(Please Don’t) Chain Me Unto Thee - loquacious_raven (2024)

Akechi was dead.

The echo reverberating off the walls of the engine room following the twin gunshots finally faded into a heavy silence that wrapped around Akira like a suffocating shroud. His mind, which mere moments ago had been running amok with panicked thoughts had simply ground to a halt, leaving him numb and motionless.

“Joker?” The gentle touch of his companion’s paw jolted Akira from his trance, his gaze shifting from the impenetrable watertight bulkhead door to meet the concerned gaze of his teammate, whose brilliant blue eyes mirrored his worry.

“We should leave,” Morgana murmured, a gentle tug on Akira’s coattails urging him to move. “We need to secure—”

“No,” Akira’s voice unintentionally trembled. “I can’t just leave him there.”

“Joker…” Makoto’s voice, soft yet firm, spoke up from somewhere behind him. “There’s nothing we can do. This barrier—”

Was Akechi’s desperate attempt at redemption.

Was the lid of Akechi’s self-imposed casket.

Was the shield Akechi erected to protect them all.

Was the culmination of Shido’s treachery, the ultimate betrayal.

Was Shido’s—

“It’s a construct of cognition,” Akira realized, a flicker of hope igniting within him. Taking a few steps back from the imposing metal doors, he lifted a red-gloved hand to his mask, fingers tracing its contours with a newfound determination.

Yosh*tsune!” He bellowed, summoning the crimson-clad general to his side. Without another word, Yosh*tsune gripped his double swords tighter before unleashing a flurry of precise strikes toward the metal barrier, each slash reverberating through the stagnant engine room air with a resounding echo of defiance.

In a matter of mere seconds, a triangular opening materialized amidst the once-impenetrable barrier. The metal piece fell with a resounding crash, allowing Akira to dart through, heedless of the concerned cries trailing behind him. His focus narrowed to a singular purpose as he quickly scanned the space for any lingering enemies before seeking out his fallen comrade.

There, amidst the eerie stillness, Akechi lay sprawled upon the cold, grimy floor, a crimson pool staining the ground beneath him. Rushing to his side, Akira sank to his knees, his heart lurching at the sight of Akechi’s vacant gaze behind the shattered mask. Gone was the captivating spark that had animated their conversations, replaced now by a haunting emptiness that chilled Akira to the core.

“Ishtar, Samarecarm,” Akira’s voice quivered as he uttered the command. The goddess manifested in a blaze of azure flames. With tender precision, she extended her hand over the fallen boy’s heart, where the bullet that had ended his life was lodged. Yet, as the verdant glow of the revival magic waned, Akechi’s eyes remained fixed in the cold stare of death.

Samarecarm,” Akira implored once more, his voice tinged with desperation as he drained the last vestiges of his energy. However, the spell failed again, leaving only a lingering sense of defeat as Ishtar dissolved back into Akira’s mask, leaving Akechi motionless beneath him.

“Why…” Akira’s voice escaped in a ragged whisper, his breath hitching as a comforting hand squeezed his shoulder, grounding him in the grim reality that surrounded them.

“That bullet…” Futaba’s voice cut through the heavy silence as her Persona scanned Akechi’s lifeless form. “It’s not cognitive. It’s real.”

“A real bullet?” Haru’s disbelief hung heavy in the air, mingling with the sickening stench of blood and despair. “But how is that possible?”

“It must be connected to Shido’s more realistic perception of reality when it comes to guns,” Futaba murmured. “His preference for using firearms to eliminate his enemies likely shaped the very real nature of the gun the cognition of Akechi wielded.”

“Come on,” Ryuji’s voice, unusually subdued, broke through the tension, his hand retreating from Akira’s shoulder as he turned away from the harrowing sight before them. “There’s nothing we can do for him now except take down the bastard who did this to him.”

Yet, Akira remained rooted to the spot, his gaze locked on the motionless figure of the boy whom he once—no, still—called his rival.

“Akira…” Ann’s voice trembled.

“I’m not leaving him here,” Akira declared, his voice ringing with unwavering resolve.

“Akira, we have to—” Makoto’s plea was cut short as Akira asserted himself once more.

“I. Am not. Leaving him here.”

After gently closing Akechi’s lifeless eyes, with a determined grunt, Akira gathered Akechi’s limp form into his arms, propping his head on the crook of his neck. The lingering warmth of his blood seeped through the fabric of Akira’s gray vest and stained his crimson gloves even redder. Ignoring the protests of his friends, he began to make his way toward the exit.

“You guys go ahead and secure the route to the Treasure,” Akira stated with a sense of finality as he ascended the stairs. “I’ll text you when I get back to the real world.”

Akira moved with a methodical slowness, each step a laborious effort as he cradled Akechi’s slack form, his arms straining under the dead weight. Time seemed to blur around him, the passage of minutes or hours becoming irrelevant as he focused solely on his task.

At last, he reached the ethereal blue prison door of the Velvet Room, its misty surface shimmering with an otherworldly allure. With a steadying breath, he crossed the threshold, Akechi still nestled in his arms like a fragile, broken doll, as he fought the vertigo that accompanied passing into the otherworldly space between dreams and reality, mind and matter.

As the Velvet Room coalesced around him, Akira found himself clad once more in the worn, tattered garments of his prisoner uniform. His grip tightened around Akechi’s lifeless form, the weight of the body causing the shackles on his wrists to dig deeper into his skin.

“Welcome to the Velvet Room,” Igor’s deep voice resonated through the panopticon, his gaze piercing as he observed Akira with an unsettling stillness. “I see you’ve brought a guest.”

On either side of the bars of his prison cell, Justine and Caroline regarded him with their respective singular golden eyes.

“Can you bring him back?” Akira’s voice quivered slightly, yet his eyes remained locked with Igor’s bulging ones, a facade of determination masking his inner turmoil. When the resurrection spell had failed back in the engine room, Akira’s mind immediately went to the enigmatic Velvet Room, a place of peculiar power that had guided him since his introduction to the Metaverse. Perhaps, Akira had reasoned, its denizens could similarly assist Akechi in defying his unfair destiny. After all, the very purpose of the Velvet Room was to help Akira fight his fate and overcome the coming ruin in his future hinted at by Igor. As a Wild Card like himself, there was a chance that its mystical forces could extend their influence to aid another visitor, Akira hypothesized.

“You wish to resurrect the scion of chaos?” Justine’s tone remained neutral, her words devoid of emotion.

“Please,” Akira’s plea hung heavy in the air as he carefully laid Akechi upon the metal bedstead that protruded from the stone walls of his cell. “I’ll do anything.”

“Everything has its price,” Caroline interjected with a hint of disdain. “Whether it be fusing a Persona, summoning one from the Compendium, or seeking our guidance, there is always a cost. You do know that, right, Inmate?”

“To reverse a fate such as this…to pluck the harbinger of Ragnarok from the depths of the Sea of Souls…” Justine’s voice trailed off, her expression grave.

“It is beyond our capabilities,” Igor’s declaration echoed with finality, the weight of his words causing Akira’s heart to plunge to his stomach.

“However,” Igor continued, his voice resonating with an enigmatic certainty, “the game cannot be over so soon. It is too early yet.”

Again with this “game” nonsense, Akira thought bitterly, frustration simmering beneath the surface of his already-fracturing composure.

“You were fortunate, Trickster,” Igor began anew. “Your Justice’s demise in the Metaverse means his time has not truly come to an end. Not yet, anyway.”

“So it’s…possible?” Akira’s breath caught in his throat, his eyes widening with a glimmer of hope. “You can bring him back?”

Igor’s already wide grin stretched impossibly, unnaturally wider. “In a manner of speaking.”

“Master, are you suggesting…?” Caroline remarked, her visible eye widening a fraction. However, despite Akira’s silent plea for clarification, neither twin deigned to provide an answer.

Igor glanced at the twin wardens before his gaze returned to Akira, his expression once again inscrutable. “A game of this caliber cannot end so prematurely. Both champions must play their role to the end. Only then will whatever conclusion is reached be satisfactory.”

“Both champions…?” Akira muttered, his gaze drifting to Akechi’s motionless form on the cold, metal bed, his mind swirling with unanswered questions and unspoken truths.

“We can return Goro Akechi to the mortal plane as a Persona,” Igor declared, his proclamation cutting through the swirling maelstrom of Akira’s thoughts, compelling his undivided attention.

“A Persona?” Akira repeated, his confusion palpable. “But he’s a real person, not some…spirit from the Metaverse.”

“But he is,” Igor replied with a calm certainty. “Now, at least. Since Goro Akechi met his fate in the Metaverse, his soul has become intertwined with the Sea of Souls, the very essence from which all beings of the Metaverse originate.”

Akira’s heart momentarily froze in his chest.

“When your Justice erected the barrier behind which he would meet his demise, did you not feel the strength of your bond reach its pinnacle?” Justine interjected, her disappointment thinly veiled.

“Inmate, don’t tell me you forgot that you’d forged a blood oath with him!” Caroline admonished.

“I remember, but…how’s that supposed to help bring him back to life? Or rather, back as a…Persona?” Akira asked, his mind grappling with the implications of Igor and the twins’ revelations.

Justine sighed softly. “The strength of your bond is the key to pulling him back to your world,” she explained patiently. “With your blood oath, you have effectively intertwined your being with his, creating a connection that serves as both a source of power and a vulnerability.”

“The power of the relationship you two shared will facilitate the return of his soul from the Sea of Souls, but it will also bind him to you,” Caroline added.

“Indeed,” Igor affirmed with a nod. “In essence, the unbreakable bond you shared with your Justice will enable us to retrieve him from the Sea of Souls. However, his existence will be tethered to yours. He will be chained unto you.”

As Akira absorbed their words, a tumult of conflicting emotions churned within him. Akechi, in his final moments, had broken free from Shido’s control, asserting his independence and agency when he decided to shoot the button that would trigger the watertight bulkhead door. Who was Akira to subject him to another form of bondage, especially when he would be the one holding the reins?

Yet, Akira also understood Akechi’s burning desire for justice, his unwavering determination to see Shido held accountable for his crimes. If the denizens of the Velvet Room truly possessed the ability to resurrect Akechi as a Persona, then perhaps, at the culmination of Shido’s downfall, Akira could grant him the freedom he craved by releasing him, just as he had with past Personas. He was confident that if he explained his intentions to Akechi—that he would only be bound to him until their mission was complete—Akechi’s fervent desire for retribution would outweigh any reservations about their newfound connection. After all, in the pursuit of justice, sacrifices were often made, even if it meant sacrificing a part of oneself.

Akechi had already sacrificed everything in his pursuit to take Shido down. Who was Akira to deny him his lifelong wish?

“So, what will it be, Trickster?” Igor’s voice cut through the weighty silence, his gaze fixed on Akira with an expectant intensity. “Will you let Goro Akechi’s soul rest in the Sea of Souls, or will you allow us to aid you in bringing him back so that the game may continue?”

“I told you I’d do anything to bring him back,” Akira replied, his voice resolute. “I meant it.”

Igor chuckled softly, a knowing glint in his eyes. “Very well.”

With a snap of his spindly fingers, a radiant glow enveloped the figure on the metal bedstead. Blue sparks danced and crackled around Akechi’s form until, in a burst of light, his physical body transformed into Joker’s mask, suspended in the air before Akira just beyond the bars of his cell.

“In Metatron’s stead, Goro Akechi will embody the blood oath formed by the realization of the Justice Arcana,” Caroline stated.

“May this new power serve you well, Inmate,” Justine said.

The mask hurtled toward Akira, and upon contact with his body, it dissolved into a familiar warm energy that surged through his veins, marking the acquisition of a new Persona.

A wry, achingly familiar chuckle echoed in the recesses of his mind as Akira felt the surge of newfound power settle within him. Closing his eyes, he reached deep within himself, channeling his resolve into a resounding cry.


A brilliant blue flame erupted beyond the bars of his cell, coalescing into the translucent form of his rival. Akechi’s eyes remained closed, his expression serene as if in a peaceful slumber, even as his figure hovered in the air. Clad in his school uniform, Akechi’s right hand was conspicuously bare, the absence of one of his trademark gloves a subtle reminder of the unfinished business between them: the promise of a rematch.

(Please Don’t) Chain Me Unto Thee - loquacious_raven (1)

Instinctively, Akira’s hand moved to his sides, searching for the familiar presence of the glove that symbolized their rivalry. Yet, his prisoner’s attire lacked the pockets where the glove should have been, leaving him grasping at air.

Akira didn’t have time to ponder the absence of the glove, however; Akechi’s eyes fluttered open at that very moment. After a few blinks, confusion visibly washed over the other boy’s face as he gazed down at his hands, then at the rest of his translucent, floating form. His head swiveled, absorbing the unfamiliar surroundings and the twin wardens guarding Akira’s cell until his gaze locked onto Akira himself.

“What the f*ck?” Akechi muttered, a blend of disbelief and irritation crossing his features, eliciting a small amused snort from Akira.

The scowl on Akechi’s face deepened, but before he could unleash a barrage of questions or complaints at Akira, Igor cleared his throat, causing Akechi to whip around to face the long-nosed man he hadn’t noticed before sitting behind him.

“Goro Akechi, welcome to the Velvet Room,” Igor began, but Akechi interrupted.

“What’s happening?” Frustration and confusion tinged his tone as he turned back to Akira. “Kurusu, what have you done? Why am I…I thought…”

Akira sensed the mounting panic in Akechi’s voice as he once again glanced at his translucent body, surrounded by the flickering blue flames and ethereal chains weaving through the fire that accompanied every manifested Persona.

“I’m supposed to be dead.” Akechi’s voice faltered, betraying his uncertainty. “Why do I look like…”

“A Persona?” Igor interjected, completing Akechi’s unfinished sentence. Akira observed Akechi’s sharp intake of breath.

“A Persona?” Akechi repeated, voice almost wheezed, his gaze turning into a murderous glare aimed at Akira. “I am…a Persona? Your Persona?”

“Akechi…” Akira started, his words trailing off as he struggled to find the right response to calm the other boy’s escalating rage.

However, attempting to speak proved futile as Akechi lunged forward, his hand reaching out. He passed through the bars of Akira’s cell like a ghost, gripping Akira’s throat with phantom-like fingers.

Despite the pressure Akechi was visibly exerting on his neck, Akira felt nothing. Akechi’s hands seemed to meld into his skin, leaving no trace of their grasp as they tightened futilely around the column of his throat. Realizing the uselessness of his attack, Akechi released an animalistic, frustrated growl, locking eyes with Akira with a glare filled with pure rage.

“Explain. Now,” Akechi’s words dripped with malice, each syllable emphasized with venom. “I should be dead. I died in the Palace. What have you done, Kurusu?”

“I’m sorry,” Akira attempted to soothe Akechi’s fury, but his words only fueled the fire.

“Save your f*cking apologies and excuses,” Akechi snarled. “Why am I here? Why am I…your Persona? How the f*ck is that even possible?”

Before Akira could utter a word, the sharp snap of fingers reverberated through the panopticon, followed by Akechi’s startled yelp. The sound of taut chains echoed as Akechi was forcefully pulled backward by a wave of Igor’s hand.

“Now, now,” Caroline chided, clicking her tongue as if scolding a disobedient pet. “No need for such violent outbursts, especially toward our esteemed guest.”

“Let me go!” Akechi barked, fear flickering in his eyes as he looked back and forth between the twin wardens, his limbs held in place by an invisible force, rendering him immobile against his will.

“Behave, and we shall release you,” Justine replied calmly.

“Release him!” Akira demanded, gripping the cell bars tightly. As soon as Akechi ceased struggling, the ethereal chains surrounding him slackened, causing him to collapse onto his knees with a gasp.

“Akechi, are you…” Akira started, but was cut off.

“f*ck all of you,” Akechi muttered, finally sinking to the ground from his floating position with his knees tucked under him, hands tangled in his hair as he slouched inward. “I can’t…”

He visibly trembled, continuing, “I won’t be controlled again. Akira, please…”

After a moment of stillness, Akechi spoke again, his voice strained, “Please…let me go. Let me die.”

Akira’s eyes widened in concern. “Akechi, hold on, let me—”

“No!” Akechi shook his head vigorously as his fingers tugged at his long locks. “I refuse to be manipulated again, by Shido, the forces behind my powers, or even you! I’d rather die than be a puppet again! I died once to escape control, and I would do it again and again and again if it meant I can finally be free!”

Akechi’s breaths came in ragged gasps. “That moment, pulling the trigger at the switch for the bulkhead door, was the only decision I ever truly made for myself. I won’t let my final act be in vain.”

A tense silence descended upon the room before Akira found his voice again.

“Akechi, please, hear me out. I promise you, you’ll be free soon.”

“‘Soon’ isn’t good enough,” Akechi’s voice was barely a whisper. “My death should have set me free. Yet here I am, bound to you like I was to Shido. That wretched cognition was right: I’m just a puppet, aren’t I? And I always will be, it seems.”

Akechi met Akira’s gaze, his expression broken in a way Akira had never seen before.

“You know I pulled that trigger to break free from Shido’s control once and for all,” Akechi’s voice was strained. “You promised to take him down. Instead, you’re using me, for what? To ease your conscience? To save someone beyond redemption? I’m a hopeless case, Kurusu. Direct your focus and energy to where it should be.”

“No, Akechi,” Akira’s denial was resolute. “I brought you back to help us defeat Shido.”

Akechi scoffed skeptically. “You expect me to believe that?”

“I vowed to bring Shido down, and I will,” Akira asserted. “But I also know your desire for justice. If that cognition hadn’t intervened, you would have joined us, right?”

“What does it matter? I’m dead,” Akechi’s tone was bitter. “There’s no point in entertaining ‘what if’ scenarios.”

“But you’re here now,” Akira insisted. “Even if it’s not how you envisioned, you can still contribute to ending Shido’s tyranny.”

“Do you expect me to believe you resurrected me solely for that?” Akechi’s disbelief was palpable. “Not to soothe your savior complex?”

“That’s precisely why I asked Igor to bring you back,” Akira affirmed. “I won’t force you to do anything you don’t want to. I want to give you a chance to see your revenge through, and witness the justice you’d sought this whole time for yourself.”

Akechi remained silent for a moment, contemplating Akira’s words. Finally, he let out a weary sigh and rose to his feet.

“I’ll admit, I only agreed to our arrangement because I saw no alternative to bring Shido down alone,” Akechi confessed. “If I could have done it myself, I would have. But that path is closed to me now.”

“It’s still possible if you’re with us,” Akira countered. “I promise to release you once our mission succeeds. I wanted to give you the chance to confront Shido alongside us, considering all you’ve been through.”

Akechi’s expression hardened, his lips forming a tight line. Akira sensed the internal debate raging within him.

After a tense pause, Akechi spoke with a resigned tone. “Very well. I’ll join you until Shido is defeated and justice is served. However,” he added, fixing a piercing glare on Akira, “I demand my freedom the moment Shido confesses and is properly punished. I’ll return to the Sea of Souls as soon as our alliance is over. I reserve the right to refuse your orders. I’ll make my own choices, despite being bound to you. Do we agree on these terms?”

“Deal,” Akira said.

No handshake was needed; as soon as Akira spoke, Akechi’s spectral form glowed, then dimmed abruptly, flooding Akira with a surge of newfound power through their connection.

“Remarkable,” Igor remarked, catching both boys off guard. Akira had almost forgotten their audience. “I never anticipated a bond surpassing such boundaries. You continue to exceed expectations, Trickster. I look forward to seeing how this decision of yours unfolds.”

“Let’s go,” Akechi suggested. With a nod, Akira headed toward the exit of the Velvet Room, Akechi following closely behind with blue fire licking at his heels.

As they materialized back on the front deck of Shido’s ship, relief washed over Akira before he turned to face Akechi.

“Thank you for agreeing to help us,” he said, but Akechi scoffed in response.

“As if I truly had a choice,” Akechi retorted, crossing his arms. “The sooner we fulfill our new deal, the sooner I…”

He trailed off, before finishing softly, “The sooner I can see my mother in the afterlife.”

Akira’s heart clenched in his chest. However, before he could think of a way to soothe the older boy, Akechi spoke again, voice much more composed.

“So, what’s next?”

Akira pondered for a moment. “First, let’s assess your capabilities in this form.”

“You mean, my powers as your Persona?” Akechi clarified, standing more upright, eyes gleaming in interest.

“Yes. What abilities do you possess?” Akira inquired. “Normally, when I summon Personas, I choose their skills, but your case is different.”

Akechi closed his eyes briefly, likely evaluating his abilities. After a pause, he reopened them, a mischievous grin forming.

“I possess two distinct skill sets, reflective of my Personas,” Akechi revealed. “My trait appears to be different than the trait of Robin Hood and Loki, as well. Instead of Loki and Robin’s trait ‘Tactical Spirit’, mine is called ‘The Trickster of Chaos,’ allowing me to wield the skill set of both Robin and Loki.”

“That’s amazing,” Akira marveled. “I’ve never encountered such a trait.”

“Robin’s set includes Megaton Raid, Eigaon, Kougaon, Samarecarm, and Debilitate, as well as the passive skills Attack Master and Fortify Spirit, while Loki’s comprises Laevateinn, Megidolaon, Riot Gun, Call of Chaos, Tetrakarn, Makarakarn, and Heat Riser, and the passive skill Evade Bless.”

“That’s really well-rounded,” Akira said, mind already whirring with the endless tactical possibilities of a duel skill set.

“It’s likely due to my Wild Card status, akin to yours,” Akechi mused, hand beneath his chin in contemplation. “As a Trickster myself, I wielded multiple Personas, so it’s logical I would have unique powers as a Persona myself. I wonder…”

Akechi shifted into a defensive stance, then unleashed a powerful cry, “Megidolaon!”

A burst of vivid purple energy erupted, consuming everything in its path with searing intensity. When the chaos subsided, Akira opened his eyes, stunned by the display before him.

Akechi’s appearance had transformed; he’d shed his school uniform for the form-fitting black-and-blue striped outfit of his Black Mask guise. However, the helmet, menacing mask, and pointy gorget were absent. Instead, two elegant black and white striped horns emerged from Akechi’s forehead, reminiscent of Loki’s features. It was a fusion of his Metaverse attire in life and the signature look of Loki. Notably, his right hand remained bare without the clawed glove.

“Fascinating,” Akechi remarked, examining his altered appearance and touching the horns with curiosity. Assuming a battle stance once more, he shouted, “Kougaon!”

After the dazzling light from the heavy Bless attack dissipated, Akechi’s outfit transformed again. This time, he wore his princely white attire, adorned with a headband bearing golden wings on the sides. In his white-gloved left hand, he held an oversized golden bow, while his right hand remained gloveless.

(Please Don’t) Chain Me Unto Thee - loquacious_raven (2)

Akira couldn’t help but gawk at the transformations. Akechi inspected the bow with a hint of strain in his breath.

“So my appearance changes with each skill set, just like it would whenever I switched Personas,” Akechi remarked between breaths. “Though it seems more taxing than I recall, using these skills.”

“The spells require more energy?” Akira sought confirmation, to which Akechi nodded.

“Yes, the cost is greater. It’s to be expected with such potent abilities,” Akechi explained, closing his eyes briefly. Blue flames engulfed him once more, and when they dissipated, he reverted to his school uniform.

“Anyway, it’s time for you to return to the real world,” Akechi suggested. “Your friends have already left, it seems. You wouldn’t want to cause them concern, now, would you?”

“Yeah, you’re right…” Akira responded hesitantly. “But—”

“Are you worried I’ll vanish from your sight?” Akechi taunted. “Don’t fret. I’m sure I’m not the only one whose Personas communicated telepathically. If you need me, just ask. We’ll stay connected.”

After prompting the Metaverse Navigator to return him to the real world, Akira pulled his hoodie down, concealing his battered face from prying eyes. He sent a text to the Phantom Thieves group chat, informing the others he’d returned to the real world, before beginning to make his way underground. As he prepared to board the train back to Yongen-Jaya, Akechi’s voice resonated in his mind, just as he’d said it would in his new form.

“You look quite beaten up,” Akechi’s tone was neutral. “Is it from the interrogation?”

“Yeah,” Akira replied softly so as to not draw attention to the fact he appeared to be talking to himself.

Akechi fell silent, likely acknowledging his indirect role in Akira’s ordeal. Although Akechi couldn’t have known the extent of the torture Akira would endure at the hands of corrupt cops, it was Akechi’s betrayal that led Akira to the interrogation room in the first place, barely coherent after unknown drugs and attempting to persuade Sae Niijima for help.

Upon arriving at Leblanc, which was dark inside, indicating Sojiro had left for the night, Akira unlocked the front door and slipped inside.


Calling out for Morgana yielded no response; instead, his phone buzzed with an incoming text.

Futaba: Mona’s with me. I’ll return him tomorrow.

Sometimes, Akira forgot about how Futaba still had Leblanc bugged and how formidable her hacking and surveillance skills could be. Acknowledging with a quick “OK,” Akira headed upstairs after pocketing his phone once more.

After changing into pajamas and completing his nighttime routine, he settled into bed. However, instead of immediately closing his eyes, he activated his Third Eye, testing a theory he had been contemplating since leaving the Metaverse.

As his enhanced perception took effect, Akira saw Akechi sitting at the foot of his bed, his form translucent like when summoned as a Persona. Their eyes met, causing Akechi to startle momentarily.

“Can you…see me?” Akechi’s voice echoed in Akira’s mind. Akira nodded in response.

“Yeah,” he affirmed. “My Third Eye—it’s a gift from Igor, that long-nosed man you met in the Velvet Room—allows me to perceive things in both the Metaverse and the real world that are otherwise invisible to the naked eye.”

“Hmm,” Akechi acknowledged. “It’s like my ability to conceal my presence.”

“Your what now?” Akira was surprised.

Akechi rolled his eyes. “Didn’t you or your Navigators notice me trailing your group in Madarame, Kaneshiro, Okumura, and Shido’s Palaces? I can mask my presence in both the Metaverse and reality. It’s what helped me survive for so long without a mentor to teach me about the Metaverse, and avoid unwanted attention in the real world.”

“Huh,” Akira murmured. “We never realized.”

“Well,” Akechi continued, “at least now we can have a somewhat face-to-face conversation.”

An awkward silence lingered before Akira spoke again.

“I really am sorry, you know,” Akira apologized. “I brought you back without your consent. I don’t want to control you, but—”

“Save your explanations, Akira,” Akechi interrupted wearily. “You’ve already said this. I’ve come to accept being controlled, as awful as it is. Being chained to you is far better than being under Shido’s control.”

“Still,” Akira persisted, “I know the choice you made in the engine room was important to you. But your revenge matters more, right? You wouldn’t have taken your plan so far otherwise. I wanted to give you that chance. Just like with all the others.”

Akira offered a small, wry smile before continuing, “Every target we pursued was at the request of one of the Thieves. It wasn’t for some noble cause; our motives were selfish, driven by threats against us. I thought Shido was my target.”

“Yours?” Akechi’s brows furrowed. “Why?”

“You’re aware of my probation, right?” Akira asked, receiving a nod from Akechi. “The person who accused me of assault, the one who sued me, was Shido.”

Silence filled the space before Akechi burst into laughter. It was a stark contrast to his usual composed demeanor as the Detective Prince; this laughter was uncontrolled, causing him to fold inward as his body shook with mirth.

“To think, that after all this time,” Akechi wheezed amidst his laughter, “the reason you’re here and we crossed paths was because of Shido. He screwed you over just as much as he did me. It was you who gave him that ugly cut to his forehead?”

Akira nodded with a small smile.

“Ha!” Akechi barked. “I knew he’d sued someone in some small backwater town over that little injury, but to think it was you all along…! I remember wishing I could thank the person who’d done that to him, so I suppose gratitude is in order,” Akechi remarked with a wry grin.

After regaining his composure and wiping away a few stray amused tears, Akechi’s demeanor shifted, his voice taking on an eerie tone. “I used to think death was the ideal punishment for someone like Shido,” he said. “But when I heard about the changes of heart, I considered them worse. Manipulating someone’s mind like that? Essentially lobotomizing them? If I ever became a target for a change of heart, I’d kill myself before that.”

Akira’s eyes widened at his blunt statement, but Akechi pressed on.

“Yet, changing someone’s heart would make them a different person entirely. They wouldn’t really be who they were before. That’s why, despite knowing another form of revenge existed, I aimed to see Shido fall from grace and face his demise as he was. I wanted to witness his fear and regret before ending him myself with the same gun I’d used to kill all his targets.”

His gaze dropped, veiled by his bangs. “But killing him myself isn’t an option now, working with you.”

Akira hummed. “Phantom Thieves don’t kill.”

“And even if I wanted to, as a Persona, you still control me at the end of the day,” Akechi acknowledged, tone bitter. “Your sense of justice wouldn’t allow it. So, when I sealed myself behind that metal door, I accepted that even if Shido lives, he’ll suffer in prison, consumed by guilt, once you fulfilled our promise.”

“You know,” Akira spoke once Akechi had finished. “Whenever someone asked us to target a person for a change of heart, we always left the final decision to them.”

“Are you suggesting you’d let me kill Shido if I wanted to?” Akechi raised a skeptical brow.

“I hope you won’t choose to,” Akira replied. “As you said, a change of heart can be worse than death in some ways. But I understand that Shido hurt you far more deeply than anyone else. It’s only fair that you get to decide what happens to him once we defeat him.”

Akira hesitated before continuing, “He killed you, Akechi. He deserves whatever punishment you deem fitting.”

Akechi fell silent, contemplating Akira’s words. After a minute, he sighed.

“I honestly don’t know what I’ll do once Shido is defeated. But…” Akechi turned away, avoiding Akira’s gaze. “It means a lot to me that you’re entrusting his fate to me. I can only hope that whatever decision I make, you’ll respect it.”

“I will,” Akira assured him. “While I hope for one outcome over the other, I respect your right to choose. Like I said, I don’t want to control you, no matter your current situation.”

Akechi nodded and stood up, moving to the couch. “You should rest, Akira,” he suggested as he sat down. “I don’t think I technically need sleep in this form, but you could use it. Your eye bags have eye bags.”

Akira chuckled. “You’re probably right. Goodnight, Akechi.”

“Goodnight,” Akechi replied. Soon after, Akira drifted into a peaceful sleep.

* * *

The next morning, as Akira stirred awake, he was greeted by the sound of Akechi’s voice in his mind, causing him to startle.

“What’s the plan for today?” Akechi’s voice echoed in his thoughts.

“Good morning to you, too,” Akira mumbled, a hint of amusem*nt in his tone. Akechi let out a huff.

“Don’t be cheeky,” he retorted. “Is the rest of your gang coming over today? I assume you’ll want to send the calling card to Shido as soon as possible?”

“Yes, they’ll be here after school,” Akira confirmed.

“You’re still keeping up the charade, right?” Akechi asked. “Playing dead and all that.”

“Yup,” Akira replied, popping the ‘p.’ “But don’t worry; Ann usually brings me her notes since we’re in the same class, so I won’t fall behind once I can safely return to school.”

“Studying even in your ‘dead’ state?” Akechi raised an eyebrow.

“There’s not much else I can do,” Akira grumbled. “Can’t risk Shido’s people catching wind that I’m not actually rotting away in a morgue.”

With that, Akira headed downstairs, brewing a fresh pot of coffee and reheating leftover curry from the fridge for breakfast. After a quick meal, he prepared for the day and started gathering and creating supplies for their upcoming confrontation.

Without his Third Eye activated, Akira couldn’t see Akechi’s ghostly form, but the occasional remarks in his mind kept him company as he worked.

As the bell downstairs rang, signaling the arrival of the Phantom Thieves, Akira tidied up his workspace and joined his friends downstairs, greeting each of them as they arrived.

After the Thieves had settled down in the cafe, Morgana immediately asked, “So, what happened yesterday after we’d all left? You were gone for a while.”

“We were starting to think something had happened to you, and we’d need to come back to rescue you,” Haru said.

Akira tugged at his fringe, a hint of hesitation in his movements as he tried to formulate an explanation for the events that had transpired in the Velvet Room.

“It’s a bit complicated to explain,” he started.

“Don’t worry, I’ll translate for the less…savvy ones,” Futaba interjected with a mischievous grin, glancing at Ryuji.

“Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?!” Ryuji grumbled.

“Alright, alright,” Akira began, choosing his words carefully. “So basically, Akechi is now…a Persona.”

A collective gasp filled the cafe, followed by a barrage of questions.

“He’s a WHAT?!”

“What do you mean, he’s a Persona?”

“How is that even possible?”

Ok, ok, calm down, everyone,” Akira urged, raising his hand to quiet the commotion. Everyone immediately fell silent, and so Akira continued.

“I’ll show you when we get to Shido’s Palace, but for now, just know that I can still communicate with him, even when he’s not physically present,” Akira explained.

“Similar to how Kamu Susano-o communicates with me telepathically?” Yusuke inquired.

“Wait, your Personas communicate with you guys in the real world as well?” Ann asked in surprise.

Akira nodded, before activating his Third Eye and scanning the cafe. He found Akechi silently sitting by the bar.

“Can we focus on the calling card now?” Akechi’s voice echoed in Akira’s mind, prompting him to continue the discussion.

“Akechi’s getting impatient,” Akira translated, before turning to Futaba and asking, “You mentioned you have something prepared for the calling card already?”

Futaba’s eyes lit up with excitement. “Oh, you bet! My Futaba cannon is primed and ready. Once we unleash it, we’ll be ready to infiltrate Shido’s Palace.”

“Do you think Shido will see it?” Haru asked.

Futaba nodded confidently. “Absolutely. There’s no way he’ll miss it. In fact, I doubt there will be a person in Japan who hasn’t seen our calling card when I’m done.”

Akira grinned. “Great. Is everyone ready for the heist then?”

With unanimous nods from the group, Futaba eagerly set to work on deploying her calling card.

* * *

After the video had been broadcast, the Phantom Thieves gathered in a secluded alleyway near the Diet Building, ensuring they were out of sight from prying eyes as frantic government officials scurried around. Akira had his phone out, the Metaverse Navigator app open and ready. He surveyed each of his teammates before asking, “Are we all set?”

With unanimous nods from the team, he activated the app, transporting them all into the Metaverse. As the disorientation of transitioning to this otherworldly realm settled, Akira reached for his mask, tendrils of fiery energy curling around his fingertips, and called out, “Akechi!”

Akechi materialized instantly, the sound of chains clinking with his appearance, causing startled reactions from the rest of the team.

“Whoa!” Ryuji exclaimed, taking a step back.

“Remarkable,” Yusuke murmured, his eyes wide as he framed the scene with his fingers. “A former comrade turned adversary, now a source of strength and power for our leader.”

“Good grief,” Akechi muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration.

“Wow!” Futaba chimed in as Prometheus analyzed Akechi. “You have two skill sets? That’s seriously OP.”

“Naturally,” Akechi said, a hint of pride in his tone. “Don’t forget, I wielded two Personas when I was alive,” he reminded her.

“So you’re…actually dead?” Ann asked, her voice trembling slightly.

Akechi shrugged. “Who the f*ck knows what that means in this state. Considering I died in the Metaverse, I’m not sure how that translates to my existence in reality.”

“Regardless, your presence here will be a significant asset,” Makoto interjected. “I meant what I said before: your strength is admirable and far surpasses our own. If you can wield double the power of any of us individually, we stand a good chance of defeating Shido.”

“Let’s hope so,” Akechi replied cautiously. “But don’t underestimate Shido. You’ve only seen a fraction of his power. I’ve been working under his thumb for years; he’s likely to have some dangerous tricks up his sleeve when we confront him. Be prepared for the worst.”

“Thanks for the warning, Mr. Optimistic,” Ryuji muttered, earning an annoyed glance from Akechi.

“He’s right,” Akira chimed in. “Shido is unlike any enemy we’ve faced. He’s cunning and well-versed in the Metaverse. Let’s not underestimate the strength of his Shadow, regardless of the fact that we now have Akechi’s assistance.”

With a subtle gesture, Akira motioned for the team to move forward, leading them to the nearest safe room to the Treasure, with Akechi by his side the entire way.

As soon as they were ready mentally, physically, and supply-wise, they cautiously proceeded to the Representatives Chamber. Akira gently pushed the grand doors open, unlocked thanks to the letters of recommendation they’d previously acquired. As they entered the gallery, they were met with the imposing figure of Shido’s Shadow, standing arrogantly behind a podium.

As they drew closer, Ryuji’s voice cut through the silence, echoing in the grand room, “Shido!”

Shido’s Shadow peered down at them with a glare, his glowing yellow eyes ablaze with malice. “Where did you lowlifes acquire such power?” He asked as he scanned the group gathered below him. “But it matters not,” he continued, his gaze fixing on Akechi at last.

“So, you’ve aligned yourself with the vermin attempting to steer my campaign awry and plunge the country into chaos,” Shido sneered before a twisted grin crossed his visage. “I always suspected you would turn against me.”

Akechi’s fists clenched at his sides, his features contorted with anger. “Shut up, you bastard,” he spat out.

Shido’s sinister smile widened. “That’s quite the ironic statement, coming from my bastard son. I had an inkling of your intentions. You were hoping to trap me, were you not? Your schemes were transparent, albeit clever for a mere child. But you were always under my control, basking in my praise like a puppet. I planned to dispose of you once I ascended to power, regardless of your delusions of closeness to me by carrying out my orders.”

Akechi staggered back, shock and fury mixing on his face. “You…knew?” he gasped, disbelief coloring his tone. “You knew that I was—?”

“I had my suspicions,” Shido replied callously. “You reminded me too much of her,” he smirked. “That whor*.”

“Don’t you dare speak of her like that!” Akechi’s voice shook with rage, his entire being trembling with barely-suppressed emotions.

Shido’s smirk twisted into a cruel sneer. “It’s a fitting end, isn’t it? Like mother, like son. Both failures, meeting their demise at their own hands.”

Akechi’s snarl reverberated through the chamber, a guttural, almost inhuman sound, as his form flickered and shifted between his school uniform and the dark appearance of Loki. The sudden transformation elicited gasps of astonishment from the others, but Shido remained unfazed, his chuckle cutting through the tension.

“How pitiful,” Shido remarked calmly. “You craved freedom, yet willingly bound yourself to my cause. And now, even in death, you’re tethered to another. You simply cannot exist without a master, can you?”

“SHUT UP!” Akechi’s voice echoed, resonating with fury as his school uniform disintegrated, finally replaced by the sleek Black Mask ensemble, complete with Loki’s horns protruding from his forehead. “I’ll destroy you!”

“How could you say something so cruel to your own son?” Yusuke’s voice rose, his hand inching toward the katana sheathed at his side. “You were responsible for his demise!”

Shido’s scoff echoed through the chamber. “Foolishness. I didn’t do anything to him; he sealed his own fate by betraying me. Someone with intimate knowledge of my past couldn’t be allowed to live, anyhow. Despite standing beside me, he remained blind to my intentions. His self-destruction merely expedited my plans.”

“How could you…!?” Ann’s voice quivered with horror, her eyes wide in disbelief.

“You stole my mother’s research…and her life!” Futaba’s words rang out, her small frame visibly trembling with anger.

“All your actions were driven by selfish motives!” Haru’s voice was firm, her gaze piercing beneath her petite black mask. “You even took my father’s life! I can never forgive you for that!”

“Sacrifices are a necessary part of the path to reform,” Shido retorted dismissively. “It’s simply a matter of the lesser individuals entrusting themselves to their superiors. I am here to guide them.”

“What gives you the right to think you’re above everyone else!?” Ryuji growled.

“Akechi’s involvement was a result of the expectations God placed upon me,” Shido claimed. “And it was my guidance that enabled him to harness his abilities in the first place. Unfortunately, he was always a doomed test subject; an inevitable failure. As for your ‘changes of heart’…it was merely a manipulation of public sentiment.”

“Test subject?” Akira whispered, confused. However, when he looked toward Akechi, the other boy wouldn’t meet his eyes.

“How selfish and deceitful!” Yusuke’s voice dripped with scorn. “You couldn’t achieve your goals through honesty, so you resorted to underhanded tactics to climb the political ladder!”

“A person of such cruelty has no place leading this nation,” Makoto declared firmly. “You’re nothing but a criminal who has risen through a staircase built on sin.”

“The life of the nation outweighs the sacrifices of a few,” Shido remarked with a sad shake of his head. “There is no comparison. The masses are ignorant, concerned only with their own fleeting happiness. I am simply providing that for them. This is the social reform that only I, chosen by God, can bring about!”

“I can’t believe you hold such disdain for others,” Haru murmured in disbelief.

“I would never follow a leader who manipulated a teenager into committing murder!” Ann’s voice was filled with righteous indignation. “You claim it’s for the country, but I’m sure it’s all for your own selfish desires. No one would ever wish for such atrocities!”

“No one?” Shido mock questioned. “Then why have I been chosen? Why are they handing over the prime minister’s seat to me? People these days shun hard work, instead seeking easy riches. That’s why I must rebuild this powerful nation. One that stands firm…One that commands respect from all.”

“Powerful nation, my ass!” Ryuji exclaimed in frustration. “It’s just a corrupt state built by a corrupt man!”

“We cannot allow you to continue like this. You bring shame upon Japan. Therefore, we will seize your corrupted heart!” Yusuke declared with determination.

Shido let out a huff of annoyance. “Those who defy me must be eradicated. However, considering the loss of Akechi, it would be a waste to dispose of those who possess actual talent. I’ll give you one final chance to choose between life and death. Pledge your allegiance to my social reform, and I’ll grant you anything you desire, whether it’s wealth or power.”

Akira clenched his jaw. “No chance. I made a promise to Akechi to bring you to justice, and I intend to keep it, no matter what.”

Akechi turned sharply to look at Akira, disbelief and a hint of admiration crossing his face before he refocused on Shido. With a casual gesture, he summoned Loki’s flaming red sword above his head.

Morgana’s smile widened at the display of defiance. “We won’t be swayed by your empty promises!” he declared, readying for battle.

“No matter how many times you ask, we won’t bow to you!” Ann said boldly as she readied her whip.

“It seems even the supposedly intelligent can be blind,” Shido remarked with a sigh. “This is regrettable…I have no choice but to eliminate all of you. A small leak can sink a great ship. Powerful nations have crumbled due to such leniency. I won’t repeat their mistakes.”

In an instant, the room filled with identical-looking men, all enthusiastically applauding Shido’s words. The Thieves glanced around, startled by the sudden appearance of Shido’s cognitive sycophants, preparing to face this new threat alongside Akechi, who was visibly tense but determined as he floated closer to Akira, magic swirling around him, ready to be unleashed at a moment’s notice.

“There are so many of them…!” Morgana yelped, blue eyes wide as he surveyed the sea of individuals surrounding them.

“When did…!?” Makoto whispered, her brass knuckles tightening in her grasp.

Shido waved his hands, instantly silencing the cognitive crowd. The room began to shake ominously, and as Akira looked up, he saw the remaining eye of a giant daruma filling in. The walls shifted, the ground trembled, and the room transformed before their eyes. Yusuke, quick on his feet, darted forward, leaping up the ascending platforms. With a silent gesture, he urged the others to follow, snapping them out of their shock. One by one, the Phantom Thieves ascended until they reached a spacious room—a perfect battlefield.

Shido turned his back on the group, heading toward the center of the room with black smoke swirling around his heels. “Let me be clear,” he stated, his voice devoid of emotion. “Do not mistake me for my foolish, failure of a son, who acted impulsively.”

“You piece of sh*t!” Ryuji snarled.

“Prepare to meet your end,” Shido declared as his appearance shifted. His head was crowned with a spiky silver helmet, and he wore a captain’s uniform complete with a gaudy red cape draped over his shoulders. Seated atop a golden lion made of human bodies, he exuded a grotesque aura.

“How revolting,” Akechi muttered at the sight. “He sees the masses as mere tools. Let’s bring him down, Joker!”

“You’ve caused our leader enough suffering,” Ryuji shouted. “It’s time to pay!”

The golden lion unleashed a deafening roar, signaling the start of the battle. The Phantom Thieves summoned their Personas in unison, ready to confront Shido’s twisted form and put an end to his tyranny.

“Thieves have no place in my great nation!” Shido’s voice thundered through the open space. “Only those who bow before me are worthy.”

“We risk our lives to stop corrupt adults…that’s what being a Phantom Thief is all about!” Futaba’s amplified voice reverberated across the battlefield as her Persona floated above them.

“Prepare yourselves, everyone!” Akira commanded.

Riot Gun!” Akechi shouted, unleashing his attack. However, a reflective barrier sprang up as soon as it hit the golden lion, deflecting the blow. Akechi narrowly avoided being hit, twisting his body away with a scowl.

“Shido is reflecting all types of physical attacks!” Futaba’s voice echoed in their minds. “Avoid using guns or close combat moves for now!”

Akira turned to Akechi. “Switch to Robin Hood’s magic attacks for now. He’s more effective against Shido’s defenses. And keep an eye on your energy levels; I don’t want you to inadvertently run out of energy and be unable to cast spells, especially since your dual skill set is costlier than average.”

With a huff, blue flames surrounded Akechi’s form, transforming into Robin Hood’s attire complete with a giant golden bow.

“Got it, Joker,” he replied sarcastically. “Rest assured, I’ll inform you if I require an item to replenish my energy for spell casting, so it doesn’t disrupt your precious strategy.”

Akira continued to issue commands, orchestrating their attacks. Akechi unleashed potent Bless and Curse spells with every draw of his bowstring, each arrow of magic hitting their mark with deadly precision. The combined onslaught of magical assaults soon began to wear down the golden beast.

“You vermin!” Shido roared as the lion’s health dwindled. “You will rue the day you defied me!”

“We won’t back down!” Futaba retorted defiantly.

“Then prepare to face the consequences!” Shido snarled. “Your defiance will cost you dearly…in the next life!”

The lion’s transformation took the Phantom Thieves by surprise, its newfound wings casting a daunting shadow over them as it loomed far above in the air.

“It evolved!?” Futaba’s astonishment was palpable.

“I’ll crush you!” Shido’s roar echoed through the giant space.

Their previous tactic of magic assaults proved futile as Akechi’s Curse spell rebounded, catching him off guard. His cry of pain echoed with Akira’s own as the backlash simultaneously hit both of them unexpectedly.

Akechi’s eyes widened as he realized their linked health. “So, attacks on one of us affects us both,” he remarked, receiving a nod of agreement from Akira. “We’ll have to be extra cautious.”

Once recovered, Akira swiftly adjusted their strategy. “Focus on physical attacks and close combat,” he directed, rallying the team.

Akechi switched to Loki’s skill set, alternating between Riot Gun and slashes from Loki’s giant hovering sword.

The Thieves’ relentless assault took its toll on the transformed foe, leaving Shido visibly frustrated before long.

“To endure this much…!” Shido seethed. “Why do you persist…!? My vision for the nation…is the pinnacle of public contentment!”

Dark energy swirled around the lion and Shido, reshaping them into a towering pyramid.

The sudden transformation startled Futaba. “It changed again!?”

“The weak must be sacrificed for lofty ideals!” Shido’s voice echoed from within the pyramid. “It’s the natural order of things!”

Though lacking the resilience of its predecessors, this new form proved challenging to whittle down. The Thieves struggled, not just against its formidable defenses but also dodging laser assaults erupting from the pyramid’s core. Exhaustion set in as they fought tooth and nail, but finally, the pyramid crumbled into oblivion, leaving Shido exposed amidst the wreckage, glaring at the golden remnants strewn around him.

“Useless, ignorant masses!” Shido’s disdain for the broken tool below him was palpable as he redirected his fury toward Akira and the Thieves.

“Even a horde of thieves can be formidable, it seems…” Shido’s voice dripped with disdain.

“Blaming everyone else when you’re losing, typical!” Ryuji retorted with a scowl.

Shido’s gaze locked onto Akira, his expression darkening. “So, you’re the one unifying them…”

“A touching reunion, isn’t it?” Ann’s tone was laced with sarcasm.

“You should learn to finish what you start,” Yusuke added pointedly.

“Although, there won’t be a next time for you to terrorize the public!” Futaba quipped.

Shido’s attention sharpened on Akira. “You’re more than just another Phantom Thief, aren’t you?”

Akira stepped forward, his eyes fixed on Shido’s Shadow. With Akechi still manifested by his side, there was no mask to cover his intense gaze. “It’s been a while,” he replied evenly.

“This ain’t the first time you failed to finish this guy off,” Ryuji chimed in proudly.

“You’ve faced him in court and still don’t remember?” Makoto’s disdain was palpable. “You’re utterly indifferent to the suffering you cause.”

Shido’s expression subtly shifted, a flicker of recognition crossing his features. “Wait…Could you be…the one from before!?” Shido remarked. “The brat who dared to defy me when I was with that woman!”

Shido chuckled darkly. “So it is you. What an unexpected twist of fate.” His gaze swept over the Thieves. “But your efforts will be in vain in the end.”

“What are you talking about!?” Ryuji demanded, his frustration boiling over.

“Small sacrifices are unavoidable for those aspiring to wield power and lead competently,” Shido retorted. “One cannot reach their destination if they stop to count every ant crushed on the road.”

Haru gasped, her eyes widening in horror. “Are you suggesting that those people deserved to die!?”

“He’s completely insane…” Ann murmured, her face drained of color.

“I don’t expect the ignorant masses of this country to comprehend,” Shido continued, his form expanding. In moments, he stood before the Phantom Thieves, his overly muscular physique accentuated by metal chest armor.

“I will prove my dominance by crushing the Phantom Thieves with my own hands!” Shido bellowed, assuming a formidable fighting stance.

“What kind of power is this?” Futaba exclaimed. “Be careful! Those muscles aren’t just for show!”

The Thieves rallied, pouring their remaining strength into battling Shido’s empowered Shadow directly. Despite his enhanced durability, their relentless assault of magic, physical strikes, and close combat maneuvers gradually wore him down.

“Not bad…” Shido grunted, struggling against their onslaught. “But I won’t be bested by thieves!”

However, as the tide turned decisively against him, the would-be Prime Minister grimaced with effort.

“How are these lowlifes managing to overpower me?” he ground out, frustration evident in his voice.

“This is our chance!” Futaba declared. “Let’s take his Treasure while we have the opportunity!”

Shido’s maniacal laughter echoed through the chamber. “Don’t presume victory. It’s the power of the elite that reigns over society…It irks me to use such force on insignificant brats like you…But I will impart a lesson you won’t forget!”

“He’s not backing down!” Futaba groaned.

“We’ll seize his heart!” Akira announced, glancing at Akechi beside him, who, despite his heavy breaths, maintained a fierce gaze fixed on Shido.

“Did you catch that, Shido?” Futaba taunted.

Although Shido remained silent, his Shadow had indeed heard their defiance. With a twisted grin, his form mutated once more, his muscles expanding into an inhuman bulk. A menacing purple aura enveloped him, exuding a palpable sense of power.

“No way! He’s even stronger now!” Futaba exclaimed.

“Die,” Shido commanded.

After a swift round of healing spells, the Thieves regrouped and launched a relentless assault on Shido’s empowered form, eliciting cries of pain from the overbearing Shadow.

“To think you’d resist this fiercely…You bastards!” he bellowed. “I won’t let you prevail!”

With a determined shout, Shido raised his colossal fist, aiming to crush them all. Akira raised an arm to shield himself from the ensuing debris, but when he blinked his eyes open after the dust had settled, he found Akechi standing before him, having absorbed the brunt of the attack.

“You…” Akira murmured, taken aback.

Akechi glanced back at him, his expression tense as he breathed heavily. “There’s no time for gratitude, Joker! It’s just us now!”

Akira realized they were, indeed, isolated within a ring of fire with Shido’s Shadow, separated from the rest of the team who lay on the ground in various states of defeat, groaning in pain. Akira spied Morgana darting among them beyond the towering flames, casting healing magic to hasten the others’ return to the fight.

“Wh-What's happening!?” Futaba’s voice trembled with panic. “Are you okay, Joker!?”

“I never expected that impertinent brat from long ago to hinder me like this!” Shido cut in before Akira could respond to Futaba’s concern. “Honestly unbelievable…I should have dealt with you long before this happened.” He chuckled darkly before adding, “It appears I was too naive. Nevertheless, my dream has been realized! My ambition to lead this country has finally borne fruit! But, my aspirations have only just begun! I will not stumble over trifles like you! This time, I will ensure your demise. I will reduce you to nothing!”

“We’ve come too far to give up now!” Futaba’s voice held urgency. “Joker, please, don’t lose!”

Akira glanced at Akechi, whose form flickered between Robin Hood’s appearance and Loki’s, showing uncertainty about which skill set to employ. The flames surrounding him danced nervously.

Meeting Akechi’s gaze, Akira declared, “We have to finish this ourselves.”

Akechi grinned, a beautiful, wicked smile, finally choosing Loki’s powers, the giant sword looming above them like a guillotine. “Let’s end this, Joker.”

Shido and Akira began circling each other, their stances poised for combat, their focus honed on the slightest twitch of the other’s muscles. Then, Akechi’s voice pierced the tension, “Laevateinn!”

An invisible sword descended, aiming to cleave Shido in two. Unfortunately for the duo, his robust form absorbed much of the attack’s force. The Shadow reacted swiftly, enhancing his agility, defense, and offense, before unleashing a powerful Ice attack that encased the floor in biting frost beneath their feet.

They exchanged blows relentlessly, a dance of offense and defense that seemed to stretch into eternity. Akechi seamlessly transitioned between forms, bombarding his father’s Shadow with a barrage of offensive spells while tactically supporting both himself and Akira defensively. Their coordination was flawless, evading strikes and countering with precision, as if they had fought side by side for a lifetime rather than the few short weeks before and after Akechi’s death.

Two sides of the same coin, indeed, Akira mused inwardly, a surge of warmth filling his chest at their perfect, synchronized teamwork. With a final burst of determination fueled by hope, they launched one last assault, far surpassing the limits Akira thought he could ever endure. Their combined effort brought Shido to his knees, the Shadow swaying before collapsing with a resounding thud, casting a serene silence over the battleground once more.

Once Shido regained consciousness, black smoke enveloped his body briefly before dissipating, leaving him in his original, human form without any captain’s garb in sight.

“How could I…lose?” he wheezed, slowly rising to his knees.

“For causing countless mental shutdowns in others, you will atone…with your life,” Makoto declared firmly.

Ryuji gestured toward Akira and Akechi. “Don’t you have something to say to our leader and Akechi before you go passing out?”

Shido lifted his chin, his golden eyes shimmering with unshed tears as he looked between Akira and Akechi from his lowered position.

“Yes…I acknowledge…that I incriminated you on false charges. I did it to protect myself…” he confessed, locking eyes with Akira.

Then, turning to Akechi, who stood rigid in his school uniform, fists clenched, Shido’s voice softened. “I’m so sorry for what I’ve done to you, my son—”

“Do not call me that,” Akechi snarled, his tone cutting through the air like Loki’s blade.

“But, isn’t that what you wanted all along?” Shido’s confusion was sincere. “To be acknowledged?”

“I thought I did,” Akechi replied bitterly. “But after everything you’ve done—ordering me to commit murder on your behalf, letting the cognitive psientists experiment on—no, torture—me to learn more about the Metaverse, exploiting me to your supporters, just like those men exploited my mother, and so much more—it makes me physically ill to hear you calling me that. I am Aiko Akechi’s son, not yours. I will never be anything of yours again.”

“Yes, you’re right,” Shido murmured, a weak chuckle escaping him. “It feels as though it’s been quite some time since I have felt sincerely apologetic…And I recognize that while my apologies may mean nothing to you, they are all I have to offer.”

“Atone for what you did,” Akechi demanded. “Confess every single crime. I want the world to hear how you hurt my mother. Hurt us. You deserve to rot in jail for all of eternity, miserable and choking on your guilt. When I agreed to help the Phantom Thieves, their Leader assured me that he would respect whatever decision I made regarding your fate. I thought death was what you deserved, but I later realized that stewing in your own misery until the day you died behind bars was a far crueler fate.”

Shido bowed his head in acknowledgment. “That may be true…So, I’ve been defeated…” he sighed, his gaze shifting upward.

Akira glanced up and noticed a giant golden wheel descending from above, before a radiant light enveloped it, reducing it to a normal size. Ann caught it mid-air, examining it closely from all angles.

“Why a wheel? And it’s for a ship?” Ann’s confusion was palpable as she examined the peculiar form of the Treasure.

Shido clutched his chest, struggling for breath. “I must steer this country! If not me, then who!?”

“What arrogance…” Yusuke’s voice dripped with disdain.

“I-I…” Shido wheezed before dissipating into a plume of ash, screaming as he vanished.

Ryuji’s eyes widened, his voice cracking with shock. “What the…?”

Akira turned to Akechi, who mirrored everyone’s bewilderment at the Shadow’s sudden disappearance. Before Akira could inquire further, however, a thunderous boom reverberated beneath them, throwing off their balance.

“Huh!?” Ryuji exclaimed.

“An explosion…?” Ann correctly identified the source of the noise.

Another rumble shook the ship, followed by a closer, deafening boom.

“But we haven’t taken the Treasure yet…” Makoto’s confusion was written all over her face.

“We’ll discuss this later!” Morgana’s urgency snapped everyone to attention. “Let’s grab the Treasure and get out of here!”

They hurriedly descended through a hole in the stage that Shido had created, leaving the Representatives Chamber for the main hallway.

Their escape, however, was fraught with obstacles. Dislodged pieces of the ship blocked their path, and water surged into the corridors they navigated. Akechi and the others tried to blast through the barriers, but exhaustion soon overcame them.

“I only have the energy to cast one more spell!” Akechi shouted, frustration evident. “And it’s risky to force our way through!”

“Huh!? Didn’t we come from this way?” Ann asked.

“We can’t get through like—” Ryuji exclaimed with a groan.

Another boom echoed, seemingly just beyond the blocked hallway they were trapped in.

“What is happening!?” Yusuke’s voice rose in alarm.

“Hey, Oracle!” Ryuji turned to Futaba, eyes searching for answers.

“The ship is exploding…but why!?” Futaba’s voice trembled with uncertainty.

“What kind of sloppy explanation is that!?” Ryuji asked, frustrated.

“I don’t know what’s happening either!” Futaba shot back, equally bewildered.

“Something might’ve happened to Shido in the real world!” Morgana speculated.

“What do you mean ‘something’!?” Ryuji urged.

“I don’t know!” Morgana’s distress was evident in his reply.

“f*ck!” Akechi suddenly exclaimed, causing everyone to turn toward him. “I think I know what happened, but—” But before he could finish, he was cut off by another deafening boom.

“Later!” Ann’s urgency broke through. “We can’t stay here!”

“We have to run!” Haru said.

Makoto turned to Futaba. “Oracle, are there any other escape routes?”

“I’m looking, but…” Futaba’s voice trailed off, her uncertainty clear.

Makoto’s eyes widened as she pointed to a newly opened path from the last explosion. “What about that way?”

Before anyone could respond, debris from the ceiling crashed down, blocking that route.

“No!” Haru’s cry echoed through the corridor.

“Our path…” Makoto despaired.

“Where else can we go…!?” Yusuke asked.

Ryuji scanned their surroundings, his eyes widening in realization. “Crap, this side too!”

“Are we…sinking…?” Ann’s fearful whisper hung in the air.

“We won’t die like this!” Morgana declared.

Another explosion rocked the ship, sending everyone tumbling onto a set of railings.

“We’re going to die! I can’t swim!” Futaba’s panic was evident as she clutched her hair in distress.

Makoto suddenly pointed toward a speck in the distance over the railing. “There! A lifeboat!”

They rushed to get closer to their only chance of escape. When they reached a closer railing, Ryuji grimaced.

“We just need to reach it,” he muttered, scanning their surroundings for a possible route.

“It’s too far!” Yusuke’s voice was tinged with desperation. “We won’t make it in time!”

Ryuji’s expression hardened. “I’ll handle this.”

“Huh…?” Ann looked puzzled.

“Just hang on. I’ll get the boat!” Ryuji declared as he leaped over the railing onto a tilted ledge below.

“Ryuji!” Ann’s cry was filled with worry.

“It’s now or never…Here goes!” Ryuji shouted determinedly, darting toward the lifeboat despite the precarious terrain. Explosions echoed in the distance, but instead of faltering, Ryuji pushed forward with determined shouts. Soon, the others joined in cheering him on.


“You’ve got this!”

“Go, go, go!”

“You can do it!”

Finally, Ryuji reached the lever to lower the lifeboat. As he pulled it down with all his strength, Akira noticed Akechi’s sharp intake of breath, his gaze fixed on a point behind Ryuji. With Ann’s encouragement and the others helping each other into the boat, Ryuji flashed a thumbs-up.

“sh*t…sh*t!” Akechi’s sudden exclamation caught everyone’s attention.

“What’s wrong?” Akira asked, concerned.

Before he could answer, however, the boat started moving. Without hesitation, Akechi jumped from the boat and flew toward Ryuji, who was still hanging onto the lever for dear life as the rest of his body swayed in the wind.

“Hold on!” Akira shouted as Yusuke steered the engine toward the two remaining team members.

Just as they neared Ryuji, Akechi reached him first. From a distance, it appeared as though Akechi pushed Ryuji off the lever into the water below with a burst of light. Before Akira could process what was happening, however, a deafening explosion erupted nearby, and Akira’s world went dark.

* * *

When Akira regained consciousness, the first sound that reached him was Akechi’s voice echoing in his mind.

“You’re awake,” Akechi remarked, a hint of relief evident in his tone.

Akira massaged his temples with a groan, trying to dispel the lingering headache. “What…happened?”

Before Akechi could respond, Akira’s eyes darted around anxiously, searching for Morgana but finding nothing, intensifying his concern.

“The others…Are they…?” Akira’s voice trailed off, filled with worry.

“They’re all safe,” Akechi assured him. “Everyone made it out of the Palace without further harm.”

A wave of relief washed over Akira. “Thank goodness…But why was I…?”

“It was my fault,” Akechi admitted, his voice tinged with regret. “I pushed Sakamoto out of harm’s way during the explosion, forgetting the link between our well-being. The consequences of my impulsive action affected you, too.”

“You saved Ryuji?” Akira’s Third Eye activated, revealing Akechi sitting at the foot of his bed. Akechi avoided his gaze, guilt clouding his expression.

“But I endangered you,” Akechi muttered. “I should have remembered our connection as wielder and Persona.”

Akira remained silent for a moment before shaking his head. “I don’t blame you, Akechi. Saving Ryuji was worth it, no matter the cost.”

Akechi scowled. “Your self-sacrificial nature won’t change the fact that my actions caused harm. You shouldn’t—”

“I forgive you, Akechi,” Akira interrupted, cutting off Akechi’s self-reproach.

“You shouldn’t forgive me so easily,” Akechi protested, his voice softer now. “I seem to bring nothing but trouble to those I care about. In the interrogation room, during Shido’s battle, and now during our escape. I’m a curse, just like I told you back in the engine room.”

“Akechi,” Akira’s voice was gentle as he moved closer to Akechi’s side. Akechi tensed but didn’t pull away.

“I’m fine, Akechi. We all made it through, thanks to you. And for that, I’m grateful.”

Akechi’s cheeks darkened before he let out a huff.

“Whatever. Just…just make sure nobody does something so reckless again. Who knows if I’ll be around to save them next time, given the terms of our deal,” he remarked.

Akira smiled warmly. “Of course. Thank you, Akechi.”

As Akira reached for his phone, he noticed a flood of messages from the Phantom Thieves, both in their group chat and in private messages. He quickly skimmed through them, catching up on what had transpired, with Akechi filling in additional details when asked. It seemed that after the explosion and the collapse of the Palace, all the Phantom Thieves had been ejected into the real world, with Ryuji landing in a bush alongside an unconscious Akira. After confirming everyone’s safety, Haru arranged for a taxi to take Akira home. His friends had explained the situation to Sojiro as best they could, given that only Akira could communicate with Akechi outside of the Metaverse and Sojiro’s limited understanding of the other world. Sojiro had then contacted Takemi, who reassured them that Akira was simply exhausted and would recover with a good night’s rest.

“So, your intervention to save Ryuji drained our linked health to a critical level,” Akira summarized. “And I passed out because we both pushed ourselves to the limit with you shielding Ryuji from the blast.”

“Exactly,” Akechi confirmed. “Luckily, the others decided to give you complete privacy to recuperate. Morgana stayed with Futaba overnight, but I made sure to keep watch over you, just in case.”

“How sweet,” Akira remarked with a grin. Akechi rolled his eyes.

“I had nothing else to do in this form,” he retorted. “Anyway, we should discuss our arrangement moving forward.”

“Of course,” Akira said, having quickly messaged the group chat to assure everyone of his well-being.

“If you remember, I asked to be released as soon as Shido confesses and is properly punished. So, once his confession leads to his arrest, I expect you to fulfill your end of the bargain. I’ll only remain until I witness that vile man facing justice,” Akechi stated firmly.

“Yes,” Akira confirmed. “You deserve to witness Shido’s confession. I just hope there are enough honest officers to make the arrest,” he added with a small frown.

“If Sae-san is leading the efforts for his arrest, even his allies in the force will have no choice but to abide by the law, especially after a public confession. The public outcry will demand his arrest, and they’ll have to heed the people’s voice,” Akechi remarked with a hint of confidence.

“We’re meeting after school today for a mission debrief before we head to Shibuya to watch the election results,” Akira mentioned. “By the way, you seemed to have realized what happened to Shido at the end.”

“You mean when his Shadow vanished?” Akechi clarified, to which Akira nodded.

“Yes. What was that about? I’ve never seen a Shadow disappear like that,” Akira inquired.

Akechi hesitated before responding. “It’s just a rumor I heard from sources close to him, but…Shido was allegedly developing a drug that could simulate a mental shutdown, albeit temporarily. If he indeed ingested such a substance…”

“He would have experienced a temporary ‘death,’ causing his Shadow to ‘die’ as well,” Akira realized the implication.

Akechi nodded. “Exactly. If he used a drug that replicated the effects of a mental shutdown—essentially killing one’s Shadow self—then it would render his Shadow untouchable for a period while those inside the crumbling Palace scrambled to escape.”

“So, he essentially orchestrated his temporary death to try to take us down with him?” Akira’s complexion grew pale at the realization.

“Yes, that’s definitely within his twisted realm of possibilities,” Akechi confirmed with a low growl.

Akira spent the rest of the morning getting ready for the upcoming meeting, reassuring Sojiro of his well-being when he came downstairs. After a hearty bowl of curry and a few too many cups of coffee, he spent the day reviewing the school notes he’d gotten from Ann and engaging in light debates with Akechi on various topics.

As school ended, the Phantom Thieves trickled into the cafe one by one. Akira summarized his conversation with Akechi once they were all seated, detailing what had led to his collapse and discussing Shido’s Shadow’s disappearance.

“Damn,” Ryuji muttered after hearing Akira’s account. “Thanks for having my back, Akechi. And I’m sorry for my recklessness.”

Ann nodded in agreement. “We owe you a lot, Akechi. Without your intervention, we might not have made it out.”

The rest of the group murmured their appreciation before Futaba interrupted excitedly.

“It’s starting!” she exclaimed, typing rapidly on her phone.

“What’s starting?” Ryuji asked.

“The confession! Let’s go, everyone!” Futaba urged, darting out of the cafe.

The group followed her, arriving in Shibuya and joining a crowd gathered in front of a large screen displaying Shido flanked by two stern-looking men.

As Shido began his speech, the crowd’s anticipation turned to hushed whispers.

“My election is the result of every citizen’s contribution. Your support has touched my heart,” Shido proclaimed.

“f*cker,” Akechi spat, causing Akira to stifle a laugh at his remark.

Shido’s smile faded into a somber expression. “That is why,” he continued, his voice heavy with remorse, “That is exactly why…I cannot forgive myself! The reason for President Okumura’s passing is…I am the one who took his life.”

The two men standing next to Shido on screen exchanged panicked glances, while the crowd surrounding the Phantom Thieves buzzed with confusion and disbelief.

“I also fabricated evidence to frame the Phantom Thieves for the series of incidents. The one responsible for manipulating others’ hearts and causing numerous victims…is me. It was all for my own advancement…for my own selfish desires.”

The murmurs in the crowd grew louder as Shido’s confession continued to unfold.

“I have used people’s lives as mere stepping stones to further my political ambitions and control this nation like my personal ship. I am a true criminal, deserving punishment for countless crimes, and even that would not suffice!”

His head hung low, his voice choked with emotion as he confessed further, “I even manipulated my own son into carrying out my dirty work. And when he was no longer useful, I…I ended his life! I exploited him for inhumane deeds and then discarded him, just like his mother before him.

“I will confess everything!” Shido’s tone was desperate. “I plead with everyone to pass judgment on me…If I could redeem myself by offering my life, I beg for swift justice…”

Abruptly, the screen feed cut off, leaving the crowd below stunned. Chaos erupted as disbelief and confusion spread like wildfire.

“What’s happening?”

“Is Shido-san okay?”

“No, this can’t be true!”

Shido-san, we need you!”

“Shido! Shido! Shido!”

The Thieves were surrounded by a sea of incredulity, their expressions mirroring the disbelief around them, although for a very different reason. Akira’s eyes widened as Akechi seethed in his mind.

“These fools! They still support him even after his confession to murder? My murder!?” Akechi exclaimed, his anger palpable.

“This doesn’t feel right,” Akira remarked, sensing something amiss in the reaction of the crowd.

“We should regroup at Leblanc,” Yusuke suggested. “It’s safer to leave before this situation escalates further.”

Haru nodded. “Agreed. It’s not wise for us to stay here amidst this chaos. Let’s depart and decide our next course of action.”

The group quickly made their way back to Leblanc, where they found Sae Niijima waiting near the counter.

“You’re all here,” she remarked, a hint of relief in her voice. “Good. I need to speak with all of you.”

“About Shido’s confession?” Makoto guessed, to which her older sister nodded in affirmation.

“Yes. I just had a meeting with the acting director of the SIU. Apparently, Shido’s inauguration is being postponed due to ‘poor health,’” Sae disclosed, her expression reflecting her displeasure at the situation.

“‘Poor health?’ That’s bullsh*t!” Ryuji exclaimed.

Next to him, Ann gasped. “Check this out!” she urged, turning her phone screen for everyone to see. “The Phantom Thieves are being treated like they never existed online!”

The group clustered around Ann’s phone, their faces turning increasingly pale as they scrolled through articles written by “experts” downplaying the impact of the Phantom Thieves and noting the public’s seemingly indifferent response.

“This is absurd…” Yusuke muttered. “How could the public disregard Shido’s confession so easily? It defies logic.”

“It’s highly abnormal,” Haru concurred, her concern deepening.

Sae let out a sigh. “At this rate, the progress in Shido’s case will be severely hindered. If the public isn’t demanding accountability, the SIU may not feel compelled to act, especially if there are still Shido supporters among their ranks.”

She turned to each of the Thieves, meeting their eyes one by one.

“With my current resources, there’s little more I can do,” Sae admitted. “That’s why…I’m asking for your help. Is there any way you can intervene one last time? I realize I’m in no position to make such a request…”

“That doesn’t matter to us!” Ann replied, determination clear. “So what’s our plan?”

Makoto sighed as she tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. “Even with Futaba’s skills, researching all of Shido’s followers would be a time-consuming task.”

Futaba chimed in with a hint of frustration, “There’s just not enough information available.”

“It seems we’re outmatched against such widespread influence,” Yusuke said. “Can we really take on the national power?”

“What about Akechi?” Ryuji suggested. “Can’t he provide us with a list of names of those whose hearts we should change?”

Sae’s expression turned grim. “Akechi? I recall Akira-kun mentioning that he was working under Shido’s orders during his interrogation, but isn’t he…missing?”

“Missing?” Yusuke interjected, clearly surprised. “Is that the information you’ve been given?”

“Akechi was the ‘son’ Shido mentioned in his confession,” Haru cautiously revealed.

Sae’s horror was evident. “He’s Shido’s…son? But then…Akechi’s dead?” she whispered, shaken.

Ryuji attempted to clarify, “Well, sort of? Akira can communicate with him in his mind in the real world since he’s become his Persona—”

Ann interjected, “It’s complicated.”

Turning to Akira, Sae asked, “I don’t completely understand, but if you can still communicate with him somehow, could Akechi assist us?”

Akechi’s voice echoed in Akira’s mind with a sigh. “Unfortunately, I don’t have a comprehensive list of Shido’s inner circle. And even if I did, targeting them all would be too risky. They’d likely apprehend you before you could change enough hearts.”

Akira relayed Akechi’s message to the group, leaving them in contemplative silence until Morgana broke the quietude with a suggestion.

“Mementos,” Morgana muttered. “If we use Mementos, we might be able to make a difference.”

Ryuji’s eyes widened with hope. “Is there really something we can do there?”

Morgana nodded confidently. “As I’ve explained before, Mementos is like the Palace of the general public. It’s where all distortions originate, fueled by the collective unconsciousness of the people.”

Makoto connected the dots. “So, does that mean there’s a Treasure in Mementos too? And if we target that…”

Morgana confirmed her suspicion. “Exactly. By seizing the Treasure in Mementos, we can trigger a change in the public’s perception. If everyone’s hearts align against Shido and his crimes, it could tip the scales in our favor.”

Yusuke hummed. “It’s an ambitious plan, but it has its appeal.”

“Count me in!” Ryuji exclaimed excitedly. “Let’s do this!”

Morgana tempered their enthusiasm with a cautionary note. “However, before we proceed, there’s something crucial you all need to understand.”

The group exchanged puzzled glances, waiting for Morgana to elaborate.

Morgana clarified, “The human cognition exists as another tangible world for a reason, likely buried deep within Mementos. When we destroy that, it will alter the very fabric of this cognitive reality.”

Ryuji struggled to grasp the implications. “I’m lost. What’s the big deal?”

Morgana sighed, trying to simplify, “It means the cognitive world will lose its substance. You won’t be able to infiltrate Palaces or change hearts anymore. In short, the Phantom Thieves will go out of business.”

Haru’s expression turned somber. “We’ll be abandoning this way of life…”

Ann, however, rallied with determination. “But isn’t that what we’re all about? We’re reshaping society, challenging the status quo.”

Morgana turned to Akira, seeking his input. “Akira, as our leader, what’s your stance? Sacrificing Mementos means losing your powers. Are you still on board with this?”

Akira affirmed without hesitation. “Absolutely. It’s for justice. I made a promise to Akechi, and I intend to honor it. If erasing the Metaverse is what it takes to bring Shido to account, then so be it. Right, Akechi?”

Akechi hummed. “Yes, as long as you release me before the Metaverse collapses, ensuring my soul’s passage, I will assist you in one final mission…even if it means being chained to you for a bit longer,” he grumbled the last part.

Akira conveyed Akechi’s words, eliciting smiles from the group.

“Exactly!” Ann exclaimed. “We’ll make him pay, Akechi, for all he’s done.”

Morgana’s gaze softened. “You’ve all grown so much. Very well, there are no objections.”

Sae, visibly perplexed, inquired, “Have you come up with a plan?”

Makoto nodded. “Whether it succeeds remains uncertain.”

Ryuji grinned at Sae. “Miss Prosecutor, looks like this is our last mission.”

“Last mission?” Sae questioned.

“We’re dismantling the Metaverse,” Akira clarified.

“After fulfilling our duty, we entrust the world to responsible adults,” Haru added. “That’s our condition for taking on this task.”

“This is a ‘deal,’ then…quite a weighty condition,” Sae remarked. “But I accept. I vow to bring Masayoshi Shido to justice. Besides, my pride won’t allow me to be continuously rescued without reciprocating.”

Makoto smiled. “We’ll be relying on you.”

Sojiro, who had been quietly observing from behind the bar, interjected, “So, is it settled?”

Ann turned to Akira. “You’re our leader, Akira, and this marks our final mission. Say something!”

Akira pondered briefly before responding, “Let’s fix this country.”

Futaba groaned. “But we’ve said that before!”

Haru giggled. “It’s alright. This time, we mean it.”

“We’re running out of time, aren’t we?” Morgana remarked. “Let’s proceed tomorrow. I’m counting on all of you. Whatever happens, see it through to the end!”

* * *

The following day, they convened in Mementos right after the final school bell. Akira immediately summoned Akechi, who materialized in a blaze of fiery energy, clad in his school uniform.

Akechi stretched, emitting a soft groan. “I didn’t anticipate being roped into another mission so soon after Shido.”

Akira grinned at him. “We’re grateful for your continued support, regardless of our arrangement. We have no idea what challenges await with this mission; we’ll need all the help we can get.”

Akechi visibly preened, but before he could respond, Yusuke interjected, “Take a look at the Nav.”

Akira retrieved his phone from his pocket and accessed the app. “It’s showing a strange message…”

Ann read it aloud, “‘The door to the depths of Mementos has been unlocked…’ Could it mean—”

Morgana nodded. “We’re really going through with this, aren’t we?”

“Absolutely!” Ann affirmed with a fist pump.

“Why the sudden doubt?” Ryuji asked, looking Morgana’s way.

Morgana, slightly flustered, stammered, “I-I just had a moment of concern. What if you all decide to bail on me last minute? We’re set on erasing the Metaverse, right? Let’s go, everyone!”

Futaba grinned. “Mona’s totally pumped!”

As the group surged forward, Akira noticed Haru and Ann lingering behind.

“Hey, isn’t Mona acting a bit strange?” Haru whispered to Ann.

“You’re not wrong,” Ann agreed.

“Yeah…” Haru murmured before dismissing her thoughts. “I shouldn’t have brought it up. Shall we catch up with the others?”

With a mutual nod, the two girls rejoined the group. Akira glanced at Akechi, who had also been strangely quiet during the exchange. Upon meeting Akira’s eyes, Akechi shrugged nonchalantly.

“No time for speculation on odd behavior,” he admonished lightly. “Let’s go, Joker. It’s time to awaken the public’s awareness and finally bring Shido to justice.”

The Phantom Thieves squeezed into the Monacar, embarking on their descent to the depths of Mementos. When they finally reached the furthest area they’d been able to access thus far and stepped out of the vehicle, a collective shiver rippled through the group.

“This place gives me the creeps,” Ann remarked, eyeing the eerie surroundings.

Yusuke framed the scene with his fingers, his gaze intense. “It’s as if the walls themselves pulse with life. Those tubes, like veins…it’s unsettling.”

“You’re not wrong,” Haru added, a hint of unease in her voice. “It feels like Mementos is a living entity.”

“Let’s keep moving,” Morgana urged, his tone brisk. “We have a long way to go before reaching the very bottom.”

As they delved deeper, the air grew more stagnant, filled with an inexplicable whispering that added to the ominous atmosphere. Eventually, they stumbled upon an area where countless Shadows were imprisoned behind bars, some wearing shackles on their ankles. Despite their captivity, the Shadows seemed oddly at ease.

“Why are they so calm?” Akira inquired, intrigued by the serene demeanor of the imprisoned Shadows.

The Shadows spoke of a system granting desires at Mementos’ core, explaining that their trust in this enigmatic system kept them feeling secure and content within their confines. They also mentioned something about a quarantine cell, but before the Phantom Thieves could delve further into the conversation, they were ambushed by Shadow guards that materialized out of thin air, forcing them into a sudden battle.

Continuing their journey after the intense ambush, the Phantom Thieves stumbled upon another section within Mementos, filled with more confined Shadows. However, this time, among the captives, they recognized familiar faces—Shadows of former Palace rulers, prompting gasps of astonishment from the group.

As Akira scanned the crowd, he spotted Shido’s Shadow among them, who regarded the Phantom Thieves with casual interest.

Akechi’s demeanor changed abruptly as he, too, laid eyes on his father’s Shadow, his attire transforming into Loki’s garb within an instant. He pointed his giant floating sword at Shido’s likeness, his voice dripping with contempt. “What are you doing here?”

Shido explained that they were in the Prison of Regression, where the captives found solace in their confinement, relieved of the burden of decision-making. He emphasized that they had chosen this imprisonment willingly.

Before Akechi could press further, the tranquility was shattered as more guards materialized, plunging the team into yet another frantic battle.

Akira had to physically pull Akechi away following their victory, the latter seething with rage. When questioned, Akechi’s words were sharp with bitterness.

“After all the atrocities he committed to gain power, he gets to opt for such an easy escape? It’s unjust. He doesn’t deserve any form of happiness, least of all the luxury of idleness after his crimes.” Akechi’s gaze then sharpened as he directed it at Akira. “And don’t pull me away like that again,” he stated firmly. “I may be your Persona for the time being, but I despise being treated like a misbehaving chained dog.”

“Sorry,” Akira said. Akechi huffed, and onward they continued.

As they delved deeper into Mementos, the Phantom Thieves’ unease escalated. Morgana, in particular, grew increasingly jittery as their descent triggered fragments of memories, though these recollections remained frustratingly elusive. The daunting light puzzles and formidable foes they encountered only heightened their frayed nerves.

Their journey led them to a peculiar cell, which they identified as the quarantine cell mentioned by the initial batch of imprisoned Shadows. To their astonishment, Morgana revealed that he had been born within its confines. However, when pressed for details, he faltered, admitting that while he was on the verge of recollecting everything, the memories remained just beyond his grasp, mired in confusion.

Their path culminated in a chamber adorned with incarcerated Shadows, dominated by a prominent structure resembling a cup—the Treasure of Mementos. Determined to end their mission, the Thieves attempted to destroy it, only to find their attacks futile. With each strike, the Treasure—now speaking as the Holy Grail—radiated with intensified brilliance, drawing strength from the surrounding Shadows that incessantly restored its health.

Even Akechi’s formidable skills proved ineffective against the entity claiming to fulfill the collective wish for imprisonment and liberation from decision-making burdens. The Thieves found themselves outmatched by the overwhelming power of the Holy Grail.

“Behold, the moment of fusion is at hand,” declared the Holy Grail. With those words, the ground beneath the Phantom Thieves vanished, and a blinding light engulfed everything.

* * *

When Akira regained consciousness, Akechi’s concerned face was the first thing that greeted him.

“Are you alright?” Akechi’s voice held a hint of worry as he checked on Akira, who nodded, perplexed by Akechi’s presence, although Akira’s scrambled thoughts could not pinpoint why he was feeling that way.

“How…?” Akira began to question, but his thoughts were interrupted by a shout of surprise from behind him.

“Akechi!?” Ryuji exclaimed.

As Akira took in their surroundings, realization struck him. “Wait, are we back in the real world?” He looked at Akechi. “How are you here? My Third Eye isn’t activated.”

Akechi glanced at the others, who were all staring at him with disbelief.

“You can all see me?” Akechi questioned, his voice holding a hint of uncertainty as he surveyed the group. He then glanced down at his own body, noticing the absence of the trademark blue fire and ethereal chains that typically accompanied manifested Personas.

“You’re…solid,” Ann said. Upon receiving further affirmations, Akechi turned to Akira, his expression alarmed.

“Something’s very wrong,” Akechi said.

Before Akira could respond, however, Futaba’s cry cut through the air, her terror evident as she pointed to the sky.

“The rain…” Futaba’s voice trembled as another crimson droplet landed on her forehead, causing her to flinch. “It’s blood!”

As if in grim confirmation, a torrent of red droplets began to descend from the sky, staining the ground below like a macabre canvas. Makoto’s startled cry drew Akira’s attention to an eerie bone-like structure erupting from the ground, stretching skyward until it towered over them, surrounded by similar skeletal formations emerging in the distance like a sprawling rib cage.

Akira had no time to process the fusion between Mementos and reality before Futaba collapsed, clutching her head in agony. Ryuji rushed to her side, concern etched on his face.

“What’s wrong?” Ryuji’s voice trembled.

Futaba struggled to speak, her words strained. “I…feel dizzy…can’t…ugh…”

Ann joined them, extending a hand to Futaba. “Hold on, Futaba!”

Before anyone could react, Ann, too, fell to the ground, followed by Haru and the rest of the group, each succumbing to an unseen force one by one.

Akechi alone appeared unaffected by whatever force was causing the rest of the Phantom Thieves to collapse, but his usual composed demeanor was shattered by a mixture of fear and disbelief. Akira couldn’t recall ever seeing Akechi so visibly shaken; the terror in his expression was a stark departure from his usual calm facade.

“Is this…the Holy Grail’s doing?” Makoto’s voice quivered with apprehension.

Ryuji’s frustration erupted. “This is messed up! What the hell is going on?!”

As panic set in, they realized their bodies were vanishing, starting with their limbs.

“No way…” Morgana’s voice held a note of despair as a sinister laugh echoed in the distance.

“It’s true,” the Holy Grail’s voice boomed. “You are fading from the public’s awareness. Mementos and reality are intertwined now. Those erased from cognition cannot exist anywhere.”

Ryuji’s cries of protest echoed as he vanished, followed by the others, eventually leaving only Akira and Akechi, frozen in horror as their friends vanished one by one, their terrified voices haunting the air until silence engulfed them.

Akechi crumpled to his knees, face white as a sheet and his usual poise shattered, as if the strings keeping him frozen in place had been abruptly cut. He collapsed beside Akira, his hands trembling as he desperately tried to hold onto the fading form of the raven.

“No, no, NO!” Akechi’s voice quivered with fear, his hands clutching at thin air. “Akira, don’t leave me. STAY WITH ME! Samarecarm!”

However, when Akechi attempted to cast a healing spell, his efforts yielded no results.

“How…?” Akechi’s voice was strained as he struggled to comprehend. “I’m a Persona…that should have worked…”

Akira, overwhelmed by the pain of fading from cognition, could only offer a small, wistful smile in response to Akechi’s anguish. “Thank you,” he whispered softly.

Akechi’s eyes widened in disbelief, his breath catching in his throat as he watched Akira slip further and further away.

Unable to bear the sight of Akechi’s despair, Akira closed his eyes. “I’m sorry, Goro,” he said as he, too, dissolved into nothingness.

* * *

Goro’s only solace was that as Akira faded into the unknown, he followed suit.

When Goro’s eyes fluttered open, he found himself enclosed within a cell, the air tinged with a strange, ethereal blue mist that swirled around his ankles, seeping through the cracks in the ancient brick walls.

Pushing himself up from the cold metal bedstead, Goro approached the bars with a determined stride. His grip tightened on the cold, unforgiving metal, but his attempts to rattle them into submission proved futile.

His surroundings sparked a sense of familiarity, but he couldn’t quite place why at that moment. Despite the mystery, Goro’s intuition told him that this place was somehow linked to Akira. It was a recurring pattern—the inexplicable and the extraordinary always seemed to orbit around the younger boy. From the moment Akira had entered Tokyo and turned Goro’s world upside down, Goro had grown accustomed to the unexpected twists that accompanied him.

In the midst of uncertainty, Goro held onto a sliver of hope that Akira, in his unpredictable way, would find a path out of this seemingly impossible predicament.

With determination etched into his features, Goro shifted into a fighting stance, his resolve clear. His singular focus was on locating Akira, and he was prepared to shatter the confines of his prison by any means necessary.

In an instant, his attire morphed into the garb of Robin Hood. But before he could land a decisive kick, the bars dissolved into nothingness, catching Goro off guard. With a startled yelp, he regained his balance just in time, avoiding a clumsy stumble.

Shaking off the surprise and reverting to his school uniform once more, Goro surveyed his new surroundings—a hauntingly eerie hallway stretching into the unknown. Without a clear path forward, he trusted the inexplicable tug in his chest, an instinctual pull drawing him onward, toward a destination yet to reveal itself.

As Goro walked through the eerie hallway, his footsteps echoing against the cold stone floor, he passed by numerous empty cells without sparing them a second glance. Eventually, he arrived in a vast circular chamber, where a young girl with platinum blond hair stood beside—

“Akira!” Goro’s voice cut through the silence as he broke into a run toward the familiar figure.

Caught off guard by Goro’s sudden appearance, Akira’s eyes widened before a wide grin spread across his face. In a flash, Akira closed the distance between them, enveloping Goro in a tight, warm hug.

“Hi,” Akira said, his voice filled with genuine relief. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

“Hi,” Goro breathed, the tension in his shoulders easing as he returned the embrace.

Eventually, Goro pulled back slightly, his eyes scanning Akira’s face for any signs of harm. “You’re okay,” he said, a sigh of relief escaping his lips. “What happened?”

As Akira recounted the events leading up to their reunion, Goro listened intently. While some details eluded his full comprehension, such as the complexities of battling and executing twin wardens into a singular entity named Lavenza, he grasped the crucial elements of his story. He understood the gravity of Akira’s confrontation with the mastermind, revealed to be the Holy Grail in disguise, and Akira’s steadfast refusal of the Grail’s enticing proposal.

Once Akira finished speaking, he bowed his head, a hint of shame flickering in his eyes.

“I’m so sorry, Akechi,” Akira’s voice resonated with regret. “We had an agreement that I would free you once Shido faced justice, but I failed. The world is on the brink of collapse, and the public completely ignored Shido’s confession. If you wish to be released now, I understand. There’s no certainty that I can fulfill my promise at this point. You deserve to rest.”

A somber smile graced Akira’s lips as he continued, “At least one person in this indifferent world can find freedom that way.”

Goro’s demeanor softened as he absorbed Akira’s words. “Akira, I’ve pledged to stand by your side until Shido is held accountable, no matter how dire things appear. Even amidst uncertainty, I’ll assist in any way possible. If it means facing the Holy Grail repeatedly, with no assurance of victory, I’m prepared. I’ll rest once I’m certain of your safety.”

Suddenly, Goro’s curiosity sparked. “Wait a moment. You referred to me as ‘Goro’ just before you vanished. You’re calling me ‘Akechi’ again?”

Akira blushed faintly. “I can refrain from using your first name if you prefer—”

Goro raised a hand, halting Akira’s words. “It’s fine. It’s only fair, considering I’ve been calling you ‘Akira’ for months.”

“So, I’m allowed to…” Akira’s voice trailed off, hope coloring his words.

Goro’s smirk was tinged with nostalgia. “Yes, you can continue calling me ‘Goro’ if you wish.” His expression softened. “The last person who called me by my given name was my mother.”

Understanding flickered in Akira’s gaze. “Oh.”

Goro shook his head gently. “It’s…comforting to hear it again after so long.” His gaze swept the room before he added, “If my freedom is imminent, I’m grateful to have been called ‘Goro’ again by someone like you.”

Akira’s smile widened as he softly murmured, “Someone like me, huh?”

Before Goro could ponder the meaning behind Akira’s words, a throat cleared, drawing their attention. The young girl in the blue dress—Lavenza, as Goro recalled Akira mentioning—spoke, her tone respectful yet authoritative.

“Tricksters, if I may.”

Both turned toward her, and Lavenza bowed toward Goro. “Goro Akechi, the one destined to sow chaos in this world. Despite your premature departure from your role, you have chosen to aid the Trickster in his mission and have vowed to continue supporting him in restoring the world to its natural state. For this, my master and I express our gratitude.”

Goro’s gaze then shifted to the long-nosed man seated behind an intricate wooden desk.

“I am Igor,” he introduced himself.

“Yes, we’ve met before,” Akechi confirmed.

“It was the impostor you encountered, not me,” Igor clarified. Indeed, upon closer reflection, Goro noticed that this Igor’s voice was remarkably high-pitched, a stark departure from the deep, resonant tone of the other Igor.

“Nonetheless, it is a pleasure to meet you, Trickster of Chaos. As Lavenza mentioned, we owe you a debt of gratitude for assisting Akira in his quest to preserve mankind’s free will in a world of his choosing.”

Akira twirled a lock of his curly hair between his fingers, a strange sight for Goro to witness since the younger boy was wearing the confident Joker’s outfit. “But how am I—how are we,” he gestured toward Goro, “supposed to defeat the Holy Grail with just the two of us?”

Lavenza’s smile was serene. “It would indeed be challenging to defeat the false god with your powers alone. However, your companions have not yet reached their end.”

Akira’s eyes widened. “My friends…they’re still alive?”

Lavenza nodded affirmatively. “Yes. Just as you were trapped here, they, too, are held in confinement somewhere. Your deep bonds with them hold the key to their liberation. Once the Phantom Thieves reunite within these walls, we will explain everything.”

Igor’s grin widened. “Now, go forth—to the people whom you should be facing the truth with!”

Akira turned to Goro, who offered a comforting smile. “Go, Akira,” Goro encouraged. “Free your friends. I’ll remain here, but should you require my aid, a mere call will summon me to your side.”

With a determined nod, Akira pivoted and strode down the corridor, driven by the conviction to reunite with the allies who shared his resolve.

* * *

Upon Akira’s return with the rest of the Thieves in tow, including Morgana, the Velvet Room denizens—Lavenza, Morgana, and Igor—fulfilled their promise and unveiled the full truth. They explained how the Velvet Room had been usurped by the false god, which had orchestrated an involuntary game between Akira and Goro that held humanity’s fate in balance. Goro was cast as the catalyst of societal distortion, while Akira was positioned as his foil. Lavenza exposed the rigged nature of the game from its inception, emphasizing the necessity of defeating the false god to restore reality’s integrity, separate Mementos, and reclaim the Phantom Thieves’ existence.

Ryuji’s fury visibly surged. “That damn Holy Grail! To manipulate both of you like that…”

Haru’s eyes shimmered with subdued anger. “We’ll make it pay. For setting you up, Akira, and dragging Akechi into this fatal game.”

Akira was struck by the protective fury of his team, while Goro stood in disbelief at their united front, rallying behind him despite his past transgressions against them all.

Morgana’s remorse was palpable in the droop of his ears. “If only I had crossed paths with you sooner,” he lamented, casting a sympathetic glance at Goro. “Perhaps then, there could have been a different path for you within the Metaverse—one where you weren’t coerced into such horrible crimes.”

Goro’s demeanor shifted abruptly as he transformed into his Robin Hood form, his gaze ablaze with righteous indignation. “Those who treat me as a mere pawn for their amusem*nt will face the consequences of their actions! I will ensure that justice prevails!”

The air crackled with determination as the Phantom Thieves prepared to confront the entity that had orchestrated everything. After absorbing the weight of Lavenza, Igor, and Morgana’s revelations, they ascended a towering staircase, reemerging into their amalgamated reality.

Their path was strewn with formidable guardian angels, yet despite the fierce battles that tested their limits, the Thieves pressed forward, conquering every obstacle blocking their advance toward the Holy Grail.

Standing before the entrance to the ultimate showdown, Akira rallied his comrades. “This will be our greatest challenge yet. Are we prepared?”

Goro’s response reverberated with resolute certainty. “Prepared or not, our survival hinges on this battle. Our journey here showcases our resolve; we’ll pour every ounce of strength into this fight, regardless of the odds.”

The team’s unity solidified as they nodded in agreement.

“We’re as ready as we’ll ever be,” Ann said. “It’s time to reclaim our rightful places in this world and deliver justice to that arrogant god!”

Ryuji grinned. “We’ll take him down so hard, not even his ashes will remain! Especially for Joker and Crow, we’ll make him regret every moment he dared to challenge us!”

Haru’s smile carried a hint of savage satisfaction. “I can’t wait to bury my axe in this false deity’s skull.”

Yusuke nodded. “His downfall will be a masterpiece of humiliation.”

“Are we ready?” Makoto’s question was met with resounding affirmation.

“These are the Phantom Thieves I’m proud to stand with,” Morgana declared. “No matter the adversity, as long as we remain united, we will triumph over any challenge.”

The Phantom Thieves plunged into another fierce battle against the Holy Grail, this time targeting and severing the veins that supplied its regenerative powers, effectively crippling its source of strength. With this strategic move, the fight became significantly more manageable, and before long, they drove the Holy Grail to its defeat.

However, their victory was short-lived. In a moment of tense silence, the Holy Grail underwent a stunning transformation, reshaping itself and the surrounding area until it loomed over Tokyo’s skyscrapers, dwarfing even the tallest structures.

The Thieves couldn’t help but gasp at the enormity of the transformed entity.

“I am the embodiment of the collective human unconscious,” thundered the colossal being, now identifying itself as Yaldabaoth, the god of control.

“This is insane!” exclaimed Futaba. “It’s like a living building!”

“It was already massive as the Holy Grail,” lamented Ann.

“The administrator must guide mankind toward proper development. And now that the foolishness of man has been proven, it is the administrator’s duty to purge them,” Yaldabaoth’svoice boomed.

“You can’t be serious! This is just a rigged game you’ve created!” Ryuji’s voice rang out, echoing the defiance of the Phantom Thieves against the god’s twisted intentions.

“The ignorant masses propagate slothful ideals, hindering societal progress. If humanity remains unchecked, its downfall is inevitable. Rehabilitation is futile,” proclaimed Yaldabaoth.

“Humanity isn’t inherently evil!” retorted Makoto.

“Indeed,” surprisingly agreed Yaldabaoth. “Many are virtuous individuals. Yet, they follow predetermined paths, avoiding the agony of choice. Even faced with impending doom, they march onward blindly…”

“That’s garbage!” Ryuji’s voice thundered. “You’re imposing your selfish views on everyone!”

“For a supposed god, you’re incredibly biased!” added Futaba.

“If this is truly for humanity’s sake, wouldn’t losing to humans satisfy you?” questioned Haru.

“I am the overseer of this world’s destiny. Its course relies entirely on my guidance. Those who challenge this natural order shall face divine retribution,” proclaimed Yaldabaoth.

Yaldabaoth then unleashed a powerful gust of wind charged with divine energy, making the Thieves hesitate momentarily. Yet, despite doubts about their chances against such a formidable foe, Morgana’s grin was unwavering.

“This is the ultimate challenge!” declared the not-cat. “Fighting a god at full strength—what greater test is there for the Phantom Thieves?”

Hope and determination ignited within them, smiles spreading as they embraced Morgana’s resolve. With a final declaration to reclaim their destinies and the world from this false god, the Phantom Thieves assumed battle stances, ready to confront their toughest adversary yet.

The Phantom Thieves unleashed their full power like never before, relentlessly assaulting the god of control even as it unleashed unique status effects based on deadly sins. The battle was grueling, each Thief pushed to their limits, yet they never faltered in their assault. Futaba’s support and their overall seamless teamwork were crucial, allowing them to make steady progress against the overwhelming odds.

Goro, in particular, was a marvel to witness. Akira couldn’t help but be awestruck by his skill and versatility. Goro seamlessly shifted between his different attires, taking full advantage of his dual skill set. His weapons became extensions of his own body, weaving through attacks with grace and countering with precise strikes.

He’s beautiful, Akira thought to himself, admiring Goro’s fluid movements and unrestrained laughter amidst battle.

He’s beautiful when he’s free .

However, Yaldabaoth’spower proved formidable beyond measure. A surge of ominous red and black energy gathered between its colossal limbs before crashing down upon the Phantom Thieves, sending them colliding to the ground with cries of pain.

Even as they lay battered on the floor, Yaldabaoth’sonslaught continued relentlessly, each strike a testament to its overwhelming strength.

“Do you hear the mocking voices of the masses?” taunted the false god. “Revolt against a deity, and you face the consequences. Humans are mere clusters of desire, and a world governed by them is destined for decay. Your sin of rebellion is grave, deserving eternal suffering.”

As despair overwhelmed the team, Morgana somehow found the strength to rise to his feet.

“I won’t let that happen!” he declared, capturing Yaldabaoth’sattention.

“The creation born from humanity’s fading hope,” Yaldabaoth mused. “Your defiance is futile against my authority.”

“Human hope is a desire as well!” Morgana countered. “Don’t underestimate its power! The Phantom Thieves will never yield, no matter the odds. Even if only one of us stands, we’ll rise and fight until the very end. We will…we will…!”

His eyes glinted with unwavering determination. “…Take back our world!”

Gradually, distant voices swelled, their volume increasing with each passing moment. Cheers and words of encouragement merged into a chorus of support rising from far below.

Morgana’s smirk widened. “Can you hear them? Those are the voices of the people you mocked! No one desires your reign! Isn’t that right, Akira?”

One by one, the Phantom Thieves struggled to their feet, their spirits rejuvenated by the outpouring of public support. Smiles spread across their faces as newfound energy coursed through them.

Akira locked eyes with Goro, their determination mirroring each other’s. From his pocket, Akira retrieved the glove Goro had once flung at his face in a gesture of animosity—a symbol of both a past confrontation and a potential future duel—and extended it toward him.

Recognition flashed across Goro’s eyes as he beheld the glove, understanding dawning in an instant.

“Are you challenging me to a duel now, of all times, Joker?” he inquired, quirking an amused eyebrow.

Akira shook his head. “Not exactly. But I am challenging you nonetheless.”

“Oh?” Goro’s curiosity was piqued. “You know I can’t resist a good challenge. What’s your proposal?”

Akira grinned, extending the glove to Goro. “How about a race to defeat this false god first?”

Goro’s grin mirrored Akira’s as he delicately accepted the glove and slipped it onto his bare hand. Instantly, his form shimmered with a radiant light, captivating Akira with his otherworldly appearance.

“I accept your challenge,” Goro declared.

Akira seized one of the chains encircling Goro’s figure, and with a swift tug, he snapped the chain cleanly in two. Simultaneously, Goro vanished in a brilliant flash, leaving behind a cascade of shooting stars streaking across the sky.

Yaldabaoth scoffed. “You’ve failed to harness the power of your strongest bond. No amount of prayers from the masses can save you—”

He halted abruptly, his massive head tilting upward. “Hm!?”

As Akira stood tall, a cascade of immense black feathers descended from the sky. From amidst these feathers, a lone figure emerged, descending from the clouds with a stature rivaling that of Yaldabaoth.

Goro Akechi, donned in sleek black hunting armor and wielding a wicked black hunting bow, floated gracefully down behind Akira. His crimson eyes blazed with righteous fury, and a pair of beautiful yet deadly black crow’s wings adorned his back. Strands of his soft brown hair fluttered in the breeze, while bat-like wings emerged from his temples, framing his face like a laurel. Delicate motes of light danced around him, casting a soft, ethereal glow over the battlefield.

(Please Don’t) Chain Me Unto Thee - loquacious_raven (3)

As Goro’s gaze met Akira’s, his eyes softened before he smirked.

“That’s—” Yusuke gasped in awe.

“Man, he’s enormous!” Ryuji exclaimed.

“What incredible power!” Morgana marveled. “No way…he’s still his Persona…?”

Similar expressions of amazement echoed from the crowd far below.

“Isn’t that…?”

“It looks just like Akechi-kun!”

“No way, was the Detective Prince working with the Phantom Thieves all along?”

“I thought he had gone missing!”

“Fools!” Yaldabaoth sneered. “This is why humanity is doomed.”

However, when their adversary unleashed another powerful blast, attempting to subdue them as before, a wave of Goro’s hand erected a protective barrier around the group, neutralizing the attack.

“Impossible!” Yaldabaoth screeched.

“I see…” Morgana muttered. “When a god of control strays from righteousness, it falls upon the Trickster of Chaos to bring them to justice! What better conclusion than with a pair of Tricksters!”

Morgana turned to Akira and Goro, his blue eyes gleaming with pride.

“Joker, Crow, we entrust our strength and the hopes of the people to you two! Put an end to this!”

Akira extended a red-gloved hand, channeling the gathering motes of light into his palm. As they coalesced, he felt an unprecedented surge of warmth and power unlike ever before. Turning to Goro, he smiled.

Akira reached out his hand toward Goro, who placed a gentle finger on Akira’s palm, the touch radiating warmth. Goro then traced his finger under Akira’s jaw, causing the younger boy’s breath to hitch.

“Are you ready to fulfill our deal?” Goro asked softly, despite his imposing size.

Akira nodded, turning back to face Yaldabaoth with a flourish of his coattails.

“Pillage him, Goro!”

Goro withdrew his hand, conjuring and loading an arrow of pure, dark energy onto his hunting bow, aiming directly at their enemy’s head. Simultaneously, Akira drew his gun from its holster, leveling it with unwavering focus, his gray eyes narrowed.

“Begone,” Akira proclaimed.

“Hereward, Rebellion Blade!” Goro declared simultaneously.

“Preposterous! You dare defy the will of the people!?” Yaldabaoth exclaimed.

Neither Akira nor Goro dignified Yaldabaoth’swords with a response. Akira squeezed the trigger of his gun as Goro released his arrow. In perfect synchrony, their projectiles pierced through the false god’s head, creating a hole that revealed the sunrise beyond.

“What power…It exceeds even my own…A mortal turned god, born from the desires of the masses and the love of his rival…” Yaldabaoth murmured, before sighing heavily. “So this…is the true might of the Tricksters…Curse that Igor…It seems his words were not idle chatter…”

With that, Yaldabaoth’sform burst into countless shards of light, reforming into a brilliant golden cup roughly the size of Morgana.

“Isn’t that a Treasure?” Ryuji exclaimed.

Morgana nodded as he approached the cup, gently placing his paw upon its surface.

“Thank you for everything, everyone,” the feline said.

Goro, now returned to his normal size and school uniform, floated over next to Morgana before crouching down beside him.

“Humans possess the power to reshape the world,” Morgana said. “They just lost sight of that for a while…Thanks to all of you, I was able to fulfill my duty.”

“And I achieved my goal of bringing Shido to justice,” Goro added.

“I had the chance to be of real help to humans I deeply admired. It’s the greatest joy I could ask for,” Morgana smiled.

Goro turned to Akira, his expression soft. “Even though it came from unfortunate circ*mstances, fighting alongside you for a common cause made me feel truly alive. I’m fortunate to have had the opportunity to leave a positive impact on this world in the end. Thank you, Akira.”

“This place will vanish soon,” Morgana said. “Time to return home.”

With that, a warm light enveloped the Phantom Thieves. When they opened their eyes, they found themselves back in Shibuya.

However, the scene before them was still grim. The blood rain’s water had risen to their torsos, and the people on the streets were frozen in place. Yet, as sunlight pierced through the clearing clouds, the water solidified and shattered into millions of shards, which dispersed into the air along with the dissolving bone-like structures.

The spectacle was breathtaking. Akira was left speechless as everyone and everything around them emitted a shower of sparkles, the world healing in the wake of Mementos and reality’s fusion.

“The entire world is shaped by cognition, not just the Metaverse,” Morgana explained. “It’s malleable, including you and everyone else.”

Akira’s eyes widened as he watched Morgana and Goro, standing side by side, become increasingly transparent. Unlike the Phantom Thieves’ previous erasure from cognition, neither Goro nor Morgana showed signs of distress. Instead, they wore soft smiles, devoid of fear, even as they seemed to fade away from this world.

“Goro…” Akira’s voice trembled with tears, realizing that their promise had been fulfilled, and Goro was now free from all earthly ties.

Goro glanced at his translucent hands, offering Akira a wistful smile.

“Soon, a new world will come,” Morgana continued. “One where humanity isn’t confined. As long as hope burns in your hearts, the world will shine brightly.”

“But what about you two?” Makoto’s voice held a note of panic.

“Remember, there’s no such thing as the ‘real’ world. Perception shapes reality,” Morgana replied. “Even in darkness, unity and perseverance ensure the world’s continuity. The world lives within each of you!”

“It’s finally time for us to unshackle the chains that bind us together,” Goro added, looking at Akira. “The Metaverse is disappearing, and so, too, are all that originate from it. I’m just a Persona, after all.”

“You are not just a Persona!” Akira retorted, taking Goro by surprise. “You are Goro Akechi. My rival. My antithesis. My friend…”

He locked eyes with Goro, his gaze carrying the weight of his declaration as he finished, “And the one I love!’”

Before Goro could respond to Akira’s confession, however, he and Morgana floated up into the sky, disappearing and leaving a gaping hole in everyone’s hearts.

As the world reverted to normalcy, Akira sank to the ground in Shibuya, allowing his grief to flow freely in the aftermath of profound loss.

* * *



After being released from juvenile detention earlier that day, Akira finally arrived home. Sae Niijima had delivered the surprising news that his assault charge had been overturned, thanks to an anonymous tip that led to retracting the false testimony responsible for his unjust probation. After gathering his few belongings from the facility, Akira was driven back to Leblanc by Sojiro, where he was warmly welcomed by his friends. The Phantom Thieves were eager to celebrate Akira’s release and their reunion, yet the absence of two key members cast a shadow over the initial joyous atmosphere.

As they settled in the cafe, the bell chimed, signaling the arrival of an unexpected, black-furred visitor.

“Did someone call for me?” Morgana’s tone was playful.

“Mona!?” Ryuji exclaimed.

“How are you here? Didn’t you and Akechi disappear?” Ann’s confusion mirrored the others’.

“It seems only my Metaverse self disappeared,” Morgana explained as he groomed himself with a hind paw. “As for Akechi…”

Akira turned sharply toward the door, startled as the bell attached to it jingled once more. In walked Goro Akechi, donning a stylish brown coat, a green sweater vest over a white-collared shirt, and jeans, complete with his signature black leather gloves.

“Goro…?” Akira’s voice caught in his throat as he approached the older boy, whose face radiated warmth and life.

“Akira,” Goro greeted, his expression pleasantly surprised before he let out a strained “HMPH!” as Akira enveloped him in a bone-crushing embrace.

“I can’t…breathe…” Goro managed, his voice strained as Akira buried his face in Goro’s neck, overcome with emotion.

“You’re back,” Akira said between choked-back tears. “How?”

“It’s like Morgana explained,” Goro replied after Akira eased the hug, allowing him to breathe normally again. “Only my Metaverse self vanished. I suspect that due to the Velvet Room’s intervention and the public’s perception of me as a god before we defeated the false deity, those circ*mstances combined restored my mortal form.”

“They thought of you as…a god?” Makoto interjected, clearly puzzled. “Did I hear that right?”

“What exactly do you mean by that?” Yusuke inquired, intrigued.

“I seem to have retained remnants of my power from my brief stint as a god,” Goro murmured, observing his leather-clad hands. Sparks of magic flickered on his fingertips, eliciting gasps from everyone present.

“What in the…?” Ryuji yelped.

“With the false god vanquished, a power vacuum emerged,” Morgana explained. “Someone had to fill that void. Given the public’s reaction to Akechi’s manifestation in his colossal form, it’s no wonder he unwittingly assumed the vacant throne.”

“So, when Akechi-kun reappeared publicly, and they rallied behind him, they…empowered him as a god?” Haru inquired, her gaze narrowing as she looked at Goro. “Is that…safe? No offense.”

“None taken,” Goro responded. “I understand that the way I used my powers before led to tragic consequences when I followed Shido’s commands, resulting in numerous casualties. It’s only fair that you’d expect the worst from me.”

He closed his fist, extinguishing the magical aura. “This time, I vow to use my abilities for good,” Goro asserted, easing some of the tension among the group. “I will never again wield my powers to harm others, especially at another'sbehest. In fact, upon realizing my newfound status, I immediately sought out the woman who had provided false testimony against you, Akira, leading to your wrongful probation.”

Akira was astonished. “You were the one who provided the anonymous tip?” he asked.

Goro’s smile was warm. “Yes, and I assure you, it’s just the beginning of how I intend to use my newfound abilities. I’m committed to repairing the damage I’ve caused.”

Akira looked at Goro with newfound admiration. Gone was the bitter, vengeful boy from before, consumed by hatred and a single-minded pursuit for revenge. Gone, too, was the defeated Persona, resigned to a fate of servitude until he found his liberation. Instead, before him stood the true Goro Akechi—alive, joyful, and resolute in using his powers for good, striving to make a positive impact on the world rather than tearing it down along with himself.

Overwhelmed with emotion, Akira acted on impulse, pressing his lips against Goro’s. Gasps of surprise echoed around them, but in that moment, nothing else mattered except the connection between them.

After their impromptu kiss, Goro’s cheeks were tinged with a rosy hue, his eyes reflecting the joy bubbling within him.

“I never did give you a proper response to your confession, did I?” Goro whispered against Akira’s lips.

“No,” Akira replied softly. “You vanished like an asshole right afterward.”

Goro chuckled. “Well…”

He leaned in for another kiss, stealing not only Akira’s breath but also his heart in one fell swoop. When they parted, Goro wore a self-satisfied smirk.

“How’s that for a response?” he quipped.

“I want to hear you say it, aloud,” Akira challenged.

“You are Akira Kurusu,” Goro began. “My rival. My antithesis. My friend…“

Goro leaned in closer, his warm breath brushing against the shell of Akira’s ear as he concluded, “And the one I love.”

A throat cleared behind them, causing Akira and Goro to hastily separate, realizing they still had an audience.

“Ryuji, you owe me 2000 yen,” Futaba interjected with a mischievous grin.

“Goddammit!” Ryuji grumbled as he handed the money over.

Amidst the laughter of their friends, Akira turned back to Goro, a playful glint in his eyes.

“Shall we pick up where we left off?” he whispered, his voice tinged with mischief.

Goro nodded, a hint of excitement in his gaze. “I’ll ensure we have some privacy.”

Akira smirked. “The perks of having a god as a boyfriend.”

Goro lightly nudged him, and they slipped away unnoticed, leaving behind a room filled with laughter and warmth.

Goro was alive.

Goro was well and genuinely happy.

Goro was finally, truly free.

And Goro belonged to Akira.

(Please Don’t) Chain Me Unto Thee - loquacious_raven (2024)


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Author: Duane Harber

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Author information

Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.