The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)

SIX SEYMOUR DAILV TRIBUNE, SEYMOURINDIANA 1 i- TIIESDAYAPBIL 1930' WHAT'S WRONG AND WHERE? CLllimZD IDT EATlf (Mltilmiint Ten Went. Minimum Trice. Fifteen OnUi Ten Cent Additional Adv. la Charged Dally Zdltlon. One Insertion, icr word lc 6 consecutive Insertion, l-r 6c One month Insert per 20c Weekly Edition.

Kaoh Insertion, per word lo Advertisem*nts FOUR-FOLD ASSURANCE OF QUALITY IN THOMPSON'S ILK awMwiMMB II I I mm LOST AND FOUND i UDSTSpare tire on rim, tail light and license plate 248-355. Phoue 545. Reward. a22d Hat Tire. Call 497 and get serveie.

W'c spccial--ixft. Wrapp's Tire Sen ice. Free dtj service. Official AAA Station. WANTED RANTED Tire changing called for and delivered.

Free city Beryfre. A. J. Speekner Tuv Service. Phoue 201 -R.

mSd WANTED hi roomers. 1 week. Reference. 502 V. fifth.

'jia iMHMIwniMMmi FOR SALE PRIVATE SALE Household goods; furniture, rugs, kitchen Utensils, other it too numerous to inentioi). ('nil at 505 Bruce from :0 a. in. to9M p. m.

Phone 477-X. a2Hd Milk is your best food. That is trite. But there is milk and MILK, if you get what we mean. Thompson's Milk offers not only a food product of exceptional 'merit, but there is an added four-fold precaution which we take to assure our customers that they get milk of real quality.

It is this: J. We are critical about the source of Thompson's Milk, making certain that we buy only products of the best dairy herds in this section of the state, and that production conditions are good. 2. Great care is taken in the handling of Thompson's milk, from its source until it your porch. This care includes the patented "Kleen-Kap" with which the bottle is topped.

3. Pasteurization renders harmless the bacteria which the milk contains and makes it safe for the tiniest infant while retaining in the milk the essential vitamins which characterize it. 4. And to assure ourselves (urther, our milk is laboratory tested. Regular bacteriological examination by competent laboratory experts keeps us constantly in touch with the condition of the milk which we offer for sale.

The results of these tests are constantly on file in our plant and the public is welcome to inspect the records of these facts. AND, NOW, IN THOMPSON'S MILK, YOU HAVE NATURE'S GREATEST FOOD AT ITS BEST WITH ADDED FOUR-FOLD ASSURANCE OF ITS QUALITY AND PURITY. THERE A Rjl 7 eSTA tW THIS PICTURE -Mbw good are you at finding mistakes? The has intentionally made several obvious ones in drawing the above picture. Some of them are eaoily discovered, others may be hard. See how long it will take YOU find them.

i BABY CHICKS Barred and White Rocks, S. C. Reds, White leghorns; flock a culled the last thlte years. Circular free. Vis-ton welcome.

Reddingtoii Uatchery, Route 1, Seymour, Ind. i TOR SALE Indian Runner duck eggs, also a few Columbian Wyandotte eggs for hatching. 7Chas. F. Bowman, Rcddington.

FOR SALE Dahlias, the bct-vc varieties that produce to 10 V. in. blooms. for 1.0(1. A.

.1. Aflw-ning, tilU Wot Himuii street. dm'-d TOR SALE OR TRADE I'n-tlsM Reo Broughii, also garage fo rent. J. L.

Blair, 71(7 Ewing. A COMPUTI'. accurate, daily liMitix of practic every available "lioom Mint Ilouril" locution In I lie cil.v apM-urs in tin- 'la ssi lied column of The Tribune' Wiini -Ads. present a lime saving S'liile-lo hoi li the stranger in our city as well as the resilient contemplating change in living iiiarters. In-fore ymi MOVK THE SEYMOUR DAILY TRIBUNE CLASSIFIED AD DEPT.

OUR JUNIOR PUZZLE FOUR OF A KIND "There arc four of a kind in the barn!" says Freddy. "I counted them myself." If you want to sec what Freddy va.s counting, take a pencil join all the numbered dots together, starting with dot number one and ending with dot number thirty-four. You will see one of the four. FOR SALE -Model A Ford coupe. Excellent condition.

Call at Tribune. u23d FOR SALE crop hominy eed corn, 2 per bushel. llcnrx Kurtirink, It- I. aJtiu FOR SALE (liilbraii-en pl.iM-r piano, ehenp. 117 Rmu'l.

BARRED- ROCK eggs, (iOc per setting. Phone 1UU4-2-2, Mrs. James hitsoti. m-Jd si ao ia. 41 OHPSON PA1Y CO PHONE 143 or 46S ASK YOUR GROCER FOR THOMPSON DAIRY PRODUCTS BEFORE YOU BUY! SEE OUR STOCK ELECTRIC NOTICE James Oordill and Collin Miller have opened a lif.rbcr shop one door east of Bell's Cleaning Mop; Louii avi.

The husincHM of obi eustomeis as well ag new oi.tju wilt be appreciateil. n'J Id CAR A Also greasing mid rejMtiriu. All work guaranteed at'isletory. Called lif tind ib liven-d. Joe II.

Burton (iaraurc, Ewinjr SI. u.M ELECTRIC VULCANIZIN0 Used tires, Mobiloil, Prest-0-Lite batteries, tire and batteries sold on payments. Citizens Tire Service, Second and Ewing (streets. a24dStwtf Vdl SAVE 7 cent-, on etch 1 1 Hons nf tfasolinc vou buy tit our price ecnls per gallon. Opaline Oil 20 eetit* quail, cents gallon 50 per trallon.

J. Fettitr Co. aJlid RESPONSIBLE )iiM'r haulers for l-i years, i'oinpleto line patterns. F.llieicnt service. Phone 72VK.

John MORTCAOE EXEMPTIONS See Anna E. Carter, Notary Public, at Tribune office, for fdiuff mortgage exemptions, ''niy'ld LAWN MOWETfs Repaired and sharpened. Carlson Jlard-wai-e-Co. I'hone lllo. PAPER- IIANOINd -Paper He up.

Clem Lanier. I'lion- ii'Jbd NOTARY PUBLIC Anna Carter. Tribune Office. Phone 42 IIIIIIIIWillllMIIIIIIIIIWIWttMHSIWWWlWMtOllt LEGAL ADVERTIsem*nT mi(llttlIIIIIIMIatlIMHtMtllllillllll(Mt' KOTIOZ Or BALE OT BEAIa US- TATS BY ADKHfllTlATOI. rile iiinliTxiu ik-iI, iiiliiiiriislriil-ii' of the vtn I of John I'.

Mti-lleniH-lH. Ii'i'i-asotj, lii-reliy n-'llee tliat virlin- mi nf the I'lrenit Court, In- will ut In-liuiir ut' mil! nYliM'k I' M. mm Weiltii-K-(ln. April Slltli. at the late Itlihiiii- of siil-t ilisiililil, in W'hsIi- inKton 'ritwnshlp.

wlin-lt i eHiileiiee is ilii-nl three nilleM si.iithensl Siiiii'i-'s ehiir(h ami atmut three miles iiuith uf 'I'unlpirn, In Jaelvsun I'min-1. Indiana. iiikI I'l-nii to ibiy liiereat'ti-r iiiilll solil, iiffrr fur sale lit pillule anetl-in, all the Interest of saht iln'iNleiit in anil to the follow, intr sm-1 1 1 I renl estate, siiuateil in lln Ciniiilv of Statu of In- 'I'he Kast hulf if the Soutlioast piailer uf Serllmi Thlrlv-fniir (341 in Township I'lve i i Norili, K.uiki' l-'ive (5l l-4ist. ennlaiiiinK -iKhty uTi'H more or Uus; also the North west uii 1 1 1 i uf the Siiiilhwest quar ter of Spetion thli tv-llve i.i 1 In I 1 1 1 1 i i live (5) iNoith, Kani-'u live I T. I laisl.

cmitaininK forty acres, more or ii-hh. Saiil suit- will he iiffnh- Kul.jert to the approval of saiil eunrl. for not less than two-thirits of the full Hp. piaisiil value of sai-l rial estate. alio upon the tollow uif 1 1 1 ami ii-lite-iis: At least unr-lialf of the purchase money eash in haml, anil the uthrr half in six months from ilav of fcrreil panieiiL lo 1m? eviileneeil liy note of the puriliaser luuriiiif siv per cent.

tntiie-t from ilnte. uhIvIii; relief. provulitiK for fees ami Neeuii'il liy liu-l l- Kake 'll the real estate sohl Saul real estate mIuiII he free Hint ilisi'hai kp'I from the lien for tav-M accrued el di reilent's death Th widow if ilereilent will at tint Kuiiie time anil plare sell her undivided -third intenst In said real estate, for cash, and assents the sale of hor said one-third In-ten st. WILLIAM HACK MAN'. al Administrator PEG, INN AND BARBARA Easter brides should always be picturesque.

To begin with, there is the Kaster lily for arm bouquet, a picturesque arrangement and beautifully slKiiincant of the lovely bride. A frock of toned taffeta modeled after the simple lines of the dlrectoire and trimmed with bands of shirring Is a charming bridal gown. The skirt touches the floor aud the train Is wide and full at the back quite a handful for the little page. CHICAGO GRAIN April 22, 1930. High WHEAT May 1.0 D'2 I.Otilv Sept.

Dec. 1.13" CORN Mav bps 'ulv HVh Sept. 84 'k Dec. OATS Mav 121, July 4234 Low Close 1.0H'.M(rt;;s i.p-(jf7; 8r; fH3 (77 78 Vi 42 4134 1.04:s i.7i; 1.1 15; sot; 82 M. S3'i 77' i 4iy4 imp SIMPLEX OIL BROODERS COAL BROODERS All Sizes COMPLETE LINE OF FEEDERS, WATERERS, FEED, REMEDIES.

BABY CHICKS CUSTOM HATCHING. SEYMOUR ELECTRIC HATCHERY A. JACKSON. BROODERS Hiooe 581. SEYMOUR MARKETS WORK COUNCIL FOR BOYS URGED (Continued from page 1) to see a man proud of the place in, which he lives, I like to sye a ii live in it so that his place is' prowl of him." Then he said that be would six-ak brictlv on some phases of boys' work as they are our greatest possession.) He spoke at some length oh the: changing times and its effect up- on the present generation, lie-referred to the fad that whenj the present- generation men were hoys the razor strap hungi convcnicntlv near so that it was, a inciinee ut an nines, wc-mi Now the siifcty razor everywhere the strap was gone.

He further said! that even the shingles bud disap-j pcarcd an1 they were no longer) handy for mother to smack it disobedient boy. Seriously con ditions were chunaiug and parents were perplexed us to how to with the youth of toduy-The need is for study of child psychology and proper approach, in ili-aliiw with children. The needs of Seymour hoys arc as great us in a large city but the linaneial resources arc much less in a city this size, he said, lie further staled that it was beyond understanding that the various communities did not call the experts of the many organizations, such as the Y. M. C.

A. and Boy Scouts, for niii. He felt a great need for a thorough analysis and study of the boys' work sil nation in every community before any program is adopted. Mr. Duke suggested that ccrv eoininiiiiity should have a boys' work council made up of a representative group of ouiig men who woul-d have charu'c of Utr-hoys' work of the community.

II does not reiuire large sums of money to carry on boys' wmk but just lip- services uf a pviiip thoroughly interested men. Instated. These men could supervise the boy scout work. Hi" IIi-Y dub activities and pi sip special events as Father and Sun eek, Play Night in Kasketbnll tournament for younger Imivs, Track and Field meet for young hoys, show, lie was enthusiastic ubout the splciwlid athletic lield of the Seymour schools ami the city upon such a line outlay. He nlso said that this conned could see to it that boys were sent to state and county older boys' eonfei 'ciicei and that they should socially emphasize camping as an, ouidonr activity for boys.

He 'spoke of the great growth in camping recent years aud predicted that in lime it would become a part of the public school systems of 4h-4arger cities. He then read a r-iwirt of Camp Bedford. That in seven, years the total attendance, was and that the total current exienditures amounted (o INDIANAPOLIS LIVESTOCK Indiaanpolis. April S. Department of Ajrrieulture.

Hogs, C.000, hold overs 16 to 25 lower; lbs. 10.25(ri usually 10.30 to 10.40 for weights under 225 250-300 lbs. 10.00(0 10.25: 130-100 lbs. 0.75(n 10.25; 100-130 lbs. 9.00(20.50; packing sows 8.25(9.00, few 9.25.

Cattle, calves 800; FREED Mis. Etta Mae Miller, "Tami-liiother, who was Michigan's first woman liipii-r liter, won complete freedom wlien Charles P. Collingwoi.ii the charge on which she was convicted near two vcars iigo. steady; e.ulv sp-ets sales 10.00 (ii 10. 25; plain killers down to 9.00 and below; most cows 7.00 (a 8.50; practical top not many heifers above 12.00; low cutters and cutlers 4.75;o(i,50; vealcis fctcady 11.00 down.

ShiH-p, 200; stead.v clipped lambs S.00(o shorn ewes downward from 5.00. INDIANAPOLIS April OATS--Easy Xo. 2 white No. 3 while CORN- Steady No. 2 white No.

2 yellow GRAIN 22, Hl.iO. 39' 38 39 78(Ti 79 75U((i'7f1a 7475 red $.98 hard $.92 $12.50 $12.50 $13.50 $11.50 No. 2 mixed WHEAT Wcnk No. 2 red 2 haul Wagon Wheat No. 2 Wllgon Wheat No.

2 HAY Steady L'ght Clover extra New. No. 2 tim. hay New No. 1 tim.

hay New No. 3 tim. hav CHINA TO BAN CABLE IN FAVOR OF WIRELESS Government Will Not Renew Contract With Communication Trust. Br Associated Press. Nanking, April 22 Existence of cablo coinanies operating in China is being threatened by the national government andadk.

In an article published in the Central Dally Xews, Nanking's official mouthpiece, Chtiaii Chi-Htiau, director general of the government's telegraph and telephone s-vbtcni, stated that the ministry of II SMBNMSIMMr DAHLIA BULBS to each. II. II. WinuVrsf. al7dtf JJLEAXING NAPHTIIA, Exide Batteries, General Tires, Ignition.

Etaly's, Phorve 5ti0. m'JSdtf lx)R SALE Void Cabriolet C4aie, Model A. (mod condition, fSI.5.00. Pliono 210-R. a2.ld jl'OR SALE 'hoice dahlia and ftlldioli bulbs.

Mrs. Francis GWree. Phono 412-X. aKidtf USED CARS 1929 Chevrolet Coupe. 1929 Chevrolet Coach.

1928 Chevrolet Coach. 1928 Pontiac Coupe. 1926 Chevrolet Coupe. 1927 Chevrolet Coupe. 1925 Oldsmobile Coach.

1929 Chevrolet Truck. 1928 Chevrolet Truck. 1926 Ford Truck. OTHER BARGAINS IN USED CARS Used Car Bargains 929 Model A Tudor. 1829 Model A Coupe.

1928 Model A Touring. 927 Chevrolet Coupe. 928 Chevrolet 4 Door Sedan. 828 Chevrolet Coupe. 1925 Model Roadster.

1925 Model Touring. Yi Ton Chevrolet Delivery. Sold on Easv Terras. G. FRANZ CO; SEYMOUR, IND.

jhone Second and Ewin 101-103 West Third St Phone Main 672 USED CARS Essex Sedan. Master Bulck Coach I Model A Ford Coupe. ,1 1923 Buiclc Sedan. ALSO SEVERAL BARGAINS IN CHEAPER RECONDITIONED CARS. Tradi and Easy Terms tain sub FOR SALE One-tenth II.

P. Robbilis Me Motor. i. II. Carter.

a 1,1 FOR SALE Seed corn, tested Frank White, Crotliers-ville. FOR SALE -Small concrete mixer. F. F. Kubner Co.

Phone 338. ni'iOdtf communications had decided not to renew its contract with the cable companies vvhii are scheduled to expire this year. Two companies, the Great Northern Telegraph Company ami the Eastern Extension Cabin Company, constituting the most units of the so-called British-Danish Cable Trust, have protested to the ministry of communications, claiming thut the privileges thev now enjoy were granted by the Maiu-hu government and hence must he regarded as irrevocable. The government bus taken the stand that nothing the Muncliii government may have done can be considered irrevocable ihe Maiiehus no longer exist in an official way. Hack of the determination on the part of Nanking to end the contracts with the cable companies is seen the steady advance of radio in China.

Several pow erful stations are now lieing erected by Nunking ut various points throughout the country and these, it is said, Will take care of all communication between China and foreign countries after DeceniWr 31. To pay for tho stations and ut the sumo time square ui old debts to the caJilc cofupanies, the ministry of communications is floating a $5,000,000 boud: issue. Much of this Hum will bo handed over to 'he cable concerns when their contract expire while the bai-r nee will go toward tho completion of the radio stations. One station is -being erected in Shanghai, another at Hankow and still another at Tientsin. One will also ho liuilt at Canton later in the year.

Radio in the interior is also finding increased support, 1tot on the part of Nanking and the provincial governments. Four and possiWy five new stations arc to be erected in Steehmen and llonun provinces this year. Proper Farm Care Of Egas Essential To High Quality Praitieally all eggs ore ot equally high quality when first iaid, according to E. R. lIero-fce, poultry iayosti-gator of Purdue University, Agri cultural Experiment Station; but if they are to retain tLeir quality and reach the buyer, who purchases eggs on a graded basis, in good condition they must have proper care Ly tbe farmer.

Thero ia no process in marketing which can, improve on April 22, 1930. No. 1' wheat, hard 94o No. 2 wheat, hard 92c No. 1 wheat, soft 99e No.

2 wheat, soft Timothy hay $12.00 Clover hay $12.00 Alfalfa hay $18.00 Corn, white 73c Corn, yellow 9" Corn, mixed OOll Flour, high patent $1.10 Flour, standard $1.00 Flour, Kansas $1.05 Oats straw $7.00 Wheat straws, dry $5.50 Buckwheat 90o Oats 45o Rye 85o Hominy feed, retail, ton $45.00 Mixed feed $34.00 POULTRY liens 16-20o Uens, Leghorns 17c Springers 28c-30o Spring Leghorns 25c Fall Springers, 3-4 lbs. 20o Stags 12e Old co*cks 10c Ducks T. 12c Geese 8e-10c Tarkeys, yonng 25fl Turkeys, old 20d Capons, 9 lbs. and over 28o Capons 0 Jb, and tot 23o Eggs 210 Second and Broadway. egg of iioor tiuality.

All that can be done is to preservo the original freshness. Proper care on the farm is, therefore, very necessary to the selling of eggs on a graded basis. First of all it is to have flock of a standard vanity of poultry in order to produce eggs of uniform viy.e and color. flock should lie reasonably' well housed and fed if a higher number of fggs per bird is to be obtained. As- soon as the hatching season is over, male oirds should lie moved to separate quarters so that only infertilo eggs of superior keeping qualities will be produced.

Piohnblv tho greatest losses to farmers in eggs occurs during the- spring reason, due to large nuv. hers of dirty eggs coming to Nests, ojean and sufficient in number, must be provided in order that the largest percentage of the eggs may be kept clean. Dirty eggs should never be washed unless they go into immediate consumption. Washing reduces the keeping dualities and results in losses. Eggs must be gathered fro quently, at least once a day.

During very hot, dry or cold weather it ia preferable to gather them twive a day, to prevent the eggs from becoming heated, shrunken frozen. They should ho kept in a cool, moderately damp place in order to prevent evaporation of water from them. All very small, very large, or very dirty eggs can be used at They should hot bo included with those shipped to eastern markets, or when selling eggs on a graded basis' to local buyers, i Seal skins vary so in size that it may take from three to. nine skins, to make a coat, HOME MADE Ice Cream. On sale at Mapleton Inn.

aiodtf HNMNIMMHIIIIMIIItllHIlMIIIHIIHHINHIIWIINHHIIHHIl FOR RENT FOR RENT fi room modern house, $10 per month. See IJr Gillespie. FOR RENT Three rooms with bath. Call Kevins Plumbing shnj a.ldtf FOR RENT Rooms' for light housekeeping. 416 Bruce St.

a3dtf FOR RENT Modem home Close in. Call 474. uSdtf FOR KENT Furnished "home. Inquire Tribune. alfldtf ll MISCELLANEOUS Card of Thanks We wish to kindly thank our neighbors ami friends for their sympathy and assistance our aoirow in the death of.

our beloved wife, daughter and sister. Anna Lueinda Eggerstnann. Especially do we thank the Rev. J. Th.

Destinon, F. J. Voss a ml Son-, those who sent flowers and furnished curs. dlt The Family. Tbe three Jargest battleships the .8.

Navy carry a total of 4,220 officers and men, The Pillar of Delphi, erected about 400 A. is a shaft of pure wrought iron. itock asphalt is being extena ively Hsei in rebuilding worn out paYenmti.t ui USE TRIBUNE CLASSIFIED A0 YERTIsem*nTS FOR RESULTS rr. '-7' r..

The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)


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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

Phone: +8096210939894

Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.