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Superiority Complex - The Boodles - Sir eltoN JoHN - CluB WemBleyFood - Wine - motoriNg - Travel - HealtH & Beauty - Fashion - Jewellery - shopping - Style

CounTry CluBspa & hoTel

issue 12014

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WelComeI am pleased to welcome you to the launch edition of Stoke Park’s Magazine. It has been a long time coming! But with such an incredible 2013 and an exciting 2014 planned, we thought was the a perfect time to create one for our members and guests to enjoy.

In 2013, the 105th year of the Club, Stoke Park received the most awards and accolades in its history, The Boodles tennis challenge saw the world’s top players entertain record crowds and even Brad Pitt crashed a wedding!

I would like to congratulate the Lady Golf Captain, Yuki Sugimoto for captaining the Ladies team to victory in the Bucks Ladies Shield, which Stoke Park won for the first time in 30 years. Also to Peter Johnson, Men’s Golf Captain for raising an incredible amount for his chosen charity, Prostrate Cancer.

In fact in 2013 we were very proud to help raise funds for a number of great causes and charities. These included: Alzheimer’s Research, Autistic Society, Berkshire Children’s Hospice, Cancer Research UK, Child Bereavement UK, Children with Cancer UK, DEBRA, Great Ormond Street Hospital, Help for Heroes, Hire a Hero, Macmillan Cancer, Prostrate Cancer, Seve Ballesteros Foundation, SPARKS, Spinal Research, Teenage Cancer Trust, Burnham Youth Centre and the Variety Club.

I was able to play in the Help for Heroes day and not only was the course full of guests and members alike enjoying the golf facilities and clubhouse but the day raised a huge amount for the charity. To see wounded soldiers using golf as part of the rehabilitation was a revelation to me and very motivating - a great use of the place and the sport that we all cherish so much.

2014 is set to be another memorable year for Stoke Park. Not only is it the 50th anniversary of the iconic James Bond movie ‘Goldfinger’, but also the 10th anniversary of the cult Daniel Craig movie ‘Layer Cake’. I am also delighted that Stoke Park will be hosting two concerts in the west garden: Sir Elton John will be performing for the charity SportsAid (which the duch*ess of Cambridge is the Patron) and the following day will be Katherine Jenkins Birthday concert.

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to wish the King family, owners of Stoke Park, a very happy 25th anniversary. I look forward to what the next 25 years will hold for Stoke Park.


Sir mattHew piNSeNt CBepresidenT sToke park

sToke park magaZineazzy aSgHar puBlisher eliza BurNett ediTor

NadiNe attar healTh & BeauTy ediTor SaraH CarpiN WaTCh & JeWellery ediTor radoStiNa doBreva head designer

adverTising t: 020 7381 5387 e: [emailprotected]

For sToke parkNiCk dowNie ediTor

A very grateful thanks to all those who contributed to the production of this magazine - they are too numerous to mention individually.

All rights reserved. Nothing within this magazine may be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior writtenpermission of the Publishers. Although the Publisher has endeavoured to ensure that all information within

this issue is correct - prices and details are subject to change. Copyright © 2014

sToke parkPark Road, Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire SL2 4PG

T: 01753 717171 F: 01753


a BrieF HiStory oF time 06The king Family’s 25 years andmemories oF The 50Th anniversaryoF goldFinger and 10Th oF layerCake

teNNiS aNyoNe 12our neW CourTs and We revieW The laTesT Tennis produCTs

tHe BoodleS 16We look BaCk aT and ForWard To one oF The Flagship evenTs on our Calendar

Jewel iN tHe CrowN 22all ThaT sparkles

tee time 26golF produCTs To impress

Superiority Complex 28Winners are made aT sToke park

a CuliNary triumpH 34We CeleBraTe 10 years WiTh exeCuTive CheF Chris Wheeler and look aT The very epiCurean humphry’s wiNe iS moNey 38a look aT invesTing in Wine

BrideS alwayS Say ‘i do’ 42The perFeCT Wedding venue

travel taleS 48gloBeTroTTing advenTures

tHe Beauty edit 54produCTs To pamper you

tHe Spa at Stoke park 56indulge yourselF aT our aWard-Winning spa

Book SmartS 66liTerary suggesTions

eveNtS 2013 review 70James Bond and our summer Ball

tHe perFeCt Family retreat 80 advenTures For all The Family

viva wemBley 84The BoBBy moore CluB and our unique parTnership

tHe driviNg raNge 88moToring revieWs

28 06



takeN From teNNiS Star daNiela HaNtuCHova’S2014 CaleNdar.Her DH Foundation was set up to help raise funds for charities overseas and in her home country of Slovakia.

The primary focus of DH Foundation is on the House of Smile orphanage in Cambodia, which helps children affected by HIV and AIDs.

100% of the proceeds from her calendar sales and sales of her branded DH clothes and accessories goes directly to helping people less fortunate. Dani herself takes a very 'hands-on' role in the running of the charity and is very committed to growing the Foundation so that it can help more and more children around the world.

"my FoundaTion is inCrediBly imporTanT To me. i sTarTed iT BeCause i sTopped and looked aT my liFe and realised hoW very luCky i am and hoW luCky my Family is. i get to Have tHiS amaziNg liFe aNd i waNt to do everytHiNg i CaN to Help people wHo areN't aS luCky. i love Being involved. iT's very inspiring." Daniela

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Lights,Stoke Park was founded in 1908 by Nick ‘Pa’ Lane Jackson as the first Country Club in Britain. It was

very unique at the time, as it was female friendly and also welcomed children - an ethos that has stayed with Stoke Park for the last 105 years.


Camera, aCtion!


sToke park magaZine / issue 1 / 2013 2013 \ issue 1 \ sToke park magaZine

sinCe iTs CreaTion There have only Been Four oWners;

Nick ‘Pa’ Lane Jackson, from 1908 to 1928The Mobbs family, from 1928 to 1958

Eton Rural District Council (now South Bucks), from 1958 to 1988The King family,

the fourth and current owners since 1988

105 yearS at Stoke park

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Since the Buckinghamshire based should be family ownership many notable changes and improvements have been made to the estate, with two long-term goals in mind: To restore the estate to its 1908 facilities as far as possible, and to create the best country club, hotel and spa in the world. Perhaps the period of most change was made between 1993 and 2000, which saw the reopening of nine of the golf holes, which had been lost during World War II, 10 new tennis courts, 21 new bedrooms, 8 conference rooms and a new Pro Shop.

In the new millennium further improvements were made, including a sizeable investment in a new Spa, Health and Racquet Pavilion between 2000-2002, incorporating 3 indoor tennis courts, large gymnasium, indoor swimming pool and spa. That year, 2002, also saw the beginning of a very special partnership between The Boodles and Stoke Park, as the inaugural tennis challenge was held on the pristine grass tennis courts, soon to establish itself as the pre-Wimbledon event on the tennis and social calendar. One year later a restoration project began on the iconic Repton Bridge, which was designed by the famous ‘last great English landscape gardener of the eighteenth century’ Humphry Repton in 1798 but destroyed in the 1950s, with the restoration being finally completed by the end of 2005. The next phase of the estate’s

improvements took place over a two year period between 2006 and 2008, which saw an additional 28 luxury bedrooms being built in the Pavilion and further reinstatement of the surrounding grounds and parkland.

Stoke Park celebrated its centenary year in 2008 in typical Stoke Park fashion, with a large glamorous party; and by this time comparisons could be fairly drawn between it and the glory of Nick ‘Pa’ Lane Jackson’s club. Just two years later Stoke Park was awarded its 5 AA star hotel rating for the 49 exquisite bedrooms and suites split across the traditional Mansion and more contemporary Pavilion, and its world class facilities and service. The same year The Dining Room restaurant was opened to members of the public for the first time, under the watchful eye of Executive Chef Chris Wheeler, who has been cooking up culinary delights in the kitchens of Stoke Park since January 2003. In May 2012, the fine dining restaurant was re-launched as Humphry’s following a complete rebranding, and a mere eight months later the decision was rewarded with a third AA Rosette. 2012 also saw the appointment of Sir Matthew Pinsent CBE as the Club’s President, taking over the reins of a long line of notable successors to the role.

Stoke Park remains one of the UK’s last remaining few independently family owned and operated hotels and country clubs, and was recently named within the ‘Top 50 Best British Hotels’ by The Independent, the golf course has been named within the ‘Top 100 you must play in the world’ by Golf World and as you will have read, now joins the top ranks of the best hotels in the UK by being awarded 5 AA Red Stars.

The King family have invested a lot of energy and love over the last 25 years into the restoration and development of Stoke Park, creating the wonderful estate that it is today. It has been a highly enjoyable experience, and they very much look forward to what the next 25 years will hold!

50th Anniversary of Goldfinger and 10 Years of Layer Cake

Stoke Park’s has a very close connection to James Bond, as it does also with the British Film Industry (being only five miles from Pinewood Studios). It’s hard to believe that 50 years has passed since the famous golf battle between Sean Connery’s 007 and Gert Frobe’s Auric Goldfinger, and Oddjob’s flying hat! To this day it remains one of the most memorable moments in Bond history!

It would be only a matter of time before James Bond’s creator Ian Fleming would inject his passion for golf into a 007 adventure, and in his seventh Bond novel, published in 1959, he had his hero face-off against a villain with the Midas touch.

In the novel Goldfinger, Bond finds himself very much in the rough when playing against Auric Goldfinger, international jeweller, gold smuggler and golf cheat.Set at the fictional Royal St Mark’s at Sandwich in Kent (although a rather transparent use of Fleming’s own club, Royal St George’s), 007 narrowly escapes defeat by bringing a little gamesmanship of his own into play.

John pennBuilt The mansion

lancelot ‘ Capability’ Brown

designed landscapes

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The golf match for the film version Goldfinger (1964) was filmed at Stoke Park, and remains cinema’s most famous golfing scene. Sean Connery’s agent 007 is pitted against Auric Goldfinger, in the monumental form of the late Gert Frobe - complete with Plus Fours!

After catching Goldfinger cheating, Bond switches balls on his opponent during the match. Realising that Bond is attempting to interfere in his affairs, Goldfinger motions to Oddjob, his deadly Korean manservant and caddie, to sever the head of a nearby statue with his steel-rimmed bowler. Bond is suitably impressed, but wonders what the club secretary will have to say. Goldfinger explains smugly, “Oh nothing Mister Bond - I own the club!”

In September 2012 we welcomed back various Bond stars to Stoke Park, along with many a prop and car, including Auric Goldfinger’s Rolls Royce Phantom III. This was to celebrate

the 50th Anniversary of Bond in the cinema and the release of all the Bond films on Blu-ray DVD! Bond stars, who included Eunice Gayson (the first ever Bond Girl) Britt Eckland, Tania Mallet (Tilly Masterson in Goldfinger) and Richard Kiel, who played Jaws all came to Stoke Park.

Then in June of this year, we held the inaugural James Bond Golf Day, in association with EON productions. There is more information about this later on in the magazine.

Ten years ago a relatively unknown actor called Daniel Craig came to Stoke Park to film scenes from Matthew Vaughn’s Layer Cake…in exactly the same place 40 years previously Sean Connery’s 007 had filmed scenes…who would have thought 10 years on Daniel would become 007 himself!

Stoke Park was used extensively throughout this cult iconic English movie, starting right at the beginning when Gene (Colm Meaney) says “I’ll see you at Stoke Park at three” and Mr. X (Daniel Craig) and Morty (George Harris) speed up the drive in the opening credits and Morty says “This is sheer class” as they enter the Mansion. The famous lunch scenes with Mr X and Clarkie (Tom Hardy) and the rest of his associates take place in the Wyatt Room and appear quite frequently throughout the movie. The Club’s name and logo is used in the movie and even Mr X is given an Honorary Life Membership

as a gesture instead of the £3,500,000 he was owed by Mr. Eddie Temple (Sir Michael Gambon), but the most famous scene was the ending when Mr X is shot on the Mansion’s front steps by Sidney (Ben Whishaw) and Tammy (Sienna Miller) is left screaming as Mr X is lies dying at the front of the mansion.

And here’s a lovely unknown fact… the actor, Ben Whishaw, who shoots Daniel Craig’s character on The Mansion steps in Layer Cake, 10 years later plays Q alongside Craig’s 007 in the most recent Bond instalment Skyfall.

Both Goldfinger and Layer Cake have become synonymous with Stoke Park, as has one of the most loved romantic comedies of all time, Bridget Jones’s Diary.

The movie version of Helen Fielding’s Bridget Jones’s Diary hit cinema screens in 2001, and in the summer of 2000, we welcomed the cast including its stars Renee Zellweger, Hugh Grant and Colin Firth to Stoke Park to film its iconic mini break! The mini break scenes were filmed in our Great Hall, Pennsylvania Suite and the rowing scenes in our lakes!

The third instalment of the Bridge Jones story, Mad About the Boy, has recently hit our bookshelves…who knows, maybe we’ll welcome Bridget back to Stoke Park again…

lane ‘ pa’ JacksonFounded stoke park Club 1908

We are truly proud to have all these iconic films as part of the great history of Stoke Park!

"the filming of Layer Cake was very special to me as it was my directorialdebut in 2004. i had a fantastic cast with Daniel Craig, sienna miller, tomhardy, michael gambon and of course stoke Park! the mansion is such aniconic building which made the perfect setting for the opening scenes and ofcourse the film's dramatic ending." maTTheW vaughn

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Creating world class grass Tennis CourTs

We are very proud of our tennis history (which started in 1908) and its reputation of offering incredible tennis facilities. Acclaimed as one of the ‘Top Tennis Hotels in the World’ by Conde Nast

Traveller, Stoke Park has four all-weather hard courts, three indoor carpet courts and six Wimbledon specification grass courts, ensuring that the game can be played and enjoyed all year round,

whatever the weather!

After such a fantastic sunny summer our grass courts definitely had the most usage of their recent life, and so

needed some much deserved TLC.

After consultation with Wimbledon’s Head Groundsman, we arranged for all the grass courts to be fraise mowed, re-levelled and re-seeded using a

specialist Koro machine. Fraise mowing removes all unwanted grasses such as shallow rooting meadow grasses whilst retaining deeper rooting perennial ryegrasses. Removing more thatch than scarification and hollow coring. Fraise mowing also removes all contaminants such as weeds, algae and silt. Surface irregularities are removed leaving a level playing surface with no

water retaining areas. Fraise mowing is carried out using a Koro Field Top Maker. This practice is used by Wimbledon.

We have never used a Koro machine before, but have been assured that it will make an incredible playing surface for next year!

*Club Wembley membership entitles the member the option to purchase one ticket/hospitality package per licensed seat held (subject to terms and conditions specified by Club Wembley). Member events are usually offered on a ballot basis, are not guaranteed, and may be subject to change. Excludes: Rugby World Cup; Rugby League World Cup; any association football match staged at the Stadium where the event

holder is not The FA or the Football League; and any bid event including the UEFA Champions League Final and the UEFA Cup Final. We will try to secure tickets from the event owner wherever possible.



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CLUB WEMBLEY_BMC Stoke Park Mag.indd 1 27/11/2013 13:46

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h r o w e n . c o . u k









HROwen Ad_240 x 340mm_091213.indd 1 10/12/2013 11:17


Eliza Burnett advises how to look great on and off the court

This Trans-Weight System of the new frame results in a racquet head that reacts faster for quicker manoeuvrability and produces the fastest swing speed in YONEX history. With the new ISOMETRIC head shape the sweet spot is increased by 7%, producing consistent power, even with off-centre hits.

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wilSoN teNNiS CaSeThis stylish, high performance, high

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2013 was such a glorious and historic summer of tennis with Andy Murray winning his first Wimbledon title and ending Britain’s 77-year wait for a men’s champion

with a hard-fought victory over world number one Novak Djokovic.

the BooDLes this year’s The Boodles (which started in 2002) was held from Tuesday 18th to Saturday 22nd June, with all tickets sold out, was one of the summer’s must attend

events. With six of the world’s top eleven players competing, guests enjoyed exquisite hospitality in the Players and Legends Enclosures and the Garden passes. They all experienced world class tennis in intimate surroundings.

Our title sponsor, the British family-owned jewellery brand Boodles, continue their longstanding relationship with the event by confirming a further long-term title sponsorship, and this year we welcomed Patek Philippe, Veuve Clicquot and

luxury car dealership group, H.R. Owen as sponsors. Veuve Clicquot not only provided its exquisite champagne, but also provided a vintage airstream bar, a Veuve Clicquot customized Rolls Royce and table football. H.R. Owen displayed glorious cars, from Lamborghini to Bentley.

The British sports brand, PlayBrave, provided the outfits for the Umpires, Line Judges and Ball Boys and also displayed their merchandise in our ‘Bond Street’ a line of shops created for the event which also included other luxury brands such as Belladonna yachts. →

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left: djokovic stripteaseTop: andy murraydown: Boodles 9

The Boodles 2013 line-up included Novak Djokovic, Juan Martin Del Potro, Tomas Berdych, Richard Gasquest, Grigor Dimitrov, Jerzy Janowicz and Marin Cilic. The tournament began in style with an entertaining encounter between Janko Tipsarevic and rising star Grigor Dimitrov, with Tipsarevic edging out the young star from Bulgaria. The match marked Dimitrov’s second outing on Stoke Park’s magnificent grass courts and he looked right at home. “The court was very, very good I enjoyed it a lot. I haven’t had that much fun in a while and it was a great atmosphere,” he said.

This was followed by a sun-drenched day that saw former Wimbledon finalist Tomas Berdych overcome entertaining Ukrainian Alexandr Dolgopolov, before big-serving American Sam Querrey took out French showman Richard Gasquet. The US star John Isner also took to the court for the day’s final match, and was a welcome return to Stoke Park after making his debut at The Boodles 2012, stating, “It brings back good memories coming back to London. I feel like I’m getting better and better at playing on this surface.”

The excitement continued with World No.1 Novak Djokovic who was again the star of the show when he took on Grigor Dimitrov in one of the most entertaining matches of the week. Djokovic was in a playful mood, joking between points demanding that Dimitrov take his shirt off for the excitable female fans in the crowd. (The video clip of this on YouTube has had over 2,000,000 views and counting!)

“everyThing is going aCCording To plan and hopeFully i Can geT in The

BesT possiBle shape For The sTarT oF WimBledon,” said dJokoviC, Who Was

playing his FirsT maTCh oF The grass-CourT season aFTer opTing To resT lasT Week. “i knoW WhaT i need

Three of the four 2013 Wimbledon

semi-finalists played in this year’s Boodles

and fourth semi-finalist was a Boodles veterans. So why not continue reading to

see which of this year’s Boodles players made it into the semi-finals

at Wimbledon...

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To do in order To adJusT From The sloWesT To The FasTesT serviCe in a

very shorT period oF Time.”Grand Slam champion Juan Martin Del Potro then put the finishing touches on his Wimbledon preparations with a competitive match against Richard Gasquet. Del Potro, who won the 2009 US Open, was edged out by Gasquet but afterwards said that he was glad that he made the visit to Stoke Park. “I think these kind of matches before Wimbledon are nice for the preparation, Richard is a good player and a good guy. The match was really fun and now I’m really excited to start for Wimbledon.” This was followed by the return of the breakout star of this year’s event, Grigor Dimitrov, who beat Poland’s Jerzy Janowicz. The charismatic 22-year-old has been an instant hit with fans at Stoke Park and it seems that the feeling is mutual. “It’s awesome here,” said Dimitrov, who stripped to the waist for the second match running, much to the delight of female fans on the centre court.

Another memorable The Boodles 2013 served up the tournament’s trademark

mix of light hearted capers on court and spectacular world-class tennis.

Since 2002 The Boodles has seen legends of the game play including: Pete Sampras, Andre Agassi, Boris Becker, Tim Henman,

Novak Djokovic and Andy Murray.

right page: andy murray

in The The Jewel

CrownAzzy Asghar meets Michael Wainwright

and discusses Boodles and Stoke ParkJewellery is in the blood of Michael Wainwright, the very charming and elegant Managing Director of the brand that has been in his family for six generations since 1798. Just to make sure he is indeed a hands-on part of the empire I show him 30 photos of jewellery that all look the same to me and he picks out their piece - Luck? -

No - he does it a second time from another thirty!

The Boodles is the showpiece in our Stoke Park social calendar and a Members’ favourite since its launch in 2001. It is also a favourite with Michael and his entire team who love the five glorious summer days away from their many boutiques to mingle with clients and meet new ones as they showcase new pieces.

It’s not just our Members who love the brand. Novak Djokovic and his fiancée Jelena Ristic are big fans and she has even acquired several pieces from their award-winning Blossom range.

Michael credits Patricio Apey for the event that began as a way for players to hone their grass court skills prior to Wimbledon. The five-day tournament is now a cherished event on the tennis calendar but Michael still thinks of it as a glorious summer garden party with tennis as a backdrop.

Pete Sampras was at the inaugural event and since then a stream of the world’s best players have made it a fixture in their diary. Novak Djokovich, Andy Murray are both regulars nowadays and in days gone by we’ve seen Tim Henman, Greg Rusedski and other leading names. “Tennis is the perfect sport for our brand,” he comments.

Michael raves about Stoke Park as a location and the synergy that the two businesses share in customer values and focus. “The Club’s close proximity to London, the park-like setting, the facilities on offer, and the friendliness and professionalism of the staff all make for a world-class event.” His highest praise is saved for Chef Wheeler and his team. “The food is a crucial aspect of the event and I am personally very critical - so the standards have to be very high.”

“It’s not all fun and games - The Boodles is a key business driver for us and we use the event each year to launch our Wonderland Collection - sixty one-off avant-garde pieces , all hand-crafted in London - this is truly one of the great jewellery exhibitions anywhere.”

Boodles and Stoke Park together create a perfect relationship - the score - it just has to be Love All!

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Sarah Carpin SeekS ouT The


in The



Thorn ring By StepHeN weBSter

HarrodS FJone oF a kind

TropiCal island ring By Theo Fennell

marCo BiCegosapphire earrings

Harrods has expanded its jewellery halls, transforming London’s most celebrated department store into one of the world’s leading destinations for fine jewellery

Many big stores like to call themselves ‘destination shops’ but for Harrods this name has always been true and is likely to remain so as one of London’s top tourist attractions. And while many visit

Harrods for the sumptuous food halls or to browse the best of the world’s luxury fashion labels, for the past few years it has been enticing increasing numbers of customers to its rooms dedicated to jewellery and watches.

This year, the ground floor of the Knightsbridge store has been renovated and extended which now doubles the amount of space given to fine jewellery. Entering the new jewellery rooms, there are those prestigious brands you simply expect to see at Harrods: Chopard, Dior, Harry Winston, De Beers, Tiffany, Chaumet. But Harrods is also a champion of home grown UK jewellery houses and designer brands. Harrods’ team of expert jewellery buyers search the world for interesting new jewellery labels, to bring a glittering jewellery emporium to London.

The investment into jewellery and watches is a key focus according to Simon Longland, who is Harrods’ General Merchandise Manager of Fashion Accessories: “Turnover within the Luxury Jewellery Room has more than doubled over the last three years and the Fine Jewellery and Watch Rooms continue to drive fantastic trade,” he says. “Harrods’ investment in the new Luxury Jewellery Room, the expansion of the Fine Jewellery Room and the creation of a room dedicated to Fine Watches, which we opened in 2011, all reflects Harrods’ ambition to become the world’s leading destination for jewellery and watches.”

The neW glimmering, golden-Walled and marBle-Floored JeWellery rooms hosT several neW iN-Store BoutiqueS, maNy oF wHiCH oFFer exCluSive, oNe-oF-a-kiNd pieCeS aNd BeSpoke ServiCeS For harrods CusTomers. These inClude neW BouTiques From hermes, ChaumeT and dior Joaillerie.Hermes and Harrods have a long standing relationship, and the world exclusive launch of Hermes’ first stand-alone fine jewellery and watches boutique strengthens this special bond. The boutique offers Harrods clients the opportunity to step into the luxurious world of Hermes, showcasing iconic and high jewellery collections and the full range of luxury timepieces.

The new Chaumet boutique offers beautiful timepieces and incredible tiaras, along with exquisite high jewellery from several of this French jewellery maison’s most celebrated jewellery collections, while Harry Winston offers its customers a bespoke service to create stunning one-of-a-kind diamond engagement or dress rings through its Ultimate Bridal Collection.

“An increasing amount of what we sell at Harrods is exclusive jewellery, and we are also seeing a move towards more bespoke

designs which allow higher end consumers to have a creative input,”

explains Longland. “Annoushka’s Dusty Diamonds collection is a great example of this, where clients are able to choose their own colour combinations in rings, bracelets and earrings to create unique

and personal pieces.”“At Harrods we pride ourselves on offering our customers the very best edit of jewellery,” Longland adds. “ The fluid mix of designers not only complement each other perfectly but also bring their own a unique and distinctive design aesthetics to our world class product offering of everyday fine jewellery.”

Jewellery not seen before in Harrods includes Italian brands Faraone Mennella and Buccelati. Faraone Mennella’s design-led, contemporary jewellery collections fuse classical Italian heritage with an eclectic energy inspired by the company’s headquarters in New York, while third-generation Italian brand Buccellati, renowned for its signature lace rings and necklaces, offers old world Italian style and craftsmanship. Both Italian houses show full collections alongside one-of-a-kind pieces and bespoke services from their counters. Other Italian jewellery on show includes Pasquale Bruni, Roberto Coin and Marco Bicego. Along with Marco Bicego’s new Murano collection, which bursts with vibrant gemstone colours inspired by the colours and light of the Venetian island of Burano, the brand also showcases unique, rough-cut sapphire and emerald pieces exclusive to Harrods.

Harry wiNStoN The ulTimaTe Bridal

ColleCTion ring

New at HarrodS

Tudor rose pendanT

From garrard

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BesT oF British

The new Harrods jewellery rooms contain a boutique from the historic British jeweller Garrard for the first time,

which includes a dedicated bridal area. New jewellery suites from the Entanglement, Regal and Tudor Rose collections are available alongside an exclusive Tudor Rose set, created especially for the new boutique. Garrard is renowned for providing crowns and tiaras for royal families around the world over the centuries and customers within Harrods can, for the first time, order bespoke tiaras from Garrard within its private VIP room. Another celebrated British jeweller, Theo Fennell, has also opened its first ever shop in shop within Harrods. This showcases an expanded selection of high jewellery and bespoke services, which includes jewellery and silverware. Witty, bold and slightly irreverent, this jewellery is also highly regarded for its high values of craftsmanship.

Stephen Webster is another of London’s best-known jewellery designers with a huge celebrity following around the world. His new Harrods boutique features his new autumn/winter 2013 fine jewellery collections Thorn, Fly By Night and Deco Haze, together with iconic pieces from his classic Crystal Haze, Forget me Knot and Murder She Wrote collections.

Another great British brand is Boodles, which

has opened a new boutique within the fine

jewellery room. Here, Boodles’ signature

Raindance collection is on display, featuring

glittering white diamonds set like raindrops

shimmering on a spider’s web. Its new Circus

collection is also available here, inspired by the

ancient concept of the circus as an arena in which crowds would

gather to watch gladiator battles, jugglers and

acrobats. The collection features a mosaic of white and yellow gold baubles, accented with diamonds

Other British jewellery brands to look out for include Annoushka; Monica Vinader, who has created a collection set with unusual blue diamonds exclusively for Harrods; and Shaun Leane, whose popular silver and vermeil Cherry Blossom collection sits alongside his edgy diamond jewellery. Sharp but elegant, Shaun Leane is a British jewellery brand that is most definitely one to watch, along with Tomasz Donocik, a young up and coming London jeweller who makes his debut appearance within the Harrods Luxury Jewellery Room. The legacy of Harrods and its long association with precious gems and exquisite jewellery spans over a century since the launch of the original Harrods Gem Rooms in 1911, and the business has undoubtedly evolved dramatically since then. Yet the hallmarks of what makes Harrods the most well known luxury store in the world remains the same: Simon Longland and his team remain committed to creating unique, exciting and elegant retail environments in which to shop the very best edit of fine jewellery from the world’s leading luxury houses.

sToke park magaZine / issue 1 / 2013

22 Burlington Arcade, London W1J 0PR | Telephone: +44 (0)207 493 1409 | e-mail: [emailprotected] |

• Alain Silberstein • Audemars Piguet • Blancpain • Corum • • De Grisogono • Franck Muller • Hublot • Pierre Kunz • Girard-Perregaux •

Major Swiss watch brands that are new but no longer in current collections Sold with an international guarantee. From 30% to 70% off original prices.

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Azzy Asghar seeks out the latest above par products to make sure you’re always below par!For Further advice aSk in our Pro ShoP

FootJoy Hunter Mahan and Padraig Harrington’s shoe of choice is precision constructed from proprietary M:SPEC leather by Pittards of England for a thin-yet-strong specification, this cutting-edge shoe has been designed to deliver a full range of motion and an incredibly supple and comfortable feel. From £115

FJ SpeCtrum golF gloveFeaturing an array of vibrant colour options - Premium Cabretta leather and high-performance FibreSof material deliver consistent comfort, fit & grip - PowerNet Mesh provides a tailored fit across the knuckles for increased breathability and flexibility From £16.00

Nike metHod mod putter Each putter is weighted to length to ensure proper feel and a range of toe hang options determined by where the weight is in relationship to the putter head allows athletes to choose a model to suit their personal prefer-ence for optimal forgiveness, roll and accuracy. $299

SrixoN ligHtweigHt StaNd Bag The stylish and lightweight bag features a 9.5” 7-way top, Full length club dividers, 7 forward facing pockets, Towel ring, Integrated shoulder strap holder, Front carry handle, Body material rain hood and Umbrella webbing loop. Also available in Blue or Gold. £110

ClevalaNd golF 588.rtx wedge Available in Satin Chrome / Black Pearl, the 588 RTX Wedges combine the legendary performance of 588 with added forgiveness and the breakthrough Rotex Face – Cleveland Golf's most advanced spin technology ever. £109.00

HeaveN SeNt The golf shoe from Hermann Oberschneider - a co-owner of MBT (Masai Barefoot Technology). The patented sole construction gives the golf player a permanent feedback on his balance and position, thus having an optimum basis for his golf swing.

titleiSt ap2 iroNS The new AP2 irons feature precise, progressive designs developed by the Titleist Golf Clubs R&D team to produce optimum launch, trajectory and distance by loft. Titleist utilised innovative tungsten weighting and manufacturing technologies to make AP2 the most forgiving irons in the game. Titleist Brand Ambassador Jason Dufner, played a set of new AP2 irons to record victory at the USPGA Championship for his first Major title. Irons £114 (steel) and £130 (graphite) per club.

SHotSaver Sg250 golF watCH FromIncredibly accurate distances to the front, centre and back of the green and preloaded with over 99% of European golf courses, all within a light weight, stylish, waterproof and robust wrist watch. It is the first GPS golf watch to show distances to all hazards across the golf course and has a built-in electronic score card with an automatic Stableford points calculator. £159.99

SHotSaver Slr500 laSer raNge FiNder

Knowing precise distances around the golf course is key to a successful score. The Shotsaver SLR500 ‘Pole

Position’ flag locator uses Hi-accuracy laser technology to accurately pick out the distance to the flag up to 350yds away. It even picks out the distance to bunkers, trees, bushes and larger objects up to a staggering 800 yards

away. £179

maui Jim – CaNoeSA favourite amongst

pro-golfers, these light and agile sunglasses are perfect for sport and performance. With wider temples for extra coverage and comfort, they protect you from harmful

rays, wind and debris without weighing you down. £161

z-Star pure wHite or tour yellow

The new ball from Srixon delivers explosive power on long shots

for high velocity and high launch angle at impact, whilst reducing

spin off the face of the driver delivers a penetrating ball flight for exceptional distance and accuracy.


yoNex driverThe EZONE XP is an innovative engineering breakthrough that produces maximum power and distance. Featuring Tungsten in both the grip and club head, it works in conjunction with the Lightweight Shaft. The result is a swing that delivers an explosive power breakthrough with the same effort, adding more yards to your game. (available in graphite) £249

Nike Sport lite Carry BagWeighing less than four pounds, this is Nike Golf’s lightest carry bag to date. It is available in six colors, features the storage space serious athletes need and none of the added weight. Six fleece-lined functional pockets, including a full length apparel pocket, provide enough space for athletes to be prepared on the course without creating extra bulk. $129.99


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Encircling the 300 acre Capability Brown estate, the famous 27 hole Championship golf course, is undisputedly the finest parkland course in the country.

Created in 1908 by the eminent golf architect Harry Colt (who went on to design Pine Valley USA, Royal Portrush and Sunningdale), the Stoke Park course has influenced many of the world’s most famous

courses. The 7th hole at Stoke Park is officially acknowledged as Augusta National 16th’s inspiration.

The course itself has seen many impressive rounds in its prestigious history, including the first PGA Matchplay tournament in 1910 and James Bond’s epic golfing duel in the 1964 classic 007 movie ‘Goldfinger’.

Stoke Park also offers fantastic practice facilities including putting green, driving range, short game area and our state-of-the-art indoor Swing Studio.

Pro shoPThe Pro Shop at Stoke Park proudly offers golf’s latest, high quality equipment, fashions, gadgets and accessories from the industry’s best selling brands. Whether you’re looking for a crested gift or souvenir, a new golf club to lower your handicap or something for the golfer who has everything, our


The 2013 Junior golf scholars with coaches Stuart rank and James Jewell

trained team of PGA golf professionals are on hand to provide up to date advice to help you with your purchase. We can also help as a one stop shop for any golf event solutions including giveaways, course dressing and prizes all at competitive prices. Choice and value for every golfer.

stoke Park Golf academyThe success of the Stoke Park Golf Academy has seen the indoor Swing Studio go from strength to strength, becoming an established asset within the 5 star facility. The studio offers the best teaching and club fitting technology, allowing for a truly interactive golf lesson where swings can be viewed immediately on the plasma screens enhanced by the latest V1 software. Pupils can hit out onto the driving range or in severe conditions or low light into a net. Gone are the days of cancelling a golf lesson due to poor weather. Alongside this we’ve also taken on a new full-time teaching professional. James Jewell joined the team in March and will provide greater availability for lessons and also deliver group classes for ladies, academy members and beginners.

V1 Pro Video analysisThe latest high speed image technology is an important part of what we do and this is used extensively by the Head of

Instruction. Video analysis allows you to see and understand the changes that need to be made. Where necessary lessons are documented and emailed (or burned to CD) with commentary to the student, making the effects of your time with us long lasting.

oVerseas triPsStuart Rank, Stoke Park’s Head of Instruction delivers four overseas coaching trips per year, two mixed and two men’s. These popular breaks give members an opportunity to play great golf courses in spectacular surroundings. Destinations so far have included Casablanca, Paphos, Bologna, Antalya, Lisbon, Girona and Marrakesh. The men’s trips offer a short three-night break over a weekend, where the mixed trips present a longer five-night stay, both with a chance to concentrate on your game, combining tuition on the range with coaching on the course.

Junior scholarshiP ProGramme2013 saw the creation of the Junior Golf Scholarship Programme. With the generous support of Stoke Park’s golf members the scheme was launched October 2012. A ‘Try-Out Day’ was staged where 50 talented juniors from the region

pitted their skills against each other in an X-Factor style audition. The best 16 were then interviewed and a final cast of 12 (4 girls and 8 boys) between the ages of 9 and 16 were chosen. It was important that we not only chose the most talented players, but juniors who had the right personal attributes to be ambassadors for Stoke Park and who the members would be proud of.

November 2012 kick-started the yearly programme led by Stuart Rank, and supported by James Jewell, which includes →

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"stoke Park offers fantastic practice facilities including putting green, driving range, short game area and our state-of-the-art indoor swing studio. after every lesson the guest is emailed a video analysis of the lesson with coaching tips and commentary from the coach."

one group class and one individual lesson per month. Alongside this, physical screenings are delivered in the gym and golf-specific fitness programmes are tailored to each junior. Each child now has a Scholars’ golf bag and uniform, which they wear with pride whenever representing the Club or playing in Club events. The results have been fantastic across the board with many of the juniors reducing their handicaps significantly, representing the Club teams, the county, winning at county and even European level.

In the BB&O Under 12’s Championships held at Beaconsfield Golf Club on 25th July, Stoke Park had four boys in the top five places with the then 12-handicap James Gregory crowned Champion after a fantastic gross 79.

The juniors have dominated the leader boards of the BB&O Nike Futures Tour with over ten of our boys each having secured at least one top three finish in either Under 14 or Under 12 competitions so far. The Gough brothers’ record is

outstanding, having won their age groups at two recent Nike Futures Tour fixtures at Goring & Streatley and The Berkshire, which sees them currently leading the Futures Tour Under 14’s and Under 12’s Order of Merit.

The Stoke Park three-man team of Aaron Millar, John Gough and reserve Conor Gough (in place of an injured Aidan Osobase) travelled to Woodhall Spa to represent BB&O in the Junior Champion Club competition on 10th & 11th August. They acquitted themselves extremely well, finishing 5th out of 30 county teams behind much higher handicap players. Thanks to two consecutive Stableford scores of 39 and 41 points respectively, John Gough now boasts a handicap of 0.6 at 14 years old.

Sisters Julia and Nathalie Warke and Thalia Kirby have performed well in both junior girls and Ladies competitions; both at Stoke Park and other county courses, and their handicaps continue to tumble. And as mentioned earlier, the

girls have also played a vital part in contributing to our Ladies team winning the Bucks Shield this year!

On the 9th September the juniors won the ‘Thames Valley Junior Stags League Trophy’, for the first time in its history! A closely contested final took place over the week against Reading Golf Club in which matches were played both home and away. There simply is no stopping them!

We also delighted to announce that Julia Warke has just been selected for the Under 16’s England Regional Squad.

In October, the Junior Scholarship 2014 try out day took place, where, after receiving 40 applicants, a shortlist of 28 talented young golfers came to Stoke Park to showcase their skills and try out for next year’s scholarships.

Stuart Rank and the team at Stoke Park were incredibly impressed with the standard of talent, which as displayed at the try out day.

With all the success so far, 2014 promises to be a very exciting year indeed.

ladies Bucks shield winWe are thrilled to announce that the Stoke Park Ladies’ Team have won the ‘County Bucks Shield’ event for the first time in 30 years! The 7 per side team fended off four time consecutive champions, Woburn, at home in the second round earlier in the year, before beating Burnham Beeches in the quarter finals in August. The semi-final and final were played at The Buckinghamshire Golf Club on the 2nd September where a strong Stoke Park team beat Ellesborough in convincing style before challenging Hazlemere to an even bigger win in the afternoon finale. The Club’s Lady Captain, Yuki Sugimoto (also one of the team’s players) led the side with huge enthusiasm.

left to right: yuki Sugimoto (lady Captain), Nathalie warke, thalia kirby, kelly gorry,anne worby (non playing Captain), evgenia kinebas, Julia warke and Cristina ravagnan

sTuarT rank - head oF insTruCTion

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Bellow: hertford king presents the Colt Cup to the team from Betchworth park golf Club

The following day, 27 clubs competed from various parts of the UK as well as overseas teams from Spain, Ireland and The Netherlands. Played over 27 holes, the three man team event was eventually won by Betchworth Park Golf Club, a club never to have won the trophy before. Narrowly missing out by 1 point was local team Beaconsfield who were the worthy runners up. Royal Portrush claimed the Overseas Trophy.

colt cuP 2013This year saW anoTher large TurnouT oF harry ColT designed Courses play For The 20Th annual ColT Cup aT sToke park. on The 13Th July, The day BeFore The ColT Cup, previous Winners sToke park Challenged Walsall, The maCkenZie medallion Winners, To a CusTomary maTCh in WhiCh sToke park Were The viCTors!

THE GREAT BRITISH CLUBStoke Park offers you and your family various membership opportunities for you to enjoy.

For more information please contact the Membership Team on 01753 717179.

SOCIAL MEMBERSHIPExtensive Social Calendar • 3 Restaurants & Bars

Themed Lunches • Bonfire Night • Christmas Parties Gourmet Nights • Summer Ball • Al Fresco Dining

Italian Dining • Modern British Cuisine Impeccable Service • 3 AA Rosettes


All the benefits of Health Membership plus: 3 Indoor, 4 All-Weather & 6 Grass Courts

LTA Coaches • Roll-UpsBox Leagues • Team Matches • PlaySight System

JUNIOR MEMBERSHIPSVarious options available

Swimming, Tennis & Golf LessonsTennis & Golf Camps • Outdoor Playground

Games Room • CrecheKids Parties

HEALTH MEMBERSHIPState-of-the-Art 4,000 sq.ft Gym • 3 Studios

Large Indoor Pool • Steam Rooms Sunbathing Terrace & Gardens • Personal Training

Technogym Equipment Full Induction including Health Check

50+ Classes a week included in your Membership

GOLF MEMBERSHIP27 Hole 1908 Championship Golf Course

Grass & All-weather Practice Range Chipping & Pitching Areas • Teaching Academy

Indoor Swing Studio • PGA Coaches Video Analysis • Putting Green • Roll-Ups

Team Matches • Overseas Trips

Membership_AD_Stoke Magazine.indd 1 28/11/2013 16:09

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Paralleling Stoke Park’s illustrious past is the culinary excellence of Executive Chef, Chris Wheeler, who celebrated his tenth year at

Stoke Park in 2013. Stoke Park’s fine dining restaurant,The Dining Room launched in

2010 was instantly awarded two AA Rosettes. After rebranding in 2012 to Humphry’s, an investment in new crockery, linen, carpet and dedicated kitchen, it was awarded its third

AA Rosette in January 2013.


Chef!10th anniversary

The name Humphry’s originates from the famous British landscape designer Humphry Repton. In 1790’s,

Humphry Repton created some of the main features of the magnificent landscape at Stoke Park. In particular he designed the beautiful bridge that you can see from the restaurant.

The menu at Humphry’s offers modern British cuisine with a twist.Before arriving to Stoke Park, Chris had worked in Michelin starred kitchens under Jean-Christophe Novelli as his Group Head Chef. He worked at Le Provence, Lymington, Four Seasons, Park Lane, Maison Novelli and Les Saveurs, Mayfair. He has appeared in the TV programme Hell’s Kitchen 2 alongside Jean-Christophe in 2005.

Chris joined Stoke Park in 2003 and for the past ten years he has steadily been building Stoke Park’s culinary reputation.

Humphry’s was voted in the ‘Top 20 Best out of Town Restaurants’ by Harper’s Bazaar, in the ‘Top 5 Out of Town Restaurants’ by the Square Meal

Restaurant Guide 2012 and featured in Tatler’s Restaurant Guide 2013, with the editor writing in the guide that Chris had cooked two of the best dishes he had ever had!

Humphry’s, is a stunning, light-filled restaurant featuring panoramic views of the bridge, estate and the lake, offering both à la carte and table d’hôte menus available for lunch, as well as a three-course dinner menu.

Over the past year Chris has offered an array of exquisite dishes and also, in celebration of his ten years at Stoke Park, launched a ten Course Taster Menu, featuring a signature dish from each of the last ten years! The taster menu was such a success, a permanent seven course taster menu has been put in place.

Themed menus also appeared over the year, including a special Valentines Menu, a specific local produce themed menu celebrating Chris ‘Best Local Menu’ award win at the Berkshire and Buckinghamshire Life Food and Drink awards, he created a menu actually physically made of chocolate for Chocolate week in October and of course his Christmas Menu is always much loved by all!

WheTher iT is Cooking Fine dining Cuisine in humphry’s or CaTering For a marquee aT The Boodles, Chris’s Food is alWays exCepTional and uTTerly deliCious!Out of the kitchen, Chris has been busy raising money for charity, and this year he not only ran the marathon, he did it dressed in his chef whites, carrying a huge stock pot! He raised over

£10,000 for Help a Capital Child and even made an appearance on the BBC Breakfast Sofa!

We are delighted that Chris was a finalist at the Hotel Catey Award (the Oscars of the hospitality industry) for Hotel Chef of the Year ( less than 250 covers)- with only three other finalists, Chris was listed with the top Hotel Chefs in the UK and we are enormously proud of him!

And he will be making his debut appearance on Saturday Kitchen on Saturday 8th February 2014!

We are really looking forward to what 2014 may bring...

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Ingredients for 4 Covers

4 x 5 oz Fillet of Wild Sea Bass 400g Fresh Samphire

200g Pomme Puree (Mash Potatoes)

100g of Clams100g of Mussels

40g of finely chopped Shallot10g finely chopped Chives

Salt & Pepper200ml Fresh Fish Stock

200ml White Wine 100ml Double Cream

4 x Baby Carrots 2 x Baby Fennel

1 x Plum Tomato (cut into Concasse/Small Dice)


Sweat the finely diced shallot in a saucepan, add the Clams and

Mussels and cover with a lid for 1 minute.

Add the white wine and cover again for 2 minutes or until all

the Clams and Mussels and open.

Carefully remove the Clams and Mussels from their shells.

Nage (sauce)

Wash and finely slice the baby Carrots and Fennel

Place the fish stock into a panAdd the baby vegetables and

seasoning; simmer for 5 minutes Add the Clams and Mussels and

warm through.Add the Tomato Concasse and

Chopped Chives

Sea Bass and Samphire

Season the Sea Bass fillets and pan-fry in a non stick pan for approximately 3 minutes each side - add the Samphire and cook for another 1 minute

to serVe

Place a portion of Pomme Purée in the middle of each plate Place the Samphire on top Place the Sea Bass on top

skin side up Spoon the Nage/sauce around

Pan-fried fillet of sea Bass with Potato Puree,

Samphire,Clams and

Teign Mussels Nage

To celebrate the launch of Stoke Park magazine, please enjoy this exquisite recipe, one of Chef’s signature dishes

served in Humphry’s!

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People are always looking for interesting ways to invest their money, gain huge rewards whilst avoiding risk. An option you may not have considered is fine wine. Wine Owners, a company created by collectors

for collectors, has developed a complete solution for managing, analysing, valuing and trading your fine wine portfolio, whether you are an enthusiast, collector or investor.

Wine is money

wHy iNveSt in Wine?Holding cash is an increasingly unattractive option post Lehman, so the trend has been for sophisticated investors to put more of it into hard tangible assets. Fine wine fits this bill nicely. Relative scarcity and demand drive collectible investment markets and fine wine is a great investment solution due to its relative liquidity.

So, what are the characteristics of collectible alternative investment classes and when do they become perfect candidates for diversification?

This HappeNS CHieFly Where:

markets are globalizingsupply is limitedmarkets are transparent

Whilst wine is considered a relatively high risk category, due to lack of regulation and pockets of volatility, long-term returns can be very good. Indeed it’s difficult to make an argument against wine in favour of equities basedon volatility alone.

Comparing the performance of the FTSE to the Wine Owners benchmark index (the Wine Owners 150) (rebased) shows that top wines have performed very well over the last 7 years, assuming a well-diversified range of holdings.

Jan 2008 Jan 2009 Jan 2010 Jan 2011 Jan 2012 Jan 2013




2008 2010 2012

3m 6m YTD 1y 3y 5y All

play The Wine StoCk market

Wine owners 150

FTse 100

The good NewS on Tax - really!As long as you’re a collector and not a trader in wine, gains are realised free of capital gains tax

here in the UK.

The HMRC classification of wine as a 'wasting chattel' - an asset that has a predicted life of less than 50 years - means there’s no CGT to pay on profits!

so - WhaT Wines are CoNSidered iNveStiBle?The largest fine wine market is red Bordeaux. Recognised names of the large estates have real depth of supply: Lafite, Latour, Mouton Rothschild, Margaux, Haut Brion and Cheval Blanc (First Growths).

However, with the globalisation of this market and the emergence of China, the immensely wealthy elite started buying in the big names in the 2000s culminating in an investment bubble. In the summer of 2011 it dutifully burst and the price of first growth purchases fell.

This has led some investors to reappraise the role of red Bordeaux, especially the First Growths, within their portfolio. Whereas before 2008 top red Bordeaux might have accounted for 90-95%+ of all wine investments, these days diversification is seen by some as a hedge against volatility. Others are already looking ahead and see a buying opportunity on the back of 2 year lows.

At the other end of the spectrum top burgundy is truly scarce. A large Bordeaux estate such as Latour might be the equivalent of a whole village appellation in Burgundy where hundreds of producers vie to produce the greatest wines from the finest Grand Cru and Premier Cru plots of land drawn up in the 19th century and only officially classified in the 1930s.

Extreme scarcity and overwhelming global demand for wines by producers such as Domaine de La Romanee Conti, Rousseau, Roumier, de Vogue have made top Burgundy a consistently good bet. At the value end of the market, a new generation of young, gifted winemakers are taking over family estates. These are akin to 'emerging markets' as investment options as well as offering beautiful, affordable wines to consume.

Top wines from other regions such as Northern Italy are increasingly being sought after to add further diversification into portfolios. Bigger estates tend to offer better market liquidity, so when selecting small boutique producers investors need to be satisfied that demand will be there when it comes time to sell.

The wiNe owNerS managemenT plaTForm – meeTing The needs oF ColleCtorSWine Owners comprehensive portfolio management and trading exchange offers a total solution for collectors and enthusiasts to easily self-manage a fine wine portfolio.

The new service puts the owner firmly in the driving seat of the wine investment process for the very first time.

Wine Owners provides a wealth of information on wines and wine prices, with tools such as price charting which makes self-management simple. An integrated trading exchange means members can trade in and out of their portfolios at a

click of a mouse, settling trades rapidly.

markeT traNSpareNCyThe exchange model opens up new, dynamic possibilities; such as placing open bids for wines. Bids for wine trigger an instantaneous search to match the bid with wines that other collectors already own in their portfolios, allowing willing sellers to match demand.

The fine wine market has lagged far behind other sectors that invested in online self-service and portfolio management tools. Wine Owners has changed all that, enabling private collectors or investors to make properly informed decisions with a platform purpose-built for their needs.

For more information on wine owners please visit

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40 41SportsAid presents


STOKE PARK28th June 2014

For the next Generation

Elton John_Katherine Jenkins AD_Stoke Magazine_v3.indd 1 09/12/2013 14:59

of Wine ListsThe merChanT

Wine is undoubtedly a romantic pursuit. There is a certain alchemy involved in transforming grapes into a liquid that can age for decades, gain in complexity and nuance to a point where it will stop

conversations, melt hearts and leave indelible memories.

Discerning collectors looking for quality wines, expertise and personal service have long sought Justerini & Brooks. It cellars close to £200m of wine on behalf of its customers, which in turn often provides the broking list with an invaluable supply of well-stored, mature, rare vintages.

For Justerini & Brooks buyer Julian Campbell, it all started with a bottle of Cheval Blanc. He was transported far away, on a purely gustatory experience. This fascination brought him into the wine trade and has since taken him on a journey to some of the world’s greatest vineyards, meeting with the best winemakers.

“On every slope there is a new bunch, a new bottle, a new taste. Neither does it ever remain still, each of those bottles proving subtly different. Each a new wine tomorrow, next month, next year, from the one it tastes like today.”Julian is one of a team of five, headed by buying director Giles Burke-Gaffney, who travel in search of these great wines from family-run domaines and estates. Their relationships with the growers, often built over generations, are the lifeblood of Justerini & Brooks, and create the outstanding portfolio on which its reputation is staked.

“My job is to try to put a little of that magic I experienced all those years ago, and still do today, into the glasses of others. We are proud to be entrusted with supplying the wines for Stoke Park’s list, sharing our knowledge and enthusiasm for fine wines in their diversity, individuality, quality and value.”

The buyers put great time and effort into getting to know the people who make these bottles. They understand their vision and their vineyards, and how they unlock the potential in the lands they farm. What makes it so exciting is the almost limitless scope of wines and dynamic nature of the industry.

Justerini & Brooks was an early champion of domaine-bottled Burgundy. Responsible for the first Burgundy en primeur tasting in London back with the 1990 vintage. Today it is the biggest importer of domaine-bottled Burgundy into the UK, with an unrivalled list of over 50 growers. Piedmont too has long been a passion and the quality of Italian wine has never been better. From Piedmont to Sicily, there is an enchanting variety of seriously fine wines. A Loire specialist himself, Julian is heartened by what he sees there too: “under the craftsmanship of dedicated

winegrowers like Serge Dagueneau and Lucien Crochet, the reputation of the quality of the Loire’s wines is in good hands.”

As well as the established, top quality growers, the buyers have an exemplary track record in seeking out hidden winemaking talent. They unearth growers with a commitment to making beautiful, artisan wines of balance and drinkability, like the young, Burgundian brothers Marc and Alex Bachelet of Domaine Bachelet-Monnot, or Spain’s now iconic estate Aalto.

The sommeliers at Stoke Park are expert guides. They will take you through a list that brings you wines that are drinking beautifully from all the above regions and more, selected with Justerini & Brooks from the length and breadth of its 3,500 strong portfolio.

Justerini & Brooks, wine & spirits merchants By appointment to her majesty the Queen, has been shipping and supplying the world's finest wines to collectors throughout the world from

its outstanding portfolio of domaine, estate and château bottled wines - an unrivalled collection of Burgundy, rhône, loire and champagne as well as Barolo and German riesling

estates and the finest Bordeaux from the greatest vintages - since 1749. to find out more, visit the Buyers’ Blog at and follow @justerinis on twitter.

Julian Campbell and Giles Burke-Gaffney

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For weddings, Stoke Park is a stunning backdrop to your perfect day. Set

within 300 acres of beautiful parkland, landscaped gardens and lakes, stands an

imposing white Palladian Mansion.

at stoke Park‘i Do’


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Over 200 years old, the Grade I listed Palladian Mansion is truly one of the most romantic settings for a marriage ceremony, civil partnership or wedding reception in the country. Not only does

it make a picture perfect setting but as Britain’s leading Five AA Red Star Hotel, Spa and Country Club it offers undeniable luxury for your special day.

Stoke Park exudes romance and luxury and can cater for a wide range of needs to make your dream day come true. Whether it be a champagne breakfast or a sumptuous reception banquet, a live swing band or an awe-inspiring fireworks display over the fountains and gardens, the happy couple works closely with our Wedding Coordinator, Michele Connelly and Executive Chef, Chris Wheeler, to ensure preparations for the big day run flawlessly. Every aspect is planned to the highest quality and finest detail, to guarantee a day that will engender fond and lingering memories.

Movie star glamour is evidently present within the grounds of this enchanting estate. Our very own Bridal Suite was used as →

"The photo opportunities in the grounds are

brilliant, the food was out exquisite and on the day

everyone made us and our guests feel


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the iconic romantic mini-break destination in the 2001 film ‘Bridget Jones’ Diary’, our 1908 Championship golf course featured prominently in the 1964 James Bond film ‘Goldfinger’ and more recently, the Mansion made a star appearance in Daniel Craig’s ‘Layer Cake’.

Stoke Park’s Bridal Suite, the Pennsylvania Suite, was also voted ‘The most romantic hotel room in the UK’ by The Sunday Times Magazine.

Stoke Park is licensed to hold Civil Marriage Ceremonies, which means that you can take your vows in any of our three

licensed beautiful rooms or outside on the gorgeous Southern Terrace. Every room is beautifully and individually decorated with fine antiques and works of art, and all offer breathtaking views across historic gardens and landscaped parkland. With dining facilities for up to 120 guests in the Mansion (and up to 400 in the West Garden Marquee) prepared by our Executive Chef Chris Wheeler, 11 spa treatment rooms in our award winning spa, a 27 hole championship golf course, 49 luxurious bedrooms and suites and 14 acres of private gardens offering stunning photographic scenery, Stoke Park will make your day a truly memorable occasion.

A recent wedding at Stoke Park gave this wonderful testimonial:

‘Stoke Park is special. Full stop. It has this amazing club like feel to it that makes you feel instantly at ease. The service and the comfortable surroundings really set it apart. My wife and I were initially not wanting a hotel style wedding because it conjured up a factory like feel to the day but once we visited Stoke Park we grinned from ear to ear as we knew we had struck gold. We had looked at half a dozen other venues and we were reverting to the garden marquee but one visit changed our minds. Michele was our “coordinator”, maybe that description sounds a little contrived but I can assure you we were never made to feel formulaic and she treated us like friends and we were at ease right from the start. The venue catered to our requests and ever changing room requirements with great organisation. The photo opportunities in the grounds are brilliant, the food was exquisite and on the day everyone made us and our guests feel special. We have since been back for our 1 year anniversary and will no doubt be going back every year. Thank you to all at Stoke Park, especially Michele for a very memorable occasion for us and our guests. I cannot recommend Stoke Park highly enough- you will not be disappointed!

Julian and Hayley Cooper

For more information, to request a brochure or to arrange to come and see us, please contact stoke park’s Wedding Coordinator, michele Connelly at [emailprotected] or by phone on 01753 71 71 71

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a traVeLLer's

TaleSpecialist luxury travel PR consultancy KTA PR is

celebrating its 25th anniversary. Managing Director Gail Palmer reflects on her years of luxury travel and gives us the low down on how luxury travel is evolving…

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I am rather astonished that KTA PR is this year marking its 25th anniversary. The years have just sped by and so I’d have to vouch for the fact that time really does fly when you’re having fun!

In the last two and a half decades I have been very fortunate to work with and visit some of the world’s most luxurious and iconic destinations and resorts, from Necker Island and Mustique, to Mauritius and the Maldives. However luxury travel stands still for no one, and in the last quarter century the term ‘luxury’ has continuously evolved as standards of service and guest expectations have continued to rise.

Where twenty years ago a hotel awarded five-stars was considered the height of luxury with no further questions asked, cash-rich and time poor travellers now expect five-star service, world-class restaurants, and technological perks as standard, even on a short-stay break. For example, 300-thread Egyptian cotton is now the minimum acceptable bedding expected in a luxury hotel, and free Wi-Fi has become a necessity rather than a luxury for travellers of all budgets… No Wi-Fi? We’ll take our business elsewhere thank you.

For examples of ‘uber’ luxury, one only needs to look to the hotels of the Middle East such as The Burj Al Arab to observe a different level of opulence. And as the Burj and others push the boundaries and interpretations of luxury travel (gold-plated iPads, anyone?), hotels catering to the relatively more affordable end of the market in turn have had to up their game.

To stand out from the crowd and attract the most discerning guests in an

increasingly crowded marketplace, today’s luxury properties cannot only offer impeccable service, but need to offer

unforgettable experiences that are unique or that money alone will not buy.

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Consider how inspired the creation of Conrad Maldives Rangali Island’s undersea restaurant Ithaa was. There are many stunning locations and resorts throughout the Maldives, but only one can boast an undersea restaurant where guests can enjoy fine dining whilst immersed in mesmerising underwater surrounds. The uniqueness of the world’s first all-glass undersea restaurant has kept Conrad Maldives at the top of the world’s most desirable listings since it opened.

Another innovative property which opened last month is the Hilton Shillim Estate Retreat and Spa. Set within a 3,500 acre private estate of pristine wilderness and only a 25 minute helicopter ride from Mumbai. The resort boasts a 70-acre spa zone that features 150 treatments, an indication that Hilton is investing in catering to the significant number of luxury travellers interested in wellness holidays. I also hear that Orient-Express’ Hotel Cipriani has ascended new heights of gastronomy with its Dinner in the Sky experience. The hotel, on the Venetian island of Giudecca, is offering guests the chance to enjoy the hotel’s renowned gastronomic offering whilst taking in incredible 360 degree views of the city.

The trend for luxury traveller’s wanting to participate in experiences that create lasting memories was also a consideration for the latest of the St. Regis properties, The St. Regis Mauritius Resort. Once again making the most of the resort’s stunning location in Mauritius’ Le Morne peninsular, The St. Regis Mauritius Resort is the only luxury hotel offering guests bespoke one-on-one kite surfing tuition in an area renowned for world-class kite surfing. The St. Regis guest expects exceptional dining, superior spa facilities, an idyllic location and impeccable levels of service - and yes The St. Regis Mauritius Resort delivers these with aplomb. But what this resort, and indeed the world’s other finest luxury hotels, do deliver is the type of experiences that expand their guests personal boundaries and horizons in a way that only that particular property can.

Closer To home, iT’s exCiTing To see properTies suCh as sToke park really making

advanCemenTs in The uk luxury Travel markeT.ComBining ClassiC BriTish reFinemenT and

eleganCe WiTh all The mod-Cons you’d expeCT oF a luxury hoTel WorldWide and adding in TouChes oF exCellenCe suCh as individually

designed guesT suiTes WiTh Fine arT, priCeless anTiques and CusTom made BriTish FurniTure. Being aWarded The Top aa raTing oF Five red

sTars is TesTimony To The qualiTy oF The properTy and Will really seT iT aparT in The

eyes oF disCerning Travellers.

While other hotels endeavour to imitate or follow, the best luxury properties are always thinking about how to continue to break new ground to keep experience-hungry discerning travellers coming back for more. It is this constant innovation that makes the luxury end of the travel market so exciting - and equally so interesting to work with.

WorLdWideStoke Park has multiple affiliated Club relationships around the world. These relationships allow you, as a Stoke Park member, to play golf and stay at these clubs at preferred rates. Five clubs, asterisked * below, offer full reciprocity which means complimentary golf on up to six visits per year for Stoke Park Golf Members. All other clubs offer a social member status whilst you are there and discounted rates on accommodation and green fees. If you are interested please contact Kelly in the golf office. Kelly can

provide a letter of introduction and accommodation and golf rates.

affiliated Clubs

ukBrocket Hall Golf Club – Member Guest Rate Green FeesNaval & Military Club (In & Out)Buckinghamshire Golf Club – Member Guest Rate Green FeesThe Oxfordshire Golf Club – Member Guest Rate Green FeesThe Royal Scots Club

uSaFisher Island ClubLake Nona Golf & Country ClubNew York Athletic ClubThe Concession Golf ClubThe Marines' Memorial Club & HotelThe Palm Beach Yacht ClubThe Standard Club The Union League of PhiladelphiaThe Yale Club of New York CityWashington Athletic Club

auSTraLiaThe American Club, AustraliaKooyong Lawn Tennis ClubMonash Country Club *Royal Automobile Club of VictoriaThe Peninsula Country Golf Club *Tattersall's ClubThe Western Australian Club (Inc)

BarBadoSRoyal Westmoreland

BraZiLGavea Golf & Country Club

CanadaToronto Lawn Tennis ClubThe Vancouver Club

ChinaAlmeria Private Resorts including:Han Yuan International Club & MarinaPlacid Rivers Club

Naga ClubOld Chengdu ClubStone Mountain Golf Club & ResortKEE Club, Shanghai Mission Hills, Shengzen

CYpruSAphrodite Hills ResortElea ResortCZeCh repuBLiCLS Club

FuerTeVenTuraElba Palace Golf Club

FranCeParis Golf & Country ClubChateau des Vigiers Golf & Country Club

honG konGHong Kong Cricket ClubKowloon Cricket ClubPacific ClubAmerican Hong King Club

indiaThe DLF Golf & County Club

ireLandRing of Kerry Golf & Country Club *

iTaLYPalazzo Arzaga Hotel Spa & Golf ResortRoyal Park I Roveri, Torino

JaMaiCaThe Tryall Club

JapanTokyo American Club

LiThuaniaLe Meridien Vilnius Golf Club

MaJorCaGolf Son Gual

MauriTiuSThe Paradis Hotel & Golf Club

MoroCCoMazagan Beach Resort & Golf Club

neW ZeaLandAuckland Golf Club *Northern ClubWellington Club

porTuGaLMonte Rei Golf ClubPraia d’el Rey Golf Club

SouTh aFriCaMowbray Golf Club *Pezula ClubPort Elizabeth St. George's Club

SpainFinca CortesinLa Reserva Club de Golf, SotograndeLos Naranjos Campo de GolfThe San Roque Club

TeneriFeHotel Las Madrigueras

TurkeYKemer Golf & Country Club

pezula golf Club, south africa

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Total Cellular RegenerationFrom the heart of the Ocean

Thalgo celebrates 50 years of beauty

Thalgo_Stoke_Park_singlepage.indd 1 25/11/2013 14:10

Thalgo is the original, professional marine health and beauty brand and the originator of the marine spa trend. A family-owned business

and based in the South of France, Thalgo has 50 years of expertise in drawing on the riches of the sea to develop highly effective skincare products, nutritional supplements and exceptional beauty

treatments for positive well-being.

sPaThe poWer oF marine

Thalgo was founded back in 1964 by a French pharmacist who was researching the idea of using marine algae to treat medical and cosmetic concerns. The brand’s origins are in thalassotherapy - the treatment of the body using seawater - a health and wellness concept which began in the 19th century and has been widely used ever since to treat rheumatism, respiratory and dermatological problems. Thalgo became the leader in thalassotherapy and, together with the launch of its range of marine cosmetics, very quickly established itself as the leader in marine spa and beauty.

Thalgo uses several different types of algae in its product ranges, all of which contain high proportions of vitamins, minerals and trace elements and are known for their detoxifying, healing and rebalancing properties. Harnessing the riches of the sea, Thalgo has the widest range of marine-based treatments, skincare and supplements to meet any skin or beauty concern, whether it is detox, firming, anti-ageing, rebalancing, purifying, weight-loss or simple relaxation.

kNowN For tHeir iNCrediBle reSultS, Here are Some oF tHe top tHalgo treatmeNtS availaBle at Stoke park Spa...

tHalgo algae Wrap The original marine algae body wrap, harnessing all the incredible benefits of seaweed. This treatment activates circulation, increases metabolism, relieves aches and pains and improves skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. Excellent for detox and general well-being.

tHalgo indoCéane spa riTual This heavenly spa ritual takes you on a journey of ultimate relaxation across the continents, encompassing age-old traditions and rituals of beautification – including a soothing Egyptian precious milk bath foot ritual, a skin softening Mediterranean-influenced body exfoliation, an Ayurvedic-inspired massage and a sublime body wrap which harnesses the serenity and relaxing powers of the Orient.

new in January...exCeptioN ultime – ultimate time SolutioN ritual

This manual facelift using Thalgo’s unique and revolutionary massage technique, EnergiLift, together with a highly effective Bio-Cellulose Mask infused with precious marine active ingredients, targets and tightens individual

facial muscles and visibly lifts the entire face, providing the ultimate anti-ageing facial to combat all signs of ageing and hormonal deficiencies. Complemented by a range of highly

effective homecare products, this is the ultimate in anti-ageing skincare!

& BeaUtY

tHalgo polynesia spa riTualInspired by the beautiful islands of French Polynesia, this exotic sensorial spa ritual begins with a Manihi Lagoon inspired foot bath, followed by a body scrub blended with pure white sand from Bora Bora, a Mahana Massage using warm sand pouches to loosen muscles and nourish the skin and finishes with an application of Polynesia Sacred Oil, leaving a delicate scent of flowers and a sunkissed glow.

tHalgo siliCium super-liFT FaCial 40+ Dare to defy time with this super lifting facial, designed to combat all the signs of ageing at 40+ (loss of firmness, pronounced lines and wrinkles). Your skin will be left feeling firmer and the face, jaw and neck lifted and recontoured.

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For BrowS tHat wow…. visit Neville’s resident threading guru Suman. Neville Hair & Beauty, 5 Pont Street, Chelsea SW1 T: 020 7235 3654

For eye CatCHiNg laSHeS….Claire Linette at Eyelush offers both semi and permanent professional eyelash extensions available in and around London. Eyelush, T: 07525 536 537

For top to toe pamperiNg, iNCludiNg maNiCureS/pediCureS, Spray-taNNiNg aNd waxiNg…. the Perfect 10 team will bring the spa to you, so that you can relax in the comfort of your own home. Perfect 10 Mobile Beauty Service, T: 020 3086 7833

For expreSS Blow-drieS…. visit the talented team at popular Belgravia super salon Daniel Galvin Jnr.Daniel Galvin Jr Salon, 4 West Halkin Street, Chelsea SW1 T: 020 3416 3116

For teetH wHiteNiNg…. seek-out the experts at dentistry destination Swiss Smile.Swiss Smile, 10 Brook Street, Mayfair W1 T: 020 7290 1180

For all your pamperiNg NeedS of course the ONLY number you need are the experts at Stoke park Spa – 01753 717171


EDITOur Health & Beauty Editor Nadine Attar guides you through the latest products and treatments to try now


In September 2012, Tina Oliver weighed 19 stone and was told by her doctor that she had to diet, or could die from obesity related conditions. Shocked into action she joined the gym, changed her diet...and wore a Malory Band. One year on, she has shed eight stone, dropped nine dress sizes and is looking forward to wearing her new little black dress this Christmas...something she hasn't been able to do for 20 years.

The Malory Band is a new product that was launched in March 2013. A centuries-old concept, the band is a narrow cord worn around the waist which provides the wearer with a gentle reminder of when

they've had sufficient to eat. It offers a state of constant awareness that provides the motivation to eat more healthily and to eat less.

Wearing a Malory Band, there's no calorie counting, omission of food groups or faddy diets. It can be worn 24/7 as its fabric is washable, durable and can even be worn in the shower. The band has a unique button-hole system, allowing it to be made smaller as you lose the inches. You can stop the inches creeping back on by continuing to wear the band - so your weight loss product turns into your weight maintenance programme.

malory BaNd Weight Loss with Style

Housed in a vibrant boutique environment and offering An

exclUsive edit of tried And tested prodUcts

from AroUnd tHe globe, Beautymart is like a magazine come to life stocking cult brands from the likes of Daniel Sandler, James Read

Tan, Concoction and Balmain.

Beautymart at Topshop, Oxford Circus, Ground Floor, London W1




roja Parfums the essence of Fortnum & mason

British Master Parfumer Roja Dove has collaborated with Fortnum

& Mason to create a perfumed candle which captures all that is quintessentially English

with notes of Fortnum & Mason

Bella Freud 1970 Black musk and

Patchouli Parfum intense scented Candle

Bella’s first memory of the rich fragrant incense that filled the 1970 era has been

captured and recreated in this luxury candle. Frankincense, Myrrh, Oakmoss and Patchouli oils blend with Musk, Sandalwood

and Vetiver to add a rich intensity. £38, Space NK

Floris Bergamot & geranium scented Candle

A light sparkling aroma blends the revitalizing and sophisticated accord of

bergamot with notes of bitter orange and the warmth and depth of geranium flowers.


Thinking of embarking on the obligatory New Year detox post-holiday season? Try the Chris James Mind & Body Cleanse to boost vitality and restore the body’s natural balance. £120, Urban Retreat AT HARRoDS


wiN a Set oF tHalgo exCeptioN ultime produCtS

thalgo's new exception ultime range provides the ultimate in anti-ageing skincare for age 50+. Powerful marine active ingredients help to reactivate the skin’s fibroblasts

– the cells which keep your skin looking youthful – for extraordinary results.

To coincide with the launch of this new range at Stoke Park Spa in January, we are pleased to offer one lucky reader the chance to win a complete set of Exception Ultime skincare products. The prize includes the

Ultimate Time Solution Cream, Ultimate Time Solution Serum and Ultimate Time Solution Eyes and Lips, worth a total of £255!

Q: which anniversary is thalgo celebrating in 2014?Send answers to: [emailprotected]

Closing date for entries is 15 February 2014. The winner will be picked at random from the correct entries – No cash alternative. Thalgo, Stoke Park, The Alexander Group will not pass on your email address.

Please email us for full T&Cs.


Want bright eyes? Well look no further than this luxury new treatment, which is a full night’s rest in a pot and will ensure your peepers are restored to no less than sparkling. £185, Harrods

Exception Ultime Time Solution Anti-Ageing Skincare Coffret, £135,




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The Stoke park Spa, situated in

The pavilion, is ideal for

spa retreats.

To help you fully escape the outside world, the spa offers

world-class treatments in an ambience of luxurious tranquillity.

We are dedicated to using only the best products in your treatments. We pride ourselves on offering luxury treatments that transcend you from your

everyday hectic lifestyle into a world of escapism.

Thalgo treatments are renowned for their incredible results. Thalgo harnesses the riches of the sea so you can benefit from powerful healing, revitalising and rebalancing properties vital for health and well-being.

Terraké treatments invite you to rediscover the sensations of original contact with nature, through four sensorial universes. From one world to another, the massages relax and invigorate you, and the fragrances inspire you and melt away your stress.

We also use CACI International, which is an award winning company with expertise in the beauty industry that spans two decades. CACI treatment systems truly deliver visible and corrective results without the need for surgery or invasive procedures. →

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In 2013 we introduced a new dedicated Ladies spa changing room, and fully re-furbished the spa, spa atrium and the swimming pool, which we’re sure you agree looks completely new!

We are delighted that in September we were awarded the maximum 5 Bubble status by expert independent assessor, the Good Spa Guide. We have also been nominated in the ‘Best Facial’ award at the National Good Spa Guide awards.

We are thrilled that Anna Williams, our Spa Operations Manager won the ‘Spa Professional of the Year’ award at the Hotel Cateys (the Oscars of the hospitality industry!)Stoke Park Spa is also delighted to announce it won the Thalgo Excellence Award 2013 for Spa (Residential) of the Year!

The awards which were held at Stoke Park on Tuesday 18th June celebrated awards in a number of categories from Spa (Day Spa) of the Year and Beauty

Top: Treatment roomleft: Changing rooms

marion green, managing director of Thalgo uk commented:‘The standard of entries was extremely high for all of the awards but Stoke Park really stood out for the following reasons: Although a relatively new Thalgo partner, within a short space of time, Stoke Park Spa have exceeded their projections. The entire Spa team from the reception / bookings team to the therapists and Spa Managers have fully embraced the Thalgo brand with dedication and passion (in particular, Isabelle who demonstrates great knowledge and customer care / service skills). Retail and treatment sales are strong, coupled with exceptional marketing and PR activity resulting in outstanding quality and visibility of the brand both in house and online. Luxury surroundings, spa excellence and a delight to work with make Stoke Park Spa our winner!”

Dan gray, group Wellness manager, stoke park commented:

‘We are absolutely thrilled to win this award. Thalgo became our Spa product house in July 2012, and has been a huge success in the Spa and the guests absolutely love the treatments and products. The Thalgo team are great to work with and I would like to thank them very much for this fantastic award.’

For more information about our award winning spa, please visit

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The Windsor suiTe is one oF sToke park’s Top suiTes, WiTh BreaTh-Taking vieWs over The FounTains and lakes. siTuaTed in The mansion, tHe wiNdSor Suite eNJoyS a large opeN FireplaCe, two SeatiNg areaS, FaBulouS outdoor terraCe aNd iS a Huge 100 Square metreS iN Size.

in 2012, sToke park’s masTer suiTe (room 104) Was CreaTed in The pavilion, FeaTuring iTs oWn privaTe lounge and dining area. When ComBined WiTh room 103, The masTer suiTe BeComes The presidenTial suiTe. witH maJeStiC viewS over tHe BeautiFul maNiCured gardeNS, graSS

teNNiS CourtS aNd lawNS aNd StretCHiNg over 134 square meTres in siZe, The presidenTial suiTe exempliFieS luxury aNd SpaCe.

YoU are inViteD

signatUre sUites

to two of our

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The Old Amersham Interior Design Company | 21c The Maltings, School Lane, Old Amersham, Bucks. HP7 0ETTel: 01494 721089 | Fax: 01494 729995 | e-mail: [emailprotected] |

The old amersham inTerior deSiGn CoMpanY

Co-directors Melanie Bastin, John Greenaway and Gemma Jones run their ever expanding interiors business from their boutique studio/showroom in picturesque old Amersham. Specialising in

predominantly high end residential interiors, current projects include a town house renovation in Maida Vale, furnishing an uber cool modern new build in the country and the refurbishment of a luxurious and quirky cinema room.

As well as large scale projects, Amersham Designs also provides a tailor-made curtains, blinds and soft furnishings service, where no job is too small. With their own manufacturing workroom in Chesham Vale, they have complete control over their products, which they feel sets them apart from other interior design companies. Previous projects include the prestigious and fabulous Stoke Park club. Amersham designs were commissioned to supply all curtains, blinds and bed treatments for the new hotel and Spa.

“Roger King always has such a great vision of how he wants the design of each room to be and the end result, it is always such a joy to help him achieve that look”.

Amersham Designs is a family run affair, from which sisters Gemma and Mel offer a friendly and approachable service.

“We often find that potential clients can be intimidated with the prospect of employing an interior designer, due to the misconception that they will be stuffy or expensive. Neither of these stereotypes have to be true. We always work closely with our clients and try to establish a budget from the outset, this helps to avoid any surprises along the way, plus of

course this helps us to select the right products for the right client. As for a stuffy attitude? I’m pleased to say you will not find that at Amersham Designs. We are a down to earth, family run business, that simply have a love for creating beautiful interiors without any fuss. We thrive on helping make our client’s dream interiors a reality, no matter what their budget or brief.”

we love: Interior design is so exciting right now. Think old meets new. Think fabulous modern geometric patterns mixed with classic florals for a quirky twist. Think antique furniture in bold block colours upholstered in modern prints. Think old school glamour mixed with super modern and slick. Great fabric collections out at the moment that suit the above are Kravet, Andrew Martin and Larson. Favourites for lighting and furniture include Porta Romana and Simpsons.

Be iNSpired: Take inspiration from your surroundings. Be it a fond memories of a holiday home you once stayed at, beaded detailing on a favourite dress, a vintage lamp from Granny or tiling on a Moroccan street. Anything goes!

deSigN pHiloSopHy: Never compromise!

For more information on the services offered please call mel on 01494 721089 or visit

Tailor-made CurTains, Blinds and soFT Furnishings serviCe

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People come to play and to stay, to eat and to meet, to dance and romance, to chill and to thrill. We’ve had our share of celebrities, but to us, every guest is a Star!

maDonnaone direCTion JLS olly murs JAMIE CuLLuM alice Cooper roBBie Williams Geri halliwell BRYAN

FERRY sir Cliff richard ronan Keating keiTh duFFy CraiG daVid girls aloud Lamar Brian mCFaDDen liTTle mix BILL

NIGHY sir anThony hopkins kaTherine JenkinS sir sean Connery SIR IAN MCKELLAN Brad Pitt anne haThaWay SHIA LABEOUF Cameron diazJaVier BardeM kenneth Branagh hugh grant niCole kidman TOM CRuISE Daniel Craig pierce Brosnan Christopher Lee MATTHEW PERRY michael palin Kirsten Dunst ridley sCoTT Renee Zellweger Colin Firth russell Brand JOHN CLEESE kelly

Brook Teri haTCher guy ritchie Matthew Vaughn Vinnie Jones greg James DAME JuDI

DENCH Susan Sarandon ridley sCoTT Jason statham Britt eckland JANE SEYMOUR Michael parkinson riCky gervais STEPHEN MERCHANT Bruce Forsythe martin kemp ant & dec Holly Willoughby Fearne CoTTon phillip schofield deniSe Van ouTen nigella lawson JASPER CARROT niCky Chapman Mark

STronG ANDREW STRAuSS DaLeY thomson gaBBy logan Gordon Ramsay DOM JOLY Zoe hardman naTaLie pinkhaM Brendan Cole Anton du Beke ToM WiLkinSon Charlotte Jackson JohnnY depp BEN SHEPHARD Dan WaLKer Andrew Castle lorraine kelly GETHIN JONES Tamsin outhwaite Tim loveJoy MARK AuSTIN Chris hollins dennis Waterman Carol McGiffin DJ Spoony Fearne CoTTon Christian o’Connell JaMie TheakSTon Johnnie vaughan CHRIS EvANS neil Fox Sir Terry Wogan Claudia

Schiffer Jodie Kidd david seaman Caprice marie heLVin kaTe moss myleene klass TWiGGY erin o’

Connor Lily Cole sophie Dahl andy murray NOvAK DJOKOvIC grigor dimitrov Tomas BerdyCh Juan del

potro DAVID FERRER richard gasquet John isner The Bryan Brothers marin Cilic Boris BeCker daniela hantuchova TIM HENMAN andy roddick peTe SaMpraS gabriela sabatini THOMAS ENqvIST David nalbandian alex Corretja Todd Woodbridge Mark phiLLippouSSiS maria sharapova Fred stolle IvAN

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eddie Jordon ian WrighT Fabio Capello TREVOR BROOKING Roy Hodgson Dwight Yorke gary

linekar Sir Alex Ferguson martin o’neil ashley Cole Jamie Redknapp MaTT Le TiSSier alan

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Carling Kenny LoganWILL GREENWOOD Jason leonard auSTin heaLY sir ian Botham

BRIAN LARA Shane Warne miChael vaughan sir matthew pinsent STEvE DAvIES

DENNIS TAYLOR mark Foster denise leWis LinForD Christie kriss akabusi

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SmartsBookYou can’t enter the drawing room of any elegant interior designed home (or hotel!) for that matter

without sumptuous hardback books proudly perching on a table screaming flip through my glossy oversized pages.

Eliza Burnett presents a random selection that should be on your wish list

The updated edition does ‘what it says on the tin’ or at least on the cover. It captures the history of fashion in one beautiful package. Described by vogue as ‘the fashion Bible’, it spans almost 200 years of all the biggest and brightest names in fashion: designers, photographers, style icons, models and retailers all in an A-Z format. 576 pages - $59.95

the James Bond archives (paul dunCan)

No book list in a Stoke Park magazine would be complete without Mr Bond. The quintessentially British character created by Ian Fleming has starred in 23 films, played by 6 different actors over 5 decades. To celebrate 50 years, EON Productions opened their archives of photos, designs, storyboards, and production materials to editor Paul Duncan who spent two years researching over one million images and 100 filing cabinets of documentation.

The result is the most complete account of every Bond film ever made, from Dr. No (1962) to SkyFall (2012).

600 pages - £135

the FashionBook (neW ediTion)

every serious designer home needs an arT Book and The Chinese arT Book presenTs a deFiniTive seleCTion oF 300 Works, From The earliesT dynasTies To the neW generation oF contemPorary artiStS enlivening the global art World today.From Painting, calligraPhy, ceramicS and bronzeS, to contemPorary inStallationS, PhotograPhy and PerFormance art; ouTsTanding examples From all periods are shoWCased. also inCludes an inFormaTive inTroduCTory essay, Comprehensive glossary and an illusTraTed Time line plaCing The Works in Their poliTiCal and CulTural ConTexTs.

352 pages$59.95

the Chinese art BooK

Carlo scarpaItalian architect Carlo Scarpa (1906-1978) is a unique figure in the Modern movement and even today his work continues to challenge accepted notions of modern architecture. While intensely revered as an architect of immense detail and consideration, no comprehensive monograph has been produced on this scale to date. This title provides the definitive study of Scarpa’s many accomplishments, including such works at the Canova Museum, the Castelvechhio Museum and the Brion Cemetery, among others.

288 pages $125

stoKe ParK We had to include this - not just for ego - but it truly is worthy of any

coffee-table and charts the 1,000 year history of our glorious Club. From

Saxon times to queen Eliabeth I, to John Penn who built the Mansion House to Wilberforce Bryant the last private resident. Peter Pugh traces our story and adds

wonderful images and cartoons. 300 pages - £40

the golden age of DC Comics

The single most comprehensive book on the subject, this volume traces

the company’s first decades, from its pulp origins up to the comic book burnings of the McCarthy ’50s in more than 400 pages bursting with comics, art, comics, photographs, and more comics. “The best present you could buy a comics buff...” - The Hollywood Reporter

416 pages - £34.95

the Big BooKoF Cats

The New Yorker has complied the purr-fect gathering of talent celebrating our feline companions. This bountiful collection, beautifully illustrated in full colour, features articles, fiction, humour, poems, cartoons, cover art, drafts, and drawings from the magazine’s archives. Contributors include: Margaret Atwood, Roald Dahl, Ted Hughes, James Thurber, John Updike, and E. B. White. Foreword by Anthony Lane, this gorgeous keepsake will be a treasured gift for all cat lovers.

352 Pages - $40 -

UnUsUaL hoteLs oF the WorLD (sTeve doBson)

Take your diving gear along to reach an underwater hotel; stay in a disused US Air Force radar tower in the heart of the equatorial rainforest; slide back the roof of your bedroom to gaze at the stars; sleep in the cabin of a dockside crane that you can rotate, or in chalets hidden in the forest, a survival pod from an oil rig platform, a giant shoe, a coffin, lighthouse, tree, plane, train, chapel, prison, igloo, or even a red cube lost in the countryside. The authors have tracked down and tested over 200 hotels in 60 different countries ranging from 20 euros per night!

250 pages - £29.99

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on the 22nd september 2013, we were absolutely delighted to be awarded ‘Five aa red stars’, which

is the highest accolade given to hotels by the renowned guide series. Five red stars are awarded

for outstanding facilities, service and all-round customer experience.


With this award, Stoke Park gains the coveted rank of AA Inspector’s Choice, joining just 49

hotels in the UK. Other five red star hotels include: Claridge’s, The Dorchester, The Ritz and Gleneagles. With this prestigious accolade, Stoke Park becomes the only club in England to have five red stars.

The award is the latest of a number of honours given to Stoke Park. The spa was also awarded in September the maximum ‘Five Bubble’ status by expert independent assessor the Good Spa Guide. Also Stoke Park’s fine dining restaurant, Humphry’s, was awarded 3

AA Rosettes for culinary excellence and also won the ‘Best Local Menu’ award as well as being Highly Commended in the ‘Restaurant of the Year’ category at the inaugural Berkshire & Buckinghamshire Life Food and Drink Awards. The awards kept on coming, with Stoke Park winning ‘Best Family Hotel’ at the Conde Nast Johansens Awards for Excellence 2014, our Spa Operations Manager Anna Thomas winning the hugely prestigious ‘Spa Professional of the Year’ at the Hotel Cateys and Executive Chef Chris Wheeler was a finalist in the 'Hotel of the Year' category. We were also ‘Highly Commended’ in the Best Company to Work For award at the Thames Valley

Business magazine awards and have been nominated for a national Good Spa Guide award.

‘We are absolutely delighted to be recognised by the AA in this way and awarded our 5 Red Stars. It is always our aim at Stoke Park to exceed guest expectations, with friendly customer service being our highest priority. It has been only three years since we were first rated, and awarded our 5 star status and a huge credit to our wonderful team at Stoke Park for today achieving the highest award for facilities, service and customer experience a hotel can receive in the UK’, commented Giammario Ragnoli, General Manager.

and The Winner is

giammario ragnoli general manager

It has been five years since Giammario arrived at Stoke Park and as you can see, Stoke Park has been accredited with the highest accolades in the hospitality industry. A well-known face to all members, we’d thought we’d take this opportunity to give you a bit of background to our esteemed GM.

Born and brought up in Lake Como, Italy, Giammario trained at the Belaggio Catering and Hospitality College. From there his first job in the industry was as a trainee waiter at the luxury hotel, Villa d’Este, situated in Lake Como. His travels then took him to Germany, where he worked in an Italian restaurant in Munich, to England for the first time in 1989, then a stint in Switzerland, before returning to the UK in 1993.

He joined the restaurant team at The Berkeley where Her Majesty The Queen and HRH Prince Phillip were regular guests, then back to Italy to work at the Grand Hotel Excelsior Venice, then over to the USA to train as a Food and Beverage Manager at the Riu Pan American Ocean Resort, Miami USA,

before finally returning to the UK, where he joined the team at Browns Hotel in London.

When asked why he returned to the UK, Giammario said ‘I always felt at home in the UK- I love the English way of doing things and when combined with the Italian charm it makes for a perfect combination!’

His first venture into Stoke Park’s neck of the woods was when he became the Restaurant Manager at the Compleat Angler in Marlow, then Food and Beverage Services Manager, and then Operations Manager. Whilst at the Compleat Angler, Giammario implemented procedures and training which helped increase sales year on year and helped the Riverside Restaurant win its 3 AA Rosettes.

Giammario’s winning ways continued when he became the Operations Manager and then the Deputy General Manager at The Baglioni Hotel in London. During his time at The Baglioni, the hotel won the ‘AA Hotel of the Year England’ 2006 – 2007, and he guided the hotel towards achieving 5 AA Red Stars in 2006, which they held onto for the rest of his time with the hotel, before coming to Stoke Park in 2009.

aWarDs aWards

When asked what his philosophy is to achieving the highest awards, accolades and reputation, Giammario says:

‘My philosophy is that every guest needs to be made special and to feel unique. We must always anticipate their needs and exceed their expectations.’

Within the past five years, Stoke Park was officially rated for the very first time, winning its 5 AA Stars in 2010, and The Dining Room (now Humphry’s) winning 2 AA Rosettes. Three years later, we now have our 5 AA Red Stars and Humphry’s 3 AA Rosettes, so let’s see what the future holds……..hopefully a Michelin Star!

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guests partied the night away in true Bond style, and most importantly raised over £ 30,000 for spinal research, the UK’s leading and most influential spinal cord repair charity.


We haD a BaLL in 2013... and muCh more!

Among the 30 social events held during 2013, we have picked out two: the inaugural James Bond Golf Day and our Summer Ball.

On 28th June 2013, Stoke Park welcomed teams of golfers to compete in the first ever Official James Bond Golf Day in association with EON Productions.

On arrival the golf teams were welcomed by an enormous 007 sign, as Stoke Park, itself an iconic Bond location having been the setting for arguably the most iconic golf battle in cinematic history between James Bond and Goldfinger was transformed to host this truly unique event.

Infamous Bond cars were on display, including; Goldfinger’s actual Rolls Royce Phantom III to Sean Connery’s (and more recently in Skyfall, Daniel Craig’s) vintage silver Aston Martin DB5.

The event, sponsored by Virgin Atlantic, Champagne Bollinger, Aston Martin and Srixon Golf is the first of its kind.

The teams of four played a Stableford format, with the best two scores of the four counting for each hole. All teams were →

photos by paul martin

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named after a Bond film, with team Octopuss*, consisting of Richard Copeman, Nick Bayly, Stuart Collier and Dave Novell returning victorious, winning Virgin Atlantic flights plus fantastic Bond Memorabilia.

Aston Martin were on hand to offer guests and teams ride and drive experiences.

Guests of the players, and also guests joining for only the evening do arrived for the Black Tie Gala Dinner. This event kicked off in style with a Champagne Reception, with champagne provided by Bond’s favourite tipple, Champagne Bollinger, followed by an exquisite three course meal, prepared by Stoke Park’s Executive Chef, Chris Wheeler.

GueSTS Were Joined BY LeGendarY Bond produCer and Co-oWner oF eon produCTionS, MiChaeL G.WiLSon and Bond STarS inCLuded:

michael BillingtonSpy Who Loved Me

Colin salmonTomorrow Never Dies,

The World Is Not Enough & Die Another Daymartine Beswicke

From Russia with Love & Thunderballgoldie

The World is not Enoughmaryan D’abo

The Living DaylightsCarole ashby

Octopuss* & A View to a KillJenny hanley

On Her Majesty’s Secret ServiceFiona Fullerton

A View to a Kill

summer Ball 2013

The Summer Ball, sponsored by veuve clicquot, took place on 22nd June 2013.

seT WiThin The BeauTiFul gardens oF sToke park, The evening Comprised oF a Champagne reCepTion, WiTh enTerTainmenT From The sTeel Band, sTelphoniC, Then a Three Course dinner CreaTed By sToke park’s aWard Winning head CheF, Chris Wheeler. Following dinner, guests hit the dance floor with music from the band Sound Circus and partied the night away to the early hours!

Next year’s Summer Ball will take place on Saturday July 5th in our fabulous West Garden marquee, with a James Bond theme celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Goldfinger.

For more details please contact leanne o’shea on 01753 71 71 12 or by email [emailprotected]

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This is our fabulous Stoke Park Events Team that turn your visit or event into a truly memorable occasion


Wedding Co-ordinator

Chloe osborneMarketing Executive

nick DownieSocial Media and

Communications Manager

Leanne o’shea

Social Events Coordinator& Events Assistant

sarahJelinekSales Manager

gary FreemanEvents Supervisor

meet the team

Joanne scott

Sales Director

hannah adlam

Events Supervisor


Hotel Sales Executive


Executive Chef

emma aquilina

Sales and Coordination Executive


Events Coordinator

emma hargreaves

Events Coordinator

photo by angus Thomas

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stYLe!enTerTain in

Stoke Park has a fabulous reputation for hosting a wide range of events, from elegant balls, to corporate events, to exquisite private parties.

Our ten beautiful function rooms are perfect for private and corporate use and all enjoy glorious views across 300 acres of sweeping parkland estate.

Whether a family gathering, a birthday celebration with close friends, a wedding, a private lunch, a romantic candlelit dinner for two (followed by a memorable night in one of our sumptuous bedrooms, of course) or just some recent good news, if something is worth celebrating then it’s worth celebrating in style!

We caught up with Stoke Park’s Sales Director, Joanne Scott, to find out what makes Stoke Park so special!

WhaT makes sToke parkSuCH a SpeCial plaCe To enTerTain?It is an incredible place to entertain! The driveway takes our guest’s breath away and they know as arrive they are going to experience something quite special. Stoke Park has a team of six event planners on site to provide a bespoke service for our clients, making the managing of their event as stress free as possible and providing experience in menu and wine selections, recommendations and of course seamless logistical arrangements.

Whether guests are coming to Stoke Park for a super afternoon tea with friends or a fabulous corporate event, guests are now assured of five red star service which means some of the best in the world! The quality of cuisine here at Stoke Park is also unique because should you be dining in our fine dining restaurant, Humphry’s or at a dinner dance for 150, the standard is all award winning, meaning every guest receives a gourmet experience. And let’s not forget all the facilities are set within one of the world’s top 100 golf courses.

WhaT TypesoF evenTs do you doand For Whom?Events include:

Management off sites (getting the team out of the working environment and into a peaceful setting with no distractions). →

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Corporate golf days are a speciality, as we offer world class golf with the added benefit of exquisite cuisine.

Weddings, birthday celebrations, anniversary dinners and company awards dinners - the setting is just magnificent for a special celebration. Our clients are loyal and whilst prominently from London, Buckinghamshire and Berkshire we are hosting more and more international clientele.

your Team reCenTly Topped The lisT For tHe BeSt 59CluB CuStomer ServiCe revieW For meeTings and evenTs iN tHe CouNtry

stoKe ParK has a team of six event planners on site to provide a BesPoKe serViCe for our clients, making the managing of their event as stress free as possible and ProViDing exPerienCe in menu and wine selections,

- WhaT makes your Team so speCial?59club is a unique Benchmarking Company focusing on ‘Member Surveys’ and ‘Mystery Shopper’ audits within the Golf, Leisure & Events industries. Endorsed by The PGA, 59club works with Golf & Leisure Clubs across the country to help develop, improve and maintain a high level of customer service, in turn increasing customer satisfaction, revenue and profits in the process. The venues within the 59Club scheme, as a minimum, receive mystery ‘society/corporate golf day enquiry calls’ and ‘live green fee visits’ six times per year, ensuring that all ‘sales’ and ‘customer service’ standards are met and maintained across the entire year.

This is an incredible achievement to be number one of our competitor set, we are thrilled. The team have all been with Stoke Park for a sometime and all have an exceptional knowledge of Stoke Park and the services we can offer. Each team member without exception has a passion for the property and a dedication to providing a great experience for all our clients along with a great event and this has shone through during our inspections. We had a few glasses to celebrate…

WhaT has Been your moSt memoraBle eveNt To daTe?There have been so many!!! Though some of the exclusive use weddings we have had here have been out of this world!

alWays one WiTh one eye on shopping Bargainseliza BurNett diSCoverS

Our BrAND neW range…All these gorgeous products are available at our Club Pro Shop

and also at

Stoke park

emBossed links king CluB Bag

Stoke park glenBrae sWeaTers

Stoke park emBossed links king ipad CasesTand

Stoke park glenBrae lamBsWool lined Zipped sWeaTer

Stoke park


Stoke park limiTed ediTion ladies

sToke parkvinTage T-shirT

Stoke park emBossed links king porThole

lapTop BrieFCase

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The perFeCT


If you are looking for the ideal location for a leisurely family

getaway, look no further than Stoke Park


Voted as one of the ‘Top 10 child-friendly retreats in the country’ by Conde Nast Traveller, and ‘Top Luxury

Child Friendly Hotels’ by Parentdish, Stoke Park offers an idyllic escape for the whole family. Stoke Park welcomes families to enjoy the beautiful

surroundings, relax in a friendly atmosphere and take advantage of the fantastic facilities.

Set within 300 acres of sumptuous parkland, Stoke Park is one of the finest hotels, spas and country clubs in the world, offering undeniable Five AA Red

Star luxury, that can be enjoyed by families with children. Whether you and the kids want to take advantage of the pool during ‘Splash Time’, run around in the outdoor playground, challenge the family to a match on one of the 13 tennis courts, have a game of footie in the garden, or visit the nearby Legoland →

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and Windsor Castle, there is so much to do for everyone. We have recently added a brand new games room kitted out by EA Sports with a Xbox Connect, Sony Playstation, Pool table, Air Hockey table, Table Football, Large screen television with music, port and kids tv!

If, however, parents want a moment to themselves to enjoy the 27-Hole Championship Golf Course, be pampered at Stoke Park’s Spa or use the state-of-the-art Gym, they can be certain that their children will be entertained in the Stoke Park Crèche. The Crèche is a fantastic service offered by Stoke Park which provides a safe environment for children aged 0-8 years to play whilst supervised and looked after by fully qualified nursery staff. Open every day, the crèche runs fabulous fun activities.

Children can also get active with the wide range of coaching programmes on offer. The tennis and golf departments have teamed up to develop a unique experience for children, where two great sports can be enjoyed in one day on the Combined Golf and Tennis camps. These wonderful Combined Golf and Tennis Camps offer a great learning environment where two sports can be enjoyed in one day. Children aged 5 to 14 learn golf and tennis whilst having lots of fun.

The camp starts at 10am and finishes at 3pm with lunch provided halfway through the day. The camps are limited to 16 children and get booked up very quickly so book in advance to avoid missing out Coaching is provided by fully qualified PGA Golf Professionals and LTA Tennis Professionals who are all CRB checked.

Whether it is providing bath toys for rooms, children’s activity packs, themed bed linen or personalised cookies at bedtime, Stoke Park provides a unique experience for every member of the family, whilst always providing first class luxury.

Please contact James Hoar in the Pro Shop on 01753 717184 or email us at [emailprotected] for booking information.

Private Tennis and Golf lessons are available for children with our LTA and PGA Professionals. Stoke Park’s Personal trainers are also available for 12-16 year olds, to provide fun and exciting sessions in the gym to improve fitness and strength.

The restaurants, San Marco and The Orangery, offering a relaxed atmosphere to appreciate great food with all the family. Stoke Park’s fine dining

restaurant, Humphry’s, has been awarded 3 AA Rosettes for culinary excellence. With babysitting services on offer, do not miss the opportunity to enjoy a romantic evening and exquisite modern British cuisine.

We also have lots of fun family activities which take place throughout the year! These include Bonfire Night with fabulous fireworks and the Children’s Christmas Parties which feature entertainment from a magician and a special visit from Santa!

spottingTalenTStoke Park has hosted numerous dazzling events in our 105 year history and this summer we will see another first as the ‘Rocket Man’ himself, Sir Elton John, performs a very special concert in our grounds in support of the charity SportsAid

The great and the good from the sporting world have been a regular sight on our estate but with SportsAid hosting this concert - I met with Tim Lawler, their Chief Executive - to find out more about the charity and how it is helping support the great and the good of tomorrow.

Tim joined SportsAid in 2004 after a seven-year spell as Managing Director at the Saracens rugby club. Tim's role as chief executive at SportsAid is to lead the team and the charity in helping talented young sports people.

Also lending support to the cause is SportsAid’s new patron, Her Royal Highness The duch*ess of Cambridge. Tim is thrilled to have her on board and cites her passion, youth and sportiness as key attributes and a perfect synergy with the charity. Together they hope to inspire a generation whose goals are to represent the nation at the Olympic or Paralympic Games.

“i Can Think oF no greaTer endorsem*nT oF sporTsaid Than For me To Be aBle To WelCome her royal highness The duch*ess oF CamBridge as The ChariTy’s paTron. aS a CHampioN oF Future CHampioNS SHe will make a Big diFFereNCe to youNg atHleteS, helping Them To Tell Their inspiraTional sTories and mainTain The supporT They need.” says Tim.

SportsAid alumnus Sir Chris Hoy also welcomed the patronage. “SportsAid played an important role when I was starting out so I know what a huge boost this will be to the young sportsmen and

women the charity helps today. As patron Her Royal Highness The duch*ess of Cambridge will give them the profile they deserve.”

SportsAid helps talented British athletes from the age of 12 who compete in more than 70 sporting disciplines, the majority of which are contested at the Olympic and Paralympic Games. These athletes are nominated to the charity by their sports’ governing bodies based on their performance, commitment and potential. Around 1,500 of them receive a SportsAid Award – which is typically £1,000 per athlete – each year.

SportsAid helps the next generation of British sports stars by giving them financial support and recognition during the critical early years of their careers.These athletes are typically aged 12 to 18 and are among our brightest hopes for future Olympic and Paralympic success.

SportsAid ensures the right people get the right help at the right time by working with the governing bodies of 75 sporting disciplines – including winter, summer, Olympic, Paralympic and other sports.

“At a young age, committing to sport at a high level can be a real challenge,” said Olympic bronze and silver medal winning gymnast Louis Smith, who was supported by SportsAid in 2007 and 2008. Sports' governing bodies nominate about 2,000 athletes to receive this support every year.At the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, almost two-thirds of the British team were former (and in a few cases current) recipients of SportsAid's support. These athletes won 20 Olympic and 27 Paralympic gold medals between them!

JusT some oF The Famous aThleTes

helped By sporTsaid

rebecca adlington, tom daley, Jessica ennis,

mo Farah, tanni grey-thompson,

kelly Holmes, Chris Hoy,Steven redgrave, ellie Simmonds,

Sarah Storey, david weir, Bradley wiggins

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Stoke Park has had a close relationship with the Football Association for over 130 years. Nick ‘Pa’ Lane Jackson founded both the Corinthian Football Club in 1882, as the leading amateur

Football Club in England, and Stoke Park in 1908, as Britain’s first Country Club.

a Winning team

Since 2007 Stoke Park has had a partnership with Wembley Stadium and the Bobby Moore Club (formerly called the Corinthian Club). The Bobby Moore Club provides the most exhilarating and stylish

way to see the greatest events one of the world’s greatest stadiums. Members enjoy an exceptional three-course meal, with a champagne reception and a selection of fine wines and beers.

The seaT ThaT puTs you aT The hearT oF The dramaWith a view that 88,500 people are jealous of, the Bobby Moore Club seats truly are the best in the house. The

exclusive, wide padded seats are perfectly positioned, merely a few short steps from the Bobby Moore Room and just metres from all the action.

As the whistle blows and the action starts you’ll have the ideal vantage point to watch both teams play. Situated on the halfway line, between the dugouts, you’re close enough to feel every crunching tackle and hear the managers shout every crucial tactic.

When the action finishes most of our members stay put. Who wouldn’t, with one of the day’s highlights about to unfold? The Bobby Moore Club seating area is just below the Royal Box, so you’ll be inches away as the teams walk through the crowd to collect their honours.

sToke park and CluB WemBley The

BoBBy moore

CluBOnce you have experienced the Bobby Moore Club, there is no going back to a regular seat. As a Bobby Moore Club member you’ll have the opportunity to attend exclusive events. Access to watch the England team train, breakfast with the England Manager, The FA Cup Legends lunch, golf days and networking events are just some of the extra privileges our members have experienced.

Bobby Moore Club members also benefit from becoming Social Members at Stoke Park as well with golf privileges.

World-Class evenTs deserve World-Class dining

Bobby Moore Club members can enjoy exceptional pre-match refreshments. From an exquisite

three-course meal to the finest champagnes, wines or a selection of beers, our attentive

and expert staff will cater to your every need. All with a backdrop of live music

and just a goal kick away from the hallowed turf. And whatever your idea of the perfect half time refreshment is, you’ll find it waiting for you just a few steps away in the Bobby Moore room. There’s no rush and no reason to miss any of the action. And there’s no need to leave after the final whistle. We encourage you to step

back into the Bobby Moore room to talk the action over with friends,

celebrate the day and leave at a more leisurely pace.

Guarantee yourself a place in history

Wembley Stadium isn’t just the home of English football it’s also witnessed

a wide range of legendary events. It’s a place where players, →

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teams, managers and bands create legacies, earn hero status and etch their names into history.

aCCess To The BiggesT names, games and BandsAs a Bobby Moore Club member you’ll also have access to many other thrilling events. From the spectacular NFL International Series to Rugby Union and The Championship, League One and League Two Play-Off Finals, and some of the biggest names in music**

exClusive memories ThaT remain ForeverAs a Bobby Moore Club member you’ll have the opportunity to attend exclusive events. Access to England training, the chance for your child to be a mascot, access to press conferences, breakfast with the England manager, The FA Cup Legends Lunch, golf days, networking events and and Bobby Moore pitch days are just some of the memories that you’ll never forget.

BoBBy moore CluB memBership ensures you a guaranTeed seaT For:

soCial memBership aT sToke park CluB suBJeCT To our T & C's

all senior england men’s international home games

BoTh The Fa Cup semi-Finals and The Fa Cup Final

The FooTBall leagueCup Final

The Fa CommuniTy shield

the tetley’s Challenge Cup Final all unTil 2017*

access to world-class concerts and sporting events (see six. World Class events)

Complimentary train service

the Capital one Cup Final

maTChes ThaT Form parT oF a Bid evenT Where The Fa is noT The oWner suCh as The ueFa Champions league Final and The rugBy World Cup are noT inCluded. We Will Try To seCure TiCkeTs Wherever possiBle. **CluB WemBley memBership enTiTles The memBer The opTion To purChase one TiCkeT/hospiTaliTy paCkage per liCensed seaT held (suBJeCT To Terms and CondiTions speCiFied By CluB WemBley)

The Bobby Moore Club Golf DayBreakfast with the England ManagerOpportunities to play on the pitchGolf with the England TeamThe chance for your child to be a mascotEngland Manager press conferencesLunch with FA Cup legendsEngland training sessions

BoBBy moore piTCh days are JusT some oF The memories ThaT you’ll never ForgeT.

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DriVingThe sToke park

rangeOne look around the parking lot at Stoke Park and it’s easy to see that our Members’ certainly have discerning taste when it comes to choosing a car - Azzy Asghar

reviews a few that would suit our Members to a Tee!

rolls royCe WraiTh If you choose a car like I do - how easy it is to carry two sets of Golf Clubs - while also looking very stylish as you approach our Mansion House then the Rolls Royce Wraith does so with effortless ease.

The Rolls Royce Wraith was recently launched in Geneva before being showcased in the window display at Harrods in Knightsbridge,Torsten Müller-Ötvös, CEO Rolls-Royce Motor Cars, remarked that: “Wraith promises the sense of adventure and speed that drove our founding forefather. But of course, Wraith’s

starting point is luxury, refinement and quality, traits that remain as important to Rolls-Royce customers today as they were more than a century ago.”

The Wraith is the most powerful Rolls-Royce in history. Although the speed is limited to 155mph this car will power there and with plenty on the reserve gauge. Until they decide to build a ’stereotypical’ two-seater sports car this is as close as you’ll ever come to enjoying Rolls Royce refinement with incredible power and handling.

This is a car made for driving not to be driven in. Just one look at the blood orange needle tips for the speedometer and power reserve gauge hints at Wraith’s agility, speed and refined power. Their wireless Car Hotspot keeps you connected when you’re on the move. Completing this spectacular interior is a starlight headliner, that has 1,340 fibre optics can be sewn into the headliner, casting a glow from hundreds of individual ‘stars’ in the roof lining at the press of a button.

Top speed155 mPh (limiTed)

0-60mPh - 4.6 SecondS engine: 6.6 litre v12

horsepoWer: 624priCe: £230,000

JaGuar f-tyPe rThe all-aluminium F-TYPE Coupé is the most dynamically capable, performance-focused sports car that Jaguar has ever produced. It is available in three versions: F-TYPE (£51,235), F-TYPE S (£60,235) and the F-TYPE R. My must-have - among this very desirable range - is the latter. It is powered by a 5.0-litre V8 supercharged engine that reaches 0-60mph in a jaw-dropping four seconds, and has a top speed of 186mph! This is all crucial need-to-know information if you’re late for your tee-off! As they say, ‘with great power comes great responsibility’ and Jaguar know this only too well. Torque Vectoring by braking – a standard feature – applies finely metered braking torque individually to the inner wheels as necessary, helping to turn the car into corners more precisely. Working together with the car’s Dynamic Stability Control system – they optimise traction, cornering ability and, most importantly, maximise steering feel and agility. In such a stunningly designed car you might be surprised to hear that it has up to 407 litres of boot space – easily accommodating two sets of golf clubs! The finishing and luxury appointments are as you would expect and available customisation options add a personal touch - I’d go for the power assisted tailgate to get my clubs in and out easily!

Top speed186 mPh

0-60 mPh - 4.0 SecondSengine: 5 litre v8 horsepoWer: 550

priCe: £85,000

ferrari 458 sPiderIf you’re of the mind set the golf clubs can sit in the passenger seat - then perhaps there is no more eye-catching way to arrive at Stoke Park than hugging the corners of our long driveway in a Ferrari 458. I know this because I recently test drove one and arrived at the Club in a rosso (red) convertible and was accosted by several Members who wanted to take photographs and discuss the car. Okay. It is obviously beautiful, it is scary fast and it is multi-award winning. It handles so beautifully you feel like you are driving on the proverbial ‘rails’. The roof folds in 14 seconds at the depression of a button and the car looks as gorgeous topless as it does ‘fully-clothed’. Best of all, it comes with a 7-year unlimited mileage warranty. Incredible as it sounds this car is no longer for weekends only and can be driven daily - quite normally or very, very fast.

Top speed202 mPh

0-60mPh - 3.2 SecondS engine: 4.5 litre v8 horsepoWer: 562priCe: £198,000


asTon marTin vanquishWe just couldn’t leave out Mr Bond’s ride of choice. Of course, Mr Bond does not worry about carting around golf clubs as we can safely store them in our Clubhouse. This year marks 100 years of Aston Martin producing some of the most beautiful and desirable cars in the world. To mark the centenary they have produced the greatest car in their history. Combining the most advanced engineering (all carbon-fibre body), the most beautiful design (styling cues inspired by the spectacular One-77) and the finest materials (exquisite hand-trimmed leather and alcantara) - they created the 2013 Vanquish. It is truly a stunning example of art, design, and technology.

Top speed183 mPh

0-62mPh - 4.1 SecondS engine: 5.9 litre v12

horsepoWer: 565priCe: £191,000


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diary daTesJanuarYburn's night saturday 18th JanuaryScottish Band and PiperFour Course DinnerBlack TieCommences at 19:00Members £85 and Guests £95

FeBruarYvalentine’s dayFriday 14th and saturday 15thFour Course DinnerServed in Humphry’s £89 per person

MarChladies lunch - Host to be confirmedWednesday 12th marchCommences at 12:00With a Drinks ReceptionTwo Course Lunch Followed by a talk by the HostMembers £32 and Guests £38

gourmet eveningThursday 20th marchFour Course Dinner with Fine WinesJacket and TieCommences at 19:00Members £95 and Guests £99

mother’s day sunday 30th marchSittings from 12:00 -14:30Three Course Lunch with a Gift for every MotherAdults £49 and Children (12 and Under) £27.50


easter sunday lunchsunday 20th aprilSittings from 12:00 -14:30Three Course Lunch with a chocolate egg for every child.Adults £49 and Children (12 and Under) £27.50

MaYladies lunch - Host to be confirmedWednesday 7th mayCommences at 12:00With a Drinks ReceptionTwo Course Lunch Followed by a talk by the HostMembers £32 and Guests £38

Junefather’s daysunday 15th JuneSittings from 12:00 -14:30Three Course Lunch with a Gift for every FatherAdults £49 and Children (12 and Under) £27.50

boodles tennis challenge Tuesday 17th to saturday 21st JuneTickets from £49

elton John charity concert saturday 28th JuneTickets from £

Katherine Jenkins official birthday concertsunday 29th JuneTickets from £

JuLY‘goldfinger’ pro’s day and summer ballcelebrated the 50th Anniversary of the classic James bond moviesaturday 5th JulyVeuve Clicquot Champagne Reception Three Course Dinner with WinesLive BandBlack TieCommences at 19:00Members £99, Guests £120 and Table of 12 £1,100

Dynamic Mode gives you complete focus on the road. So if you want to get serious and see what the F-TYPE is capable of, you know what you have to do. We call it Jaguar Alive Technology.




Official fuel economy figures for the Jaguar F-TYPE range in mpg (l/100km): Urban 17.8-22.4 (15.9-12.6); Extra Urban 34.0-40.9 (8.3-6.9); Combined 25.5-31.4 (11.1-9.0). CO2 emissions 259-209 (g/km). The figures provided are as a result of official manufacturer’s tests in accordance with EU legislation. A vehicle’s actual fuel consumption may differ from that achieved in such tests and these figures are for comparative purposes only.

Download Blippar to learn more about Jaguar Alive Technology.

Alive_3_SP_F-TYPE_StokePark.indd 1 28/11/2013 12:19

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Justerini & Brooks is proud to be helping Stoke Park with their cases.

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Name: Terrell Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.