Persona 5: Alternate - Kingdomkeylight (2024)

Chapter Text

Author Notes: Hey just thought I would do a strange hello to anyone who plans to stay around for the long haul hope you enjoy the story. Going past this point I will be posting probably about a chapter either every month or twice a month. However don't quote me on that yet as I am finding my sea legs on this one once again. Wish me luck, and definitely leave reviews if you liked it x3.

Update: I realized these chapters of mine are actually pretty damn big. So to do a favor for everyone I will be cutting them down into two parts as needed so I am launching Chapter 2 into two parts as well.


Persona 5: Alternative

Chapter 2 Part 1


Everything felt so stiff, and cold like a snowy fog entering a graveyard consuming the light of any comfort. Hina felt a shiver of unfamiliarity attempt to rattle her awake which she resisted at first until she tried to move. Something was latched to her leg producing a disturbing jingle sort of sound disallowing her to bury further into the bed. As the sound of dripping water started to commence a sudden change of tone could be felt in the room.

With confused eyes, she finally lifted herself off a cold, and unforgiving mattress attached to a side wall-chained plate of metal. The rush of realization that this was not the hotel room took her breath as she fully awoke within an instant falling off the bed in her panic as she looked around. Her surroundings were now that of a prison cell, and attached to her leg was a menacing ball, and chain. Positioning herself up she noticed her attire was that of black and white tatters.

Hyperventilation quickly took in. How had she been made, was her uncle alright, when did they catch up? Thousands of questions flooded her mind each more compromising to her ability to breathe as the next. Panic, and fear set in as she rushed for the bars slamming into them with an animalistic scream. She didn't deserve this, not for something she hadn't done. She was about to ram herself against the bars again before a baton smacked across them making Hina's grip fail to hold as she fell backward at the sight of a deep yellowed eye woman with a menacing smile sneering at her.

"Such a barbaric animal of society that you can't even use words to speak? Rather bash against your cage would you little rat," a very piercing giggle of contempt escaped the lips of a woman dressed in a rather contradicting matter of police garb mixed with a punk rock aesthetic. Her pants were cut clean' and tailored to that of a prison guard in blue yet above the belt it was anything but authoritarian a design. Dozens of spiked bracelets slung over her wrists & forearms, nails with metallic claw-like wire art, a bright blue tank top barely modest for such an environment painted with deeper blues creating an emblem of anarchy among tattoos. Matching & continued its design on her skin, and most of all wildly spikey black & white striped-like hair with the left side front corner buzzed off. She was nothing like how she should look almost as if going completely out of her way to not match her apparent position as she held tightly to the baton she had used to scare Hina. However, what held the prisoner's gaze was the guard's disturbing single left yellow eye while the right was covered with a foreboding eyepatch.

"I shouldn't be jailed for something I didn't do. But you have done enough to deserve these bars haven't you," a voice that at first mimicked Hina's perfectly yet it had light sounds of static as if a record from an old vinyl player. The voice turned into a more monotonal reverb as down there in the levels of Hina's floor embraced across the bars kneeled to the ground another woman rather identical in physicality to the punk girl staring at her with no emotion to Hina's predicament.

On the other side of being way too dressed in blue frills of a dark blue dress coming off like a hauntingly disturbed psyche ward inmate, she carried with her a strange book of sorts. Her legs were laced in long boots reaching almost to her knees with velvet-covered laces. Her arms were almost completely engulfed by the sleeves of her dress with belt-like latches hanging off the ends. The torso, and skirt of the dress were so heavily, and tightly garter belted it was questionable to say if her pale complexion was natural, cosmetic, or a lack of being able to breathe. Her face was heavily cosmetic giving her an eerie but undeniable beauty in strange light to her one yellow right eye to her sapphire lips. Her hair was straightened out completely though matched her counterpart's black, and white striped theme.

"I..." Hina at first had felt fear that turned to frustration yet as she climbed back up returning to height... she couldn't deny the weight of the question asked. Thus for a moment felt a form of shame as guilt took over yet she stuffed it away just as quickly clinging to the bars at the bottom in frustration. She had done enough to deserve these bars by society's means, but screw society it didn't care about her, it didn't care about anyone at the bottom. After all it was what deemed her a random chip to play at anyone's leisure. Yet in some fashion of refusal, she grabbed further up the bars giving both girls a hostile glare. Though she couldn't give voice to it there was still that sign of resistance that refused to surrender to a false claim. Yes, she had done bad things, but that gave her no right to be robbed of a life by a false charge.

"Yet with all that whimpering you plan to stand tall... seems you might have some rebellion worth ironing out," the punk warden smiled all too happy to see the hostile stare from Hina as the Goth warden followed in the same motion Hina's climb back up.

"If you are willing to weather the storm past your sins it will make perfection your rehabilitation," the monotone voice jabbed again causing Hina to wince at the realization of her judgment. This time, however, she had some ground to finally argue back.

"Everything I've done is just to survive if my crime is to live then your DAMN RIGHT I'll push back. SO YOU CAN TAKE BOTH YOUR OPINIONS AND SHOVE THEM UP YOUR ASS CAUSE YOU DONT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT ME," Hina finally vocalized in anger seeming to earn a wider grin from the Punk Warden, and somewhat of a eerie look of acceptable turnout from the Goth Warden. A resounding solo clap filled the air as the snowy fog started to clear past the supposed twins revealing a circular room with cobblestone flooring, and a circle of likewise jail cells around it. In the center though was a lone desk with a few small things akin to parchment, and a pen laying out a jail booking table. A blue feather pen, next to a sapphire lamp revealed a long-nosed strange individual whose clasped hands seemed to be amused by Hina's response to the right of existence.

"Trickster... welcome to my Velvet room," the long-nosed oddity of a hunched man dressed in a blue suit spoke with a deep voice causing the twins to take the form of an official at-attention stance before about facing away from Hina taking a step away from each other to be at the ends of the jail door that held her captive.

"The you in reality are currently fast asleep you are only experiencing this as a dream," the Goth Warden spoke insanity dripping with each word into Hina's mind. what kind of acid-induced dream was this was she at the cusp of a mental break?

"You're in the presence of our master stand up straight inmate," the Punk Warden hissed slamming her baton against the door to get Hina's full attention.

"Welcome, I am delighted to make your acquaintance. This place exists between dream and reality, mind and matter. It is a room that only those that are bound by a "contract" may enter. I am Igor, the master of this place remember it well," the man spoke with an odd wide smile as he rested his face against one of his hands. "I summoned you to speak of important matters. It involves your life as well."

"How about you let me out of this nightmare dream, and stay out of my life cause I haven't signed on to any psychotic contract you think I have," Hina yelled out having quite enough of this dream, and madness induced by it her pause only lasting as long as the man's nose to which had caught her off guard momentarily. She didn't give a damn what they wanted any more she wasn't meant to be here, and she wouldn't be a prison of her mind of all things. It was what was to follow that would finally gain some manner of silence from her though.

"Still, this is a surprise... the state of this room reflects the state of your own heart. To think a prison would appear as such, you truly are a prisoner of fate. In the near future, there is no mistake that ruin awaits you," Igor spoke surprised by the form of the room. Was he suggesting that Hina had made this "Velvet room" willingly her prison? That she was locked up by her state of emotional affairs? Hina couldn't find the words to counter or chastise the claim as she now found herself in some strange form of doubt that Igor was wrong. At the very least the last bit confused her.

"What do you mean ruin? Are you trying to warn me that I'll get caught? News flash you already got me in a cell pretty sure I am caught as can be?"

"No, I speak of the end to everything. However, there is a means to oppose such a fate. You must be "rehabilitated". Rehabilitated towards freedom. That is your only means to escape ruin. Do you have the resolve to challenge the distortion of the world," Igor asked nonchalantly causing Nina to abnormally calm down as if taking in her bizarre dream a bit better than she had been. With a calm mind for a moment she answered.

"I rather avoid distortion... and that nose all the same," she expressed.

"Then allow me to observe the path of your rehabilitation," this caused the twins to about-face again in perfect unison turning back to their prisoner as Igor ignored the jab causing Hina to squint her eyes in annoyance at her inability to shake him up.

"Ah, pardon me for not introducing the others. To your right is Clow: to your left Wysteria. They serve as wardens here."

"Hmph, try and struggle as hard as you like," Clow sneered smugly.

"The duty of wardens is to protect inmates. We are also your collaborators... that is if you remain obedient," Wysteria warned with zero sense of tolerance it seemed as her one eye dug into Hina's mind.

"I shall explain the roles of these two at another occasion," the two again about facing away from Hina as she tried to decipher what the hell her mind was trying to tell her with this dream though Igor seemed to give some means to an end from this madness. "Now then, it seems the night is waning... it is almost time. Take your time to slowly come to understand this place. We will surely meet again, eventually...," Igor suddenly faced upward as the chains of what sounded like a jail call rang causing Hina to look up in confusion as Clow turned to her.

"Times up. Now hurry up, and go back to sleep little rat," Hina in her frustrations, and confusion pulled against the bars about to ask many questions yet the snow blue fog arose... and her consciousness slipped with it.

~A month Later: April 10, 2016~

"Well... aren't I just a mess," Hina spoke... no Masami... spoke snarky to her reflection in the mirror at her new appearance, and identity. Messy dark green hair terribly ironed out via lack of experience, a medical face mask freshly hooked onto her ears to better help keep discretion. The worst bit though was the intensive bandage wrap care that couldn't be seen that downgraded her two cup sizes threatening to freaking choke her to death as the girls felt like water balloons ready to pop. The mask would also help keep up the false sickly image of a girl with a weak immune system.

She could handle it though it wasn't the worst part like pretending to be of another name. It had been a month since everything had transpired, and try as her uncle might there was no escaping as Hina Oygi was still hot on the police force's mind in Japan. Along with no real amount of money to leave the country that meant they had to ride out the statute of limitation on assault: Three Years. That meant to her uncle she would need to have a normal new school life in his area of residence the choice being one of some caliber called Shujin Academy. It had a good sleepy yet solid reputation and was in a well-populated area for Masami to phase through without being noticed.

As she finished getting her school uniform on she felt annoyed by the strict red-black skirt/black clingy pants combo wearing requirement over her usual baggy pants. Though the top was kind of cool with the black vest over a long white shirt was nifty enough. With her light blue medical face mask on she sighed turning to her attic of a room.

Her uncle wasn't a wealthy man he didn't even own a house, but he did own a small jazz/coffee shop called The Sloop William named after a deceased foreign friend of his. It had an unused rather cluttered/messy attic with a spot that a small twin sized bed was able to fit against. She had thought about cleaning it up originally, but she had avoided doing so in hopes of something popping up to change her situation... nothing had, and now she just avoided it out of gloom. Picking up her backpack she jumped on the railing of the stairs riding it down as she jumped off next to the beginning of the booth seats on the first floor.

The layout of the little shop was pretty simple upon entering it on the left side, a row of booth seats for casual goers just looking for some chill drinks. The row ended at the stairwell leading up to the doorway to the attic. On the left was the L shape bar where all the magic happened with a few steel welded seats next to it for those wanting to chat up the bartender, or wanting faster service for the blues. Behind those counters are numerous shelves, a small snack freezer, and a big fridge along with some cooking stands. For the more adult clientele, a locked cabinet filled with spirits was used as ingredients for her uncle's more unique blend drinks. From the front view further on the right was a a bit of a more open spot filled with tables, a dance floor, and some raised flooring for a band to play on. Masami smiled remembering constantly back when her father had brought her around to visit how her uncle would regal them about Ryo Kawasaki having one of his very first gigs at the shop.

Her parents... no one had heard anything of them in the month since. Masami still felt the gut-wrenching abandonment... she shook her head. They made their choice after all that emotionless delivery sealed it. She noticed a sticky note on the door as she headed to leave. It was her uncle wishing her a special first day at school, and to not worry about any such thing. Yet it also reminded her to keep her head low and be a normal student. Nodding in acknowledgment she headed out into the springtime sun flipping through her phone to remember her train route. She was however interrupted in the process noticing a weird app on her phone a red, and black color scheme with a star-studded eyeball. Having no recollection of what it was she immediately deleted it as she closed the door.

The train ride wasn't bad surprisingly she had even caught a seat spot upon entry. The view of the surrounding area was a nice breath of fresh air from her stuffy attic. A lot of things had been on her mind, but for today all she had to do was survive a day of school, and in all honesty that was a nice change in of itself. Getting off at her first stop she was quick to run a bit around the Shibuya train station. The next train wasn't for another fifteen minutes leaving her with some time to try out some street vendor Takoyaki. As the city life hustled about she was able to nab some very quickly making her venture back to her station easy until a bit of an alley scene bleed out into the street.

"Come on. A pretty thing like you doesn't need to be so down in the dumbs looking like yesterday's trash. Hangout with us we will pamper ya right," a thuggish-looking boy spoke chasing after a bit of a bum girl dressed up in an oversized work coat with matted jet-black locks and humble hazel eyes trying to avoid and get away from the trio of boys trying to pick her up. The girl's eyes shifted fast trying to find someone potentially anyone to assist her eyes locked on to the passing-by green-haired Masami.

Nope. Not getting involved with that keeps heading forward into civilization. The wannabe thugs they would give up, that was what quickly crossed Masami's mind as she edged away from the scene quickly aiming to get distance, but the girl started to tail her gaining some annoyance from the boys real quick.

"What the hell? What gives? Who the f*cks that," the thuggish boy yelled out now showing signs of irritation as his once attempting-to be charming façade waned. Given no interest was received by the girl, and now atop that any further attempt was lost to some random passerby.

OYE GO AWAY I DON'T HAVE ANY TREATS. Don't just follow someone else, and ignore them, THAT WILL TRIGGER THEM TO NOT GIVE UP, Masami mentally screamed realizing the girl was now acting like a heat-seeking missile launched to get her in trouble right out the gate of her first school day. Unfortunately even with Masami's flawlessly effective speed of walking the girl caught up to her like a bullet latching onto her non-Takoyaki carrying arm as the pissed-off thug approached.

"You don't know know how to appreciate a great off... GAHHH," Right as Masami could see the doom of fated ruin trying to fetch her soul out of existence an unopened soda can came hurdling right into the thug's face. Indenting hard into his cheekbones he sidestepped out of pain. The two girls paused in their flight as did the wannabe thug's goons as everyone was very confused very quickly.

"WHO THE f*ck THREW THA... GAHHHHH," As the thug reoriented himself during his demand for knowledge another boy wearing without a doubt a Shujin Academy outfit came jumping from the side delivering what was without a doubt a Superman punch. Straight across the jaw of the thug, the build-up to knocking him clean off his feet sent the thug right into the brick wall toward the alley. Upon a loud impact the thug slowly slid down to the ground in agonizing defeat as the two cronies, and the girls watched the reveal of their... "Savior". A white-haired stubby ponytailed boy with a few spikey streaks around his temple turns to the villains before making a circle with his hands lifting a foot to slam it to the ground extending a wide open palm towards the thugs.

In the madness of the display, Masami could feel the girl's hand latched to her slowly slip off in both confusion and awe at the deranged show in front of them. Yet when reality kicked back in the girl ran away into another alleyway leaving Masami alone to deal with the aftermath. No... please... take me with you, quickly came to mind as she could only fathom what insane thought this psyche ward escapee who without a doubt had stolen a Shujin academy uniform planned to do going forward.

"Did you just... hero pose," Masami asked still trying to register all that was happening. Yet her question was ignored as the albino boy gave his full attention to the "villains".

"Time someone took you pieces of trash to the curb. Prepare to face the wraith of the Makage," the new boy with red eyes spoke with a high air of confidence followed by the wild smile of someone who had pulled a combo off they had not expected to work. Masami could now see past the façade this boy was carrying way over with his lucky shot that was about to send him plummeting hard.

"Let's f*ck him up," one of the two goons said as both the wannabe thugs rushed him.

"WAIT NO YOU'RE SUPPOSE TO COME AT ME ONE AT A TIMMMMMMEEEEE GAHHHHH," and as Masami had figured the boy's reality check came full circle as the scene did not play out as it had in his head. Both of the wannabe thugs rushed each side of Makage grabbing/lifting him by the shoulders before slamming him down hard into the concrete knocking the fight right out of him. The two then proceeded to kick him repeatedly until a phone tone interrupted them.

"119 what is your emergency," the police teller asked via Masami's phone speaker. The two wannabe thugs immediately sweated bullets before bouncing as quickly as possible grabbing their bro in the process as they hightailed it out of the scene dragging the unconscious wannabe thug in a panic.

"Sorry false alarm... I hate wanna-be thugs," Masami politely spoke to the teller before hanging up and returning to her annoyed snarky tone. Makage as he seemed to call himself was getting back up albeit a little slowly. Masami wasn't about to help him up though he had chosen this life, and by golly, she was going to let him collect the bruising result he earned.

"Hey? A tip of thanks for your rescue," Makage joked verbally showing pain via wheezing sounds as he looked at her rather rude attempt to leave expecting some form of thanks. Masami turned back to him rubbing her temple in annoyance as she decided to make this quick.

"Here's a tip. Acts of heroism are moronic. Especially if you expect a delusional sense of reward, or you know can't win the fight," Masami rather coldly incanted to the boy now up on his knees. Her own prior experience made her a bit more jaded about the act at hand.

"Jeez, I was just trying to help you..." Makage quickly found himself interrupted.

"No, you were trying to help that vagabond girl who rather moronically instead of heading into a populated spot nabbed me into her problem. You just happen to be stupid enough to jump in willingly into someone else's business," Masami criticized before turning around again heading off before Makage in his daze of unexpected ungratefulness suddenly launched out in retaliation.

"Never met such an unappreciated, abandoning people in need, morally directional challenged, inflated bag of mangy mosshead before," Makage jabbed verbally, and rather surprisingly halted Masami's departure. The girl was a seasoned pro when it came to getting under people's skin, hell it helped a lot with her long, and short cons. She had been raised to have iron-thick skin, but now in that moment somehow... that boy's mundane insult had triggered her as she turned around, and rushed right back over to him immediately jabbing a finger into his chest.

"What did I just say about picking fights you can't win you desperate, attention-wanting, girlfriendless, CHUUNI," Makage's face immediately was struck with a look of verbal impalement as the comments hit a little too close to home. The surprise of brutality though quickly turned to irritation as he stood up pushing away Masami's jabbing finger coming toe to toe with the face-masked girl.






"PRI... wait what," Masami halted her next insult as her brain processed the last insult tilting her head in confusion. Makage went wide-eyed in a panic realizing his last attack was a dud, and an extremely bad one as his mouth was left a bit a gap. Masami held to her confusion not sure if she should continue, and finish him... or just let him retreat in pity.

"No wait I mean... ya you... um... Ja...," in the stupor of his brain trying to reengage the battlefield upon finally formulating something his right hand had raised upward as if to bring the verbal smackdown, but instead smacked the Takoyaki right out of Masami's hand. One particular spice-powdered ball slam-dunked right into his right eyeball. There was a moment of silence as the two simply looked at each other Masami watching the sweat build on Makage's face trying not to break his bravado. He was annoying, and a hopeless fool... but Masami had to admit he had some impressive moxie to hold his ground this long.

"Are you o...," Masami flinched as the boy screamed dropping to the ground and rolling in all directions as his eye seared with the pain of a thousand suns. As quick as she could she pulled out the water bottle that had come with her purchase immediately kneeling down. Attempting to drown him she splashed his face with the bottle contents trying to help before the alarm on her phone caused her to panic.

"sh*t, sh*t, sh*t. ENJOY YOUR DELUSIONAL REWARD," Masami bolted yelling the final jab as snarky as one could be to a boy kicked down towards the train station which was responded to in a gurgling resounding:



Persona 5: Alternate - Kingdomkeylight (2024)


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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Author information

Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.