquettes Notre Dame 7-2 over Southern California. Missouri 3-1 over Kansas. Texas Christian 8-5 over Rice.

Southern Methodist 7-5 over Baylor. Washington 3-2 over Oregon. Santa Clara 2-1 over UCLA. Oregon State 4-1 over Montana. In prize fights, when a 6-to-1 favorite loses, three men in 10 stick their Stick tongues their in the tongues in the right cheek, left cheek, three others and the remaining four, though keeping their tongues on an even keel, break out with cynical leers.

In other words, the public is suspicious of tire fight racket--much more SO than is necessary. Last week two college football teams which were 6-10-1 favorites succeeded in blowing the duke, Stanford and Texas. No one pointed the finger of suspicion, and nobody thought. of doing 'so. The reason 6-tofavorites lose in football is There never gas been a legitimate 6-to-1 favorite.

not when two teams from the same league meet, ag waS the case with Stanford and Washington State and Texas and Texas Christian. This week the gamblers quote Harvard 5 to 1 over Yale. To followers of fight, racing. and even tennis form, this seems logical enough. The red says so.

Harvard, a keen, bruising, well-couched team, is -probably as good as any cast of. the Appalachians right now. Remember, said right, now, not early last month. Yale, on the other hand. Is a light and green ball club which won its first game of the year coming from behind and has lost every game since -to the extent that it showed signs of demoralization last Saturday, which is not surprising in a young team with new coach.

So the form says 5 to 1. The chances are that Harvard will win handily, but the zealot who gives any such odds as those is daffy. The bookmaker would be daffy too. if that wert the only game of the week, bus one item on a long and -conceived partly list- and to scare the off bookie the quotes favorite the smart money. He doesn't want Harvard hets, and that's what Now he did means TCU when beat he Texas, says and 5 howl at Eastern States coliseum.

Seated at the table, left to right, Edward Shore, Indian owner and sponsor. Back this morning of the Indians, Bill Landen, Eddie Killeen, "Doc" Lou president of the league; Coach John Mitchell Wright, Fred Brooks, Robert Brooks. Today's Today's Entries AT ROCKINGHAM FIRST RACE $1000; claiming: 3-year-olds and up; 1 1-16 miles (10) 113 Richestan 109 Lost Gold 112 103 Baba Wakita 107 xLiberty Torch 100 107 Wallace E. 100 High Martin 113 xAlley. SECOND RACE $1000: claiming; 3-year-olds and up; 1 1-16 miles xTellemort (10): Full Run 113 Night Knight Tide duch*ess 104 xCarrer Girl 103 113 American Money Madison 113 Noodles 107 Country Lass 103 xOkapilida THIRD RACE $1000: claiming: 3-year-olds and up: miles (10): 113 xPlacer Inn 18.3 Close Troubador 113 Nospil 104 Gay xSanoma 107 Wrought Iron 113 Serajevo 102 Laurana Lyons 102 Eldee '101 xl'ossibility xSan Francisco 101 TOURTH RACE claiming: 3-year-olds and up: 6 $1019: Ball furlongs 0 Fire 113 Sun Girl 112 (8): 111 xCadet Bob 104 Veyu Adolf 113 Taxi 110 107 Lemont 111 xSun Ivy FIFTH RACE $1200: claiming; 3-year-olds and up: 6 furlongs Argella (10) 10S xMilk and lioney 104 Range Dust 117 P'assing One Cloud 90 110 Chalmac 111 One live (irass 117 Joss Stick 109 114 Fritz 113 Stimuli the Special fifth and Match sixth races; purse $0000; added race to be run between the New Hampshire Special weights handi- (2): cap: 3-year-olds and up: 6 furlongs 108 Sweet Willow 118 Wise Doss SIXTH RACE $1200: claiming: 3-year-olds and up 11-16 Fencing 118 miles (0): Rebbin 101 Cease Fire 113 Majorette 110 Victory Bound 104 Wanna Hygro NEVENTA RACE $1000: claiming: 3-year-olds and up; 1 1-16 miles Fiddle (12): Paddle 106 Gazelle 103 108 Mitza 101 Well Recoy Read 10; 108 107 xkay3 Pride 104 xMattapony Cork 110 Slight Error 113 xCounty Gen Day Done 100 xCrown EIGHTH RACE $1000: claiming: 3-year-olds And up: miles Elmer 113 Wichita 106 (10) Sir 115 Mill River 111 Abyssinia 103 Bonny Imp 100 xSencga xMowscen 309 A Personable 104 Flag 111 xRose B.

90 allowance claimed. AT BOWIF claiming; EINST 3-year-olds and up; 6 RACE $1200; furlongs Andy (18) 104 Easter Rabbi 107 Lady 112 Shadows Pass 115 San Hanid Stefana 104 Doctors Nurse 122 Chirp 114 Lady Timarolo 107 Sparrow xslow Brazen Pace Hussy 112 90 Mac's Yellow Cantor Dragon 125 .107 Toy Foot 107 Fortissimo Command 112 Sun Monia 109 Rough Chafm 110 Pete's Prince 107 Engles SECOND RACE $1200: claiming; 3-year-olda and up; mile and three-sixteenths (18): Groucher 101 xHome 106 Better Halt 109 Pascua 114 Blockader 108 Say Guerrilla Judge 112 xCity Judge 104 Fortunate Hoop j01 Steel Busy King lingers 109 106 About 101 Wood Blaze 103 10i xScout xGiinpey 107 Second Priority Best 100 xCenterville 110 Chigre 112 THIRD RACE $1200: claiming; 3-year-olds and up: 1 3-16 miles (18) 107 On 100 xSweep Royal 101 Bullterrier 119 Going 104 Hezdrel. 118 xin Memory 109 xOid 104 Solatiun One 104 A -Good story. 109 Will 10) Crius 2123 Dot 111 A -William 113 Gendarme 112 xFeed l'atch 103 a Connie Plaut Bob's Squad 104 a--C. -C.

Hadaway. RACE entry. FOURTH $1900: claiming: 2-year-olds; 1 mile and to yards 112 John Hunnicutt 110 Rush 97 Michigan Sun 113 110 What Excuse 113 Calatan 110 Duty First 108 Hostee Sir 114 Impregnable 114 Brave 109 Milky Moon 114 xBlue xEarly Nose Spring 102 Little Monarch 109 xIale De l'ine 16Ni RACE $1200: maidens: FIFTH colts geldings; 2 yearolds: furlongs (10) 115 Calcutta 113 Grenadier 113 l'ost. Wheat Muste 115 Bright Finish 113 Little P'elican 11. WIld Walter, Chance Haight 115 American Pore 111 110 xG.

C. Hamilton 110 Darting Star, 110 113 Marksman 113 Sea Slave 113 113 xIncentor A One' SIXTH RACE 8.3000: added: the Prince George Autumn Handicap: all. ages: 1-10 miles (18): 112 Aaon Barr 111 Defy Indians Tonight 'Time 1.49 1-5. Misting (Sisto) 7.80 16.90 3.00 11.30 4.20 Milk Flip (May) Free Trader (Day) 6.30 Also ran: Pilatesun, Henzibah, Horticulturist. Fuezo.

St Peter, Pittsburgh, Vain, Bonnie Alfred. SIXTH RACE--All ages: mile. Time 1.13. Air Brigade (Mel'omhs) 6.20 2.00 2.20 2.10 ('lyde Tolson (Keiper) 2.90 Night Editor (Meadr) 2.40 Also ran: Swabia, Quakertown. 1-16 miles, Time.

1.49. SEVENTH and up: Son Altesse (Wall 4.30 3.10 2.30 Army Song (McCombs) 6.60 3. J0 Mordecai (Kelser) 3.00 Also ran: Rough Time, Cheesestraw, Jacsteal. EIGHTH and up; 3-16 miles. Time, 2.06 Love Mark (McCombs) ..10.20 5.80 4.40 a Big Jark (Olivera) 8.30 6.10 Stand Alone (Lemmons) 5.40 Also ran: Silver Pick, Wire Me.

Idle Night, Miss Neptune. Grey Pertros. a Sir Broadside, Pack Saddle, Slave Charm, The Scoundrel. AT ROCKINGIAN FIRST RACE-4-year-olds and up: 11 miles. Time 4-3.

Florian (Guerin) .10.20 6.00 00 Old River (k. Craig) 12.20 1.10 Liberty Torch (T. Atkinston) 17.00 Also Broad Tail. Gigi, Stable. Well Read.

Lovick. Billy Lee, Repeller, Mollie Gal. County Bond SECOND "RACE-3-year-olds and up: mile. Time 1:14 1-J. Gallant Stroke (T.

Atkinson) 7.20 3,20 Rough Biscuit (W. 1. Taylor) 3.00 2.800 Buck's Image (Lunch) 4.60 Also ran: flieronymus. Recoy, Hittic, Bully Time, Claro. Blossom Queen.

THIRD RACE-2-year-olda: mile. Time 1:14 8-3. Time Svelte. (T. Atkinson) 5.20 3.000 North Bound (Brunnelle) 3.60 2.60 Header 2.80 Also ran: Very Graceful, Pettine, Tiara, Play Spa.

Time 1:13 3-5. FOURTH RACE 3-year-olde: mile. Dainty Ford (Dattilo) 10.20 4.60 2.80 Embrace (Mehrtens) 5.60 3.10 Two Kick (Guerin) 2:80 Also ran: Red Mantilla, Bit O'Green, I Plumcot. FIFTH RACE-4-year-olds 7 and up: mile. Time 1:13 1-3.

Sassy Mate (Pollard) 15.80 6 3.60 3.00 Ball-0-Fire (W. I. Taylor) 3.60 2. AD Gay (Brunnelle) Arrow, Trimmed, Soigne. Also ran: Count Cotton, 'Grandeem, Mack's SIXTH RACE-3-year-olds And up: Lou miles.

Bright (Dattilo) 9.00 04.20 3.20 Time 1:31 2-5. Blumere (Mehrtens) 3.89 4.20 Wee Scot Bonnie 0,40 Also ran: Oso, Hendersonian, Vixen, SEVENTH Pistol -Pete, and up: Arabesque. 1. 1-16 Stat miles. IT.

Time. Atkinson) 1.48. 6.80 4.20 3.00 Top Orcades (Torres) 3.20 3.80 Slowsren (Dattilo) 3.20 Also ran: Sanonta. J'apa Jack, Royal Taste, Dark Level. Prince Splendor, Upset Dove.

EIGHTH American Money. and up; Mobrap 1-16 (Gurrin) .18.20 7.60 4.60 miles. Time, 1.17 1-3. Somali (Dattilo) 4.20 3.20 5.40 Catomar (Rogers) Also ran: French Trap, ('hanue Run. Noodies, Jeh Squart, Sun High.

PITTSFIELD HOOPSTERS MAY JOIN HOOP LOOP Pittsfield, Nov. St Mary's Golden Bears' basketball team, that is to he sponsored by Cool, State guard, is considering an invitation to join the New York State league and may accept. A decision will be reached in the next few days. Officers of the league have been in city and have made it known the directors want to have Pittsfield in the circuit. Albany, Troy, Saratoga Springs and Glens Falls have taken franchises in the league and it is intended to have one more team.

Gloversville and Cohoes were in. the loop last year but are not represented now. A meeting of the directors of the league will He he'd Sunday att Saratoga, and it will be decided then at least a few days later whether. or not Pittsfield will be in the circuit. W.

CUNNINGHAM, Bisons 0 MI. DROUILLARD, Bisons -I. A' Bisons Oppose Indians On Rink Here Tonight Injury Keeps. Maxie Bennett at Home but 'Rusty' Waldriff Is With Buffalo Hockey Squad This TimeIndians Raring to Go at Tepee SEARLES LINEUP IS TAKING SHAPE Keefe and Pultorek Are Regulars Back From 1941 So. Champs the.

local Ifall park. TENNESSEE PICKED OVER KENTUCKY CLUB Great Barrington, Nov. 21-Now that the football season is over for the Scarles High gridmen, the boys have started to work on the polished SUrface and get into shape for the wirter's basketball Only two veterans are 011 hand to form the nucleus for this year's quintet, namely Eddie Keefe, center, and Stanley Pultorek, guard. he has only these two veterans, Coach Alphonso stated that probably the team won't, be as strong as last season's championship outfit, he expecta a pretty fair aggregation. With Lee High strutting a veteran team this year, the Searles boys will have to click right front the onset to retain their laurels.

But it has been proven in the past, tlmt the local school could open the season with practically a green team, and go on to win the title over teams that were heavily laden with veterans. So the home fans now do not sell the chances for the local boys too short. Coach Alphonso has been working out with A combination of Keefe center, Pultorek at one guard position, and Tommy Kotleski, a clever ball handler, in the other guard post, Joe a rangy forecourt man in one Boot and Joe Lis, the other forecourt post. This group seems to be getting in stride well enough to please Alphonso, that he considered this would probably be the starting five this year. Other promising stars from last year's second string are Bob Curtiss, a guard, Leigh Curtiss, Joe Kotleski.

Harry Dezieck, Bill Milani, Chet Lis and George Adams. forwards. These boys do A pretty good job on the polished surface but don't quite come up to the standard of play AS the first mentioned five. Many freshmen are members of the squad, and will be groomed along during the winter months for experience. The first home game is slated tor December 2, when Pittsfield will open its season a week from' comes here.

It may be that Friday with A galle out of town. Coach Alphonso stated that arrange. ments were still pending. The schedule is still incomplete. DUKE ELEVEN MEETS NO.

CAROLINA STATE Raleigh, N. Nov. 21-(AP)both Steve Lach candidates for postseason, footand Duke universityball honors--will face tests of the current foothall canipaign in Riddick stadium here tomorrow, against unpredictable N. C. State college.

The kickoff is at 2 p. m. Tomorrow is homecoming day at State, and a capacity audience is expected to fill every one of the 15,000 scats in Vintage I'ort 109 He Rolls Up The Hill 108 c-Mae Chance Saguenay 4d 100 Rodin a- Night Glow 114 Lumiere Eclipse 11:: Nolie Bly Omission 118 Jay Jay Here Goes 102 A-Ringie Rosetown 120 Sir Marlboro Jacobs-I. Bieber entry. SEVENTH RACE $1,00: claiming; 3-year-olds and uni miles (8): Regent 116 Charming Herod 106 Dusky Fox October Ale 109 Gerneaux a -Valdina 1.e0 111 a -Jane-Gri A -H.

G. Bedwell entry. EIGHTH RACE: claiming: 3-year-olds and up; 1 miles 101: Rusy Man 107 Peace Transmitter 113 Star of pRadula Darby Du 117 Oversight Flying Plaid 107 No Sir Setting Sun 101 Belle D'Amour? clear: track. fast. 2-Apprentice allowance claimed.

(6) $1000, claiming, 2-year-olds, 1-16 milea AT TANFOR.IN FIRST RACE Playtime 7. Girl 111 105 Supprose Rallandchain 113 Preview Actor Old Rose 111 xl'lucky Muffin Greenock 10; Tredoon Kerry 100 Toe freyal Rick 107 Valdina Gadget Iron Guard 114 Keep Punchin SECOND RACK $1000, claiming, 3-year-olds, 1 1-16 miles (16): Carrolla Joy 111 Little Ginger Carmel Boy 111 A Min Joe Nominator 300 xHi Beautiful Shadow Box 111 Angel Face Corinthian 111 x.My Edith Miss O' Doon 110 Anita Chiquita Iron D'eter 118 Ductor Jones xYour Move 101 xGanetto THIRD RACK $1000, claining, 3-year-olds, 8 furlongs (12) Kiosk 111 Swept Grapes Ira l'an 117 Lady Listo Chat 117 Winnamucca Lite Greeuock 109 Bubble Lil xCanfeld 14; Sister Even Roll 117 aWilly a- F. Ilaldeman entry. FOURTH RICE $1000, claiming. 3-year-olds and up, and 70 yards (10): Eizht and Six 112 Torchy Ladys Son 110 Allanwood 111 l'eter Tokalon Brandy 106 Torch Marcher xHadalad 113 Vade Retra FIFTH RACE $1500, claiming, 3-year-olds and up, 1 (7): Pranworth 114 Magic Key Don Listo 110 Time Counts Triplane 117 Valdina Eterno Bucket Head 111 $1000, allowances, 3-year-olds SIXTH RACE and, 1-10 miles (11): Evil Spirit 121 Diavolo Cliff 107 Gallant Sis alron Bunker 112 bRoughaze a Albino 112 alostagal bWild Land 113 Bibliophile Mark 121 A -E.

R. G. Bates 1 b--L. Martin entry. SEVENTH RACE $15.000 added.

the Marchbank handicap, all ages, 11 miles 101 (16): aBulwark Big League Samborombon 122 No Competition Argonne Woods 109 a Count D'Or Bucking 10: (Marriage 11h Pumpgun Yankee Dandy 112 Lostagal Crag Sweepida bRarranco9a 111 bDon. Juan ed Devils a -WV. G. Tarn entry. b--Stock A.

Coward entry. HIGHTH RACE $1500, allowances, 3-year-olds and up, El miles Grandee 109 Seven Devila and 70 yards (8): Flying Valdina Minx 104 Camp Ground Hostess 11; ximitra. Westcan 113 Spiteful YMCA GETTING READY FOR COURT CAMPAIGN With the close of the football seajust around the corner, the basketball program of the YMCA is announced by Frank W. Sawyer, young men's. program, annual director.

Collegiate On Thursday Basketleague will be held each week nights the through the winter season. Entry are available at the physical department store or with Jim Favor, director of the league. The Collegiate league is conducted 011 an individual chosen member entry basis and teams Entries will from those who register. close this league today. The ever popular Nut Basketball day, the 90th.

This league is made up league will get under way on Saturof groups of members who play together on regular teams. Each team is made up of outstanding players within membership and some keen competition is developed throughout the season. Last year the Nut league was won by the Peanuts. and Capt. John Sweeney has indicated that his forms group will again enter a team.

Entry Are now available, at the physical de- W. partment with Frank Sawyer and entry forma have also heen mailed out to last year's groups. will be limited to eight teams and the However, all are notified that entries first eight teams to complete their entry blank will be accepted. National Hockey League Results and Standings Games Goals A Pt. Toronto 23 16 10 Chicago 11 9 Americans 3 17 Boston 1 13 Detroit Rangers 12 13 11 20 3 Canadiens 10 16 GAMES Detroit at Americans.

Rangers at C'anadiens. Chicago at Toronto. BUFFALO SPRINGFIELD Hemmerling, Iw rw, Corrigao Drouillard, C. Kaminans McKay, rw lw, Krol R. Blake.

id rd, MeAndrew Shannon, rd Id, leister Bourque, Atee l'lace, Eastern states coliseum. Time, 8.10 p. m. Buffalo spares: Waldriff, Rim tad, Cunningham, Klein, Toupin. Gracie, Alum, Simmons, Mercer.

Springfield l'eters, Woodward, Meliy, -ummerhill. bill, Lewis, Thomson. Three 20-minute periods, Obviously intent on making the But. falo club's second visit of the to Springfield a profitable one, Coach "Tiny" Thompson brought his Bisons from New York stale here in plenty of time for a practice session Jesterday afternoon al Eastern States coliseum, where the Bisons arc 10 defy the Indians in an American league hockey match tonight at 8.30, Three Good Workouts The splendid new Buffalo arena houses 30 many projccis that prac-. tice time for the Bisons is scarce, However, the Buffalo puckmen have had three good workouts for the impending scrap with the Springfield redskins, inasmuch as they twice for.

ried to Niagara Falls for drills on the frozen surface there prior to put. ting on their sweat togs ern States wigwam yesterday after. noon. The Buffalo Bisons have come town minus that lively right Maxie Bennett, who is married to a local girl. It seems that Bennett sustained a painful injury tO his right knee hile or cavorting in against the Cleveland Barons, AHI defending.

champs, who will he here Tuesday night for the first time this scason, and is not yet in shape to set up shop at his regular place eon the Toupin line. "Tiny" Thompson is not, however, shy the usual number of attackers. "Rusty" Waldriff, former puckman, has returned to duty after having been sidelined for weeks by fractured wrist. And Loren Mercer, who came into this league A.8 a mnember of the P'rovidence Reds A. few years ago, iy capable of 31.

turn up front as well 15 on the backline. And the same is true of Bob Blake, erstwhile Cleveland winger whom Thompson has turned into a rear guards. man. Gracie On Right Wing Thompson plans to use Bob Gracie at right wing in Bennett's place 011 the Toupin line, which has "Dede" Klein on the other side of the clever pivot. Gracie not only is smart campaigner but has a crisp backhand shot.

Waldriff will take Gracie's place at left wing 0n1 the line embracing Rimsiad and Bill Cunningham. "Mickey" Drouillard will strive make plays for Tony Hemmerling an! Murdo McKay. "Chuck" Shannon, Bob Blake. "Salty" Allum, Art Simmons and 140- ren Mercer comprise Buffalo's defends corps. Shannon is of course the Accomplished dribbler who played part of the season for the Springfield Indians tHe Arst year Eddie Shore owned the local franchise.

The Buffalo goalie is Claude Bourque, whose peace of mind is greater since "Tiny" Thompson notified the Buffalo puckmen they must sponsor conservative tactics until their rushes have begun to click in earnest. The. Springfield Indians did not have any practice yesterday inasmuch A 3 Coach Johnny Mitchell had sent them through An arduous workout on the holiday. However, the Springfield redskins did assemble At the Eastern States tepee for the purpose of check-. ing up on their equipment and hearing "Little Johnny" Mitchell give A bare outline of his plans for the Buffalo encounter.

Summerhill Line Mitchell plans to have the Bill Summerhill line, with Doug Lewis and "Pep" Kelly on the wings, start on the attack for the Springfield redriora will be endeavoring 10 repeat skins a tonight, when the tribal waran earlier decision over the Max Kaminsky, Joe Krol. Chuck torBilly Woodward, Freddie Hunt land Jimmy Peters are other atta k- on whom Mitchell will count for points in the coming AlL contest at the wigwam. Capt Frank Reisler. Bob Dill, "Muscles" Me.Andrew and Rhys Thom90n will make up the Springfield rear guard because the signs indicate quite clearly that Eddie Shore's injured shoulder will not heal in time to permit him to play for several days Between the Springfield pipes will be Phil McAtre, the Adgety custodian. whose work in the Tribe's be.

half to date hag been worthy praise. New Haven at Cleveland, Providence at Washington at Hershey and Indianapolis at P'ittsburg are other AHI, games 011 the docket for tonight. A New Haven setback plus a victory for Springfeld will re. turn the Indians to the leadership of the eastern division and leave locals still with their two games-inhand. did Columbia beat Stanford on that niembrable Jauary 1 of: 1931? Overconfidence, to some extent.

That can hurt larvard too. for it is practically impossible, by any physical or psychological method. to change the mind of EL team that thinks it is going to win easily. But my guess is that overconfidence is a secondary factor in such cases, The reason for upsets is much simpler: There just isn't any 6 to 1 or 5 to 1 difference between two teams drawing roughly the same. sort of material from the same region or regions.

Columbia beat Stanford in 1934 because her team was closer to Stanford's in quality than anyone suspected. Indicaing that the material in all regions is basically pretty much alike. The professor's moral is: 'Don't bet on 5 to 1 shots. All right, professor, you can run along now. by PENN STATE FACES PITTSBURG TODAY Pittsburg, Nov.

21-(AP) -A crowd of 25,000 will brave threatening skies tomorrow to watch the favored Pittsburg Panthers tangle with the Nittany Lions of Penn State in Pitt stadium. The Lions through a final workout today at Shadyside academy, polishing plays which they hope. to break the -jinx which has dogged them every time back they yard have played in the Panthers' since 1919, Many expected the contest to develop: into it duel between. Penn State's Bill Swaltz-Len Krouse passing combination and Edgar Jones, whose pass interceptions or "nabled the Panthers Fordham and Nebraska. Kickoff at 2 p.

The STATE Gerveis PITT Bronky, kindelberger Dillon Weir, Allahouse 1g. life Benz Daris, stahl Wearer, Hammond Dutton Smaltz, Saksa American Hockey Loop Results and Standings EASTERN DIVISION Games Goals 1. New SPRINGFIELD Haven 6 22 18 11 29 29 Washington 21 29 34 9 Providence 3 2 24 37 21. 8 Philadelphia 3 3 WESTERN DIVISION Games Goals Indianapolls 33 21 16 Clefoland 24 14 13 Hershey 31 22 10 Buffalo 18 29 Pittsburg 8 TONIGHT 21. GAMES Buifalo at Springfield.

New Haven at Cleveland. Providence at Philadelphia. Washington at Hershey. Indianapolis at Pittsburg. Lexington.

Nov. 21-(AP) here Clear and cold weather prevailed tonight on the eve of the 35th Ten- and nessee-Kentucky football game Kentucky officials predicted 2. capacity crowd of 16,000 would be on hand the kickoff at 1.45 p. m. (CST) tomorrow.

Tennessee's Coach John Barnhill brought in and worked out as squad of 37 husky Volunteers whose condition he described as "just 1 fair" following Boston college hard-earned last 14-7 week. victory over Kentucky's coach, Ab Kirwan, reported his Wildcats in better physical shape than they have been for several weeks. Tennessee, beaten only hy Duke nad Alabama. ruled a heavy favorite over Kentucky, which has lost to all three of its previous Southeastern conference but made a clean sweep of five nonconference opponents. MICHIGAN, OHIO STATE IN TODAY'S FEATURE from Ninth Page) Norwich, center.

COLLEGE HOCKEY Buffalo, N. Nov. 21-(AP)-An Holy ('rose a over a Tempie. Lafayette over Lehigh. C'ornell over Penn.

L'enn State over Pittsburg. over Princeton. Villanova over Auburn. South Jlorida over Georgia Tech. ('lemson over Furman.

(ieorgia over Dartmouth. Tennessee over Kentucky, Mississippi over Arkansas. Duke aver N. (. State.

Alabama over Vanderbilt. W'rat T'urdue Over Indiana. Kansas Ntate over lawa State. Missouri over Kansas. Michigan over Ohio State.

Michigan State over Ohio Wesleyan. Minnesota over Wisconsin. Nebraska over Iowa. Notre Dame over Southern Northwestern over Illinois. California.

Southwest Marquette over Oklahoma, sMt over Baylor. over Elee. Tulsa over Brake. Far. Weat Washington State over Montana.

lionzaga. Oregon State over COLA. Clara over Wachington over Oregon. Lamana, Kurth Named. On All Team Durham, N.

MI. Nov. 21-Boston university, Tufts and Norwich University cach placed three men on the of New. Hampshire'8 all -opponent teani picked today by the Wildcat made players. one shift in position 80 that New Hampshire's squad Art Harrison 0 Tufts could be included in the backfield.

Harrison, a fullback, was named to the righthalfback spot. Quarterbacking the team was big Chick Morris of Boston university, with Walt Domina of Norwich, left halfback, and Pete Largana of Boston university, fullhack, rounding out the Named to the "line were Howard Redgate of Tufts Frank Liebel of Norwich, ends; Karl Kurth of Springfield and Norm Johnson of Bates, tackles: Bill Parsons of Boston university and George Sweeney of Tufts, guards, and Joe McCloskey of intercollegiate hockey game between Dartmouth and Colgate will he played here December 30. the Buffalo Junior Chamber of Commerce, sponsor of the contest, said today. ARMY HOST TODAY. TO WEST VIRGINIA Wests Point.

Nov. 21- -(AI' Army, in its best physical Condition since the Noire Dame game three weeks ago, will aneet an' improving West Virginia football team at Michie stadium tomorrow in the closing game of the Cadets' home schedule. The Cadets' lone casualty is Winback Jere Maupin, still suffering from an ankle injury received in the Penn came last Saturday. Roth will be Accking to bounce back from dofeats. The Cadets lost to Penn a work 14 to 7.

and the West Virginians bowed a to L'enn State. 7 to 0. The lineup: WEST VIRGINIA ARMY Kimhie, le F'a-roll Harris, rt, White Murphy Ken iamin. Williams, 1g, Michel Goodman, 11, Barnette. Jarrell Martin.

lib rhh. Mr Elwee. rib Ihh. mill Schrader, fb, J. Hatch Time of game, m.

Men fetter share and blades tomorrow- PAL today Single BLADES HOLLOW RAZOR GROUND or Double Edge BEST SHAVES EVER 10 tor 4 for OR MONEY PACK i.

The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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