Home Is With You - Chapter 1 - Sara_ara (2024)

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Chapter One: Let Me Explain

As much as he loved his hometown by the sea, the call to return back to his real home in Tokyo was hard to ignore. As soon as he had returned, he wasn’t surprised to find his parents still a bit cold to him. The quiet dinners, side glances as he would walk the house, simple nods and grunts whenever he asked a question. Not even a week back before he started to pull the strings to leave it all behind. Sojiro was okay with it. Even over the phone when he asked, despite the cool, stern Sojiro couldn’t help but sound ecstatic over the idea of him moving back in.

A few weeks later, he had packed his bags. Shook his families hands once last time. Unsure when next he’d see them again. Got on the train, and said good by the the place he once called home. Headed back with a wide smile on his face. Welcomed warmly back by his friends again. Taking the time out of their busy schedules to attack him with their love. Re-registering back into school. Donning the apron and taking his place behind the counter at LeBlanc. All was right now.

Until he woke up one morning.

Grabbing his bag Morgana had already hopped into, he went downstairs to the cafe. His footsteps alerting the people already down there. “Oh. Um. Here he comes now,” he could hear Sojiro before he turned the last corner. “Someon...” Ren’s voice stopped dead in it’s tracks. Feeling a shiver run up his spine as he saw the person waiting on him. Well. To be more specific, persons. Or, more specifically, strange entities of a cosmic creation (possibly) were waiting on him.

“Good Morning.”

“About time you showed up!”

His hand grabbed the railing as he nearly fell over in shock. Sojiro just staring between the pair sat at the booth and the young man scared stiff at the stairs. Coughing to clear the air of silence.

“You, uh, should make this quick if you wanna make it to class on time.”

“Class can wait!”

“There is something we wish to speak to you about.. Trickster.”

Morgana poked his head out the bag to see the twins yelling at Ren. “Oh. This is bad.” Ren’s little peaceful world suddenly seemed to tumble of a cliff. With him following with it. Down onto the floor. Morgana hopping out before he was crushed. The twin wardens immediately got up and ran over to him. Caroline standing over while Justine proceeded to jab him with her foot. Demanding to wake up. Sojiro just reached into his pocket, scrolling through his contacts to find the number to the school.

“Best I just... tell them he won’t be coming in. Can just say he’s ill.”

When Ren had awoke staring up at the ceiling of LeBlanc, he had let out a sigh. Thinking it was just a dream. That he just passed out cleaning. Promising to never mix cleaning products again. Grabbing the table and seat to boost him up. Quickly learning that it was not in fact a dream. Caroline and Justine were sitting opposite him. Waiting patiently for Ren to wake once more.

“You fall asleep again and I will execute you on the spot!”

“We ask you not panic again.”

Sojiro came around with coffee for the three. “Need me to leave?” Shaking his head no, Sojiro just retreated back behind the counter. Watching with curiosity next to Morgana. Holding on for dear life, Ren finally spoke up.

“Why? Why are you here? Why are you two again?”

“That is not easy to answer, Trickster.”

“It’s not easy because we don’t know either, Inmate.”

“What do you mean?” Ren said scratching his head. Pointing at two when he realized something.

“Why do you call me Trickster and you call me Inmate?” The twins looked at one another before turning back to him. Shrugging in response to his question.

“It is just what we prefer to call you. I think.”

“What does it matter what we call you,” Justine asked slamming her fist on the table. “Something is wrong here. We cannot go home!”

“Can’t go home?”

“Caroline is correct.” Calmly explaining what had happened. “We were going about our tasks back where we hail from.”

“Where is that?”

“Would be too difficult to explain right now. So...”

“Stop interrupting her!”


“Thank you. We were having a meeting with our other attendants. Debriefing what had happened.” Ren slowly raised his hand to try and ask a question like he would in class. Only to be met with a hard kick to his leg. Grunting and grabbing where clearly Caroline had kicked him. Though Justine paused. Letting out a small sigh. “Yes, Trickster?”

“Were you two... two at the time or one?”

“That is actually a good question. We were one. As Lavenza. When our meeting had concluded, we parted back to our living quarters. When we stepped through our doorway, that is when we found ourselves back here.”

“And as two parts instead of one.”

Sojiro raised his hand as well. “Uhhhh. Could I just ask...” When the twins turned to look at him, eerily at the same time, he quickly shot it back down. Grabbing a smoke from his pack. Lighting it and pretending he hadn’t said anything. Turning back to Ren with the topic at hand.

“Our only idea was to return to this place.”

“Where we’d hopefully find you to help us,” Justine said with a hmpf. “Though we don’t know exactly how you could even be of use to us.”

“So the world is not in danger?”


“I’m not getting my powers back or anything?”

“Your duty has been finished for a long time now, Trickster.”

“Then what can I do?” Ren’s last question made the twin’s hang their heads. Clearly sad and unsure what was happening made them scared. Justine said nothing. Caroline though finally spoke up after a moment to collect herself.

“We have no real clue as to how to get home. Every place we had as gateways to the Velvet Room are no longer there. Our only... course of action is to wait. In hopes our siblings or Master come back to retrieve us.”

“Just how long would that take?”

“We don’t know exactly. Time is a foreign concept. A thing for those in your world.”

“Think about it. Think how long you’d spend in your cell fusing and registering your personas.” Caroline was right. He’s spend what felt like an hour sometimes deciding things. Only to come out of the cell after only a few minutes. He’d calmed down by then, but now started to wonder what he could do to help the twins. Rubbing his temples as he went through the options. Too early in the morning to deal with something like this. Sojiro piped in again.

“Look. I’m not going to try and say I fully understand whatever it is the hell is going on. Especially with that being one and two and such. But long and short of it is; You are lost. Unable to go home. In time one of your siblings will notice and come get you. That it?”

“The master of this place is quite quick at understanding,” Caroline said to Justine. Looking over her to address Sojiro. “You are correct.”

“Kid. Uh. Not you two, the bigger one. It ain’t that difficult to figure out what you gotta do. Question is, are you up for it?” Looking up at him, Ren was a little confused still. “Just gotta babysit them for awhile until they get picked up. It ain’t rocket science.”

“Babysit!?” Justine shouted. Sitting up only to be yanked back into her seat by Caroline.

“Do not anger the God Killer. It is the name of a profession that some young people partake in.” Sojiro waved it away. Remembering when he’d first met the twins and Ren had told him to keep away and try not to question their weird behavior. Thinking it over, Ren figured it was the only thing he could do. Not opposed to the idea. Just a bit unsure since this wouldn’t be like their little outings. Who knew how long he’d have to spend time with them now. And the fact they still had the memories from when they were Lavenza again meant they remembered what he and Lavenza had done. Praying that while separated, the especially loudmouthed one would keep quiet over their shared alone time.

Sojiro was understanding. Very understanding. But there was no way he’d understand how he had sex with basically the two young twins sitting across the table. Before he could raise another idea or objection, the twins got out of the booth. Bowing to Sojiro.

“If it is allowed, we would be truly grateful to stay here while we await our retrieval.”

“We shall pay it forward when we are to return home.” Surprising Ren with how polite should could be.

“I don’t really have any problems with it. It’s only a temporary thing. Besides, would be wrong to leave two kids out on the street,” he chuckled. Walking over to grab Ren from the booth. Giving him a reassuring pat on the back. “Come on. It probably won’t take long and you can get your privacy back. Why don’t you show them to your room? Let them have your bed, I’m sure I can dig out a futon from the closet back at my place for you.”

“But..” Caroline slipped between the two already making her way to the stairs.

“It is fine. We know where it is exactly.” Justine followed behind her but before she got to the stairs, she ran back to Ren. Smirking at him as she nudged him to move. By nudge, it was more a swift kick to the ass.

“Move it, Inmate,” she chuckled. “Been waiting awhile to say that again!” Sojiro just let out a tiny laugh. Seeing why he may have been a bit apprehensive clearly now. Grabbing his keys to leave to grab that futon. Though he realized something the quieter one said.

“Wait. They’d seen it before?” Shrugging it off. “Must have been when they came to inspect the place or whatever that was.”

Sojiro showed up eventually to find Ren sat on the couch already looking done with watching them. The twins had spent the better part of the time he was gone discussing how to divide the bed. Setting down the folded futon on the sofa. Ren barely moved or acknowledged him.

“Here you.. Actually. I never did get your names.”

“I am Caroline.”

“And I’m Justine.”

“Nice to finally meet you,” he smiled. Handing over a spare blanket and pillow to the twins. “Can call me Boss if you like. Everyone does.” The twins looked at each other in awe.

“Maybe he is the Master of this district he lives in?”

“Boss is another title similar to that of a Master.”

“Heh. You kids are cute. I’m not really a Master of anything. Maybe cooking and brewing but that’s about it.”

“We’ve heard tales though that you are a master of other activities such as courting. As the Trickster explain one evening that he had used your teachings on u..” Ren had heard what Caroline was saying. Quickly dashing over to change the conversation.

“Ann. Yeah. I, uh, tried asking out Ann. Didn’t work. Turned out, had a thing for Ryuji. Strange thing to talk about with them I know but they were curious why I didn’t have a girlfriend. Say. I’m feeling hungry. I’m sure you two are as well. Since you are back why don’t we go someplace you both really like?” Speaking so fast, no one could get a word in edge wise. Sojiro raised an eyebrow but he had a point. It was getting to be about dinner time.

“That actually is not a bad idea. Should also pick them up some things for their stay. Toothbrushes and the like while you’re out. You need me to help in covering that?”

“No I can cover it.”

“This is true.”

“The inmate has spent a large amount in payment for our outings and our services during his rehabilitation.” The word services made Sojiro’s brow furrow a bit.


“They helped during we were the Phantom Thieves.“

“The Trickster is speaking the truth.” Putting his hands up in defeat, knowing he was in over his head trying to figure it all out. Sojiro excused himself. Wishing them to have fun while they were out, and for Ren to make sure they are safe. Agreeing, Ren hurried them down the stairs and out the front door to the station.

Sitting at Big Bang Burger with the twins drew stares from people. Though they were mostly just mentioning how cute the two were in their matching outfits. Ren had barely ate. It was a close call earlier that made him question how long they could keep it a secret. Justine and Caroline though were having a great time despite being far from home. Especially Justine knowing now you can order the burger without pickles. Seeing the two happy though did make him smile a bit. Making it all the harder that he had to have this conversation. “You two, remember everything right? From when you were one again?”

Caroline nodded as she sat the toy that came with her meal down. “Of course! Though we are two again, doesn’t mean we’ve forgotten.”

“Do you remember also that anything involving the times,” he paused. Making sure that no one was around close enough to hear them. “The times we did things together had to be a secret.”

“We remember. You said “what happens here never leaves this room”. Was right before you stuck your,” Justine did recall what he’d said. A bit too much to repeat out loud even with no one listening. Quickly shushing her from saying anything more.

“Though.. we didn’t really listen.”

“What!?” Heart beating faster. Feeling as though he would die of a heart attack.

“We didn’t tell anyone who’d care. We told our “sister”.” Caroline’s smug clarification did not help things.

“She too has had intimate relations with her guest before his passing. Going as far as to leave in order to find a way to be with him.” Thinking about it, Ren was still apprehensive that her telling of their relationship was a good thing.

“Her reaction to it?”

“She was impressed. Both that we’d do allow something so forbidden and we were able to even do such a thing.”

“Forbidden in what way?”

“We are not allowed to engage in such relationships as ours with our guests.”

“Our duty is to observe and aid!”

“As Caroline said. Any activity beyond that is forbidden. In a way, you said about our relationship. That to go beyond a guide is a great crime here.”

“Do you think maybe that’s what caused you to be sent out?” Ren couldn’t help but wonder now it was knowledge in their realm. Feeling a bit of guilt. Stomach feeling like it was in a knot. “Like it was was punishment for what we’d done?”

“It is... possible.”

“If this is all thanks to you, Inmate, I swear I’ll...”

“Calm down. We had agreed to everything. We knew the risks involved. To blame him without any to us would be ignorance.” Ren said nothing as Justine pulled Caroline back to her seat. Stopping a potential scene of a random ten year old beating the sh*t out of a sad teenager.

“No. It is my fault. Should never have made you do what we did. To make you cross that line,” Ren said hanging his head in shame. The twins watched and too hung their heads with him. They didn’t want to say it may be true. Nothing they could say either would stop the guilt that was in Ren.

“Hey,” poked Justine. Unable to match Ren’s stare. Preferring to stare at the wall. “We could have said No. So.. shut up with all this “your fault” stuff!” Softly whispering “okay”, Ren got up to get another drink.

After dinner, the trio went to grab a few things from Triple Seven. Running into his old coworker Nanami was a surprise. Dodging her questions about the twins with the tried and true “Oh. They are my sisters. Step family. Dad’s second marriage. Here on a trip.” After thanking her and a higher power that Ren remembered he could pull that one. Having never really talked much about his personal life with anyone outside the Phantom Thieves.

Returning to LeBlanc, he was surprised Sojiro was still there.

“How was dinner?”

“It was quite exceptional. Thank you.”

With the bag from Triple Seven in hand, the two quickly ran off to Ren’s room. Leaving him behind with Sojiro. Hearing them climb the stairs out of ear shot, Ren let out a long sigh. Taking a moment to enjoy the calm.

“Ain’t even been a day and it looks like you are ready to throw in the towel.”

“Just got.. a lot on the mind right now.” Sojiro came around the counter to him. Giving Ren another pat on the back.

“Listen, Kid. Let me explain something to yea. One day, you’re gonna find yourself someone special. Hell, maybe even be a Dad someday. When I took Futaba in, I had no idea what I was doing right or what I was doing wrong. Should treat this as a learning experience. You don’t gotta take the world on your shoulders, ain’t gotta do it alone, but don’t be afraid to mess up. Learn from it. Make up for it. Continue forward. You taught me that, and I’ll help you if need be. They trust yea. Help them like they helped you. Minus the kicking and punching of course. Lay a finger on them and you’d better make plans on a burial plot,” he chuckled. Shaking him by the shoulder playfully.

“R-right. Um. I’ll call you I need help.”

“Sounds good. Oh. I told Futaba about what happened today. Said she’d never met a Caroline and Justine. Only a “Lavena” or something?”

“Remember how they mentioned they were from another realm?”

“Right. Best not try and get that involved,” he nodded. “Well. Cats back at our place. According to Futaba, he doesn’t really care for them. She said that he finds them too loud so Futaba said it could crash in her room until their gone.” With keys in hand, Sojiro started to leave to head back home. “Don’t over think it. Just make them feel at home.” Ren heard the bell chime and lock latch. Slowly making his way upstairs. Focusing on that last bit Sojiro had said. Having been driven out of his home before, he knew what it’s like to be lost. Unsure of his place. Though he may have caused this, he still carried for the Twins. For Lavenza. They may not be home, but he could make damn well sure they felt welcomed. Finally smiling again after everything. Finding a new purpose once more. Besides, who knew if maybe they’ll ever see each other again when they leave.

“Where are your night gowns, Inmate!?” And his smile was gone as soon as he entered the room. Slammed down by the yelling of Caroline. Combined with the fact, he may have wanted to swing by a clothing shop earlier.

“I don’t own any nightgowns. Tomorrow I can get you something to wear for bed. Maybe for tonight, you can just sleep in your uniforms?”

“While our uniforms are comfortable for our daily tasks, they do not make for comfortable sleep wear.” Thinking quick, Ren checked the shelf for what extra shirts he had on him. They were small enough that even his shirt would act as a night gown for them. Finding his summer uniform polos would do the trick. Handing them over, the twins looked at him in confusion.

“You could wear those for the night. I don’t need them for awhile.” Justine held the shirt to her body. Measuring just how long it would go. The bottom stopping just below their knees. Looking down, her nose got a whiff though of something. The smell of her Trickster still on the shirt. Mixed with a small bit of fragrance from detergent. Bowing her head in thanks for the shirt. Caroline though was flabbergasted.

“Are you serious, Justine? This thing is...”

“We must make due with what we are given. As the Human’s say “Beggar’s cannot be choosers”,” she teased. “These will do nicely for the evening. Thank you.”

“It’s no trouble,” Ren smiled to the nicer twin. Grabbing his own pajamas, he turned to tell them about going downstairs to the bathroom to change. The twin’s though had already started. Watching as Caroline, still grumpy, started unbuttoning her top. Her tie undone hanging from her mouth. Justine much further along. Her shirt laying on what was now their bed. Her pale skin almost shining in the light. Blending in with the lacey camisole they both wore beneath their calming blue shirts. Face burning with blush. The lump in his throat growing harder. Getting more difficult to breath or swallow. Pants growing tighter as he watched Justine fumble with her own. Bending over to push them down. The sight of her lacy panties peaking out made him finally speak up.

“I-If you need to change, there is a bathroom downstairs.” Turning his back to avoid the temptation and hide his growing erection.

“You’ve already seen us naked, you fool!”

“Maybe as we are now is not as appealing? The Trickster prefer us as a whole than as fragments.”

“It’s not that!” Ren called out. “I’ll explain it after we get changed. Just... give me a minute.” Almost darting down the stairs. Locking the bathroom door. Turning on the cold water to try and splash his face. Calm himself. But regardless the visions of not just the twins just now but that night in January wouldn’t go away.

Just a quick tour of where he lived. That’s all Lavenza asked for originally. Though as she asked to stay longer, Ren couldn’t help it. Too cute to disturb as she nodded off beside him. No nightmare this time. Breathing quietly. The twins were cute, fun, and exciting to run around the city with. Lavenza though, was all that in one being. The cold winter always hit his room the hardest that time of night, but next to her, he felt warm and at peace. Forgetting all that was going on. They were alone to just be. Next thing he knew, he was softly stroking her head. Her hair much softer than it looked. Waking to the soft pets, Lavenza looked up smiling at him. Time seemed to stand still as she sat and let him pet away.

“Think it’s time we took you back,” Ren said in a quiet whisper. Giving her one last pat. Though she disagreed. Wrapping her arms around him. Barely doing so.

“No! I want to stay longer,” she cried out. “It’s.. warmer here.. with you.” Unable to say no to her cute pleas. Chuckling while he lifted her off the sofa.

“Here. If you want, this is much warmer.” Gently placing her down on the bed. Pulling the sheets over her, still she kept a hold on his arm.

“But.. you’re not in it.” Bashfully looking around him. The blankets covering his cheeks, hiding her blush.

“Do you want me to get in bed with you?” While he nervously chuckle, Lavenza pulled the sheets up. Trying to pull him in. Getting the message, he kicked his shoes off and joined her. Soon she drifted off once more while he had his arm around her. Stroking her head again.

“...I love you...” Mumbling in her sleep again. Ren felt his heart pound at her quiet confession.

“I love you too.” Quietly into her ear. Closing his eyes for a brief moment, about to join her in slumber. But the soft touch of someone’s lips against his made his eyes shoot open faster. Making him jump back. Seeing Lavenza laying there. Fists balled against her mouth. The two both in surprise at what she did.

“La-Lavenza. Did you..”

“Yes. I am sorry. It was vulgar and shameful of me to have committed such a sin.” Hiding her face in his pillow. Seeing her feeling so guilty and sad pained him. Grabbing her shoulders, turning her over gently, he hugged her. Telling her over and over that it was okay.

“It’s okay. It was just a little kiss. Just a little crush is all.”

“No it is not! I love you, Trickster! I-I’m tired of hiding this that I carry within my own soul.” Head jammed in his chest, squeezing him so tight it was hard to breathe. “Do you.. love me?” The mouth of the Trickster fell open. Unsure how to respond or really speak anymore.

“I.. um.. do love you too.” He said it, and she leapt back up again. Eyes shining brighter than ever. Leaping up to try and kiss him again. Though he dodged it. Quickly destroying her smile. Leaving her sad and confused.

“If you love me, why can I kiss you?”

“Uh.. well.. it’s just something we shouldn’t be doing.”

“But we love one another,” she cried. “Or is there another? Another human!?” That more angry side of her peering through in her tone and face. Brows furrowed. Ready to kill whom dare keep him away.

“It’s.. the fact you are.. young.” She blinked blankly a few times. Trying to make sense of it all. “Maybe when you grow up... we can try again.”

“But if we wait, you may die! Us beings of the ethereal sea of unconsciousness are not like Humans. By the time I will grow, you will have long passed away!”

“It’s still.. not right. It’s...” Hanging his head in shame, he really asked himself that hard question. If she looked as old as he or more, would he gladly reciprocate her love? He’d move heaven and earth for her. He’d saved her. Hell, at this point in his life, he’s been on more dates with the Twins than all women and girls his age combined. Grabbing at his hair. Pulling till it hurt. The soft gloved hand of Lavenza though stopped him. Interlocking her fingers with his own.

“You are correct. Other humans may not look at what love we share as correct. But which ever way we choose to share our time with one another, is not the general public’s concern.” Holding his hand made her stomach turn. “I have no knowledge just how much longer we will see each other. And I do not care what other’s may think. Humans. My Master. Every other possible sentient creature anywhere does not have to know how I feel. Just those that I share it with.. more specifically.. My Trickster.” Stunned by her words, Ren couldn’t dodge her next kiss. So soft and gentle were those small pink lips. Finding himself responding to them. Pushing back against her own. Stifling a small giggle from her. “You have one more job as a Thief with Maruki. What about one more crime.. with me.”

“...to Hell with it,” he sighed. Pressing forward to drive his tongue into her mouth. Sending her nearly flying back. Landing on the pillow. Apologizing as he nearly squashed her with his weight.

“You should know from our battle, I am not a fragile girl, Trickster,” she teased. Driving the Phantom Thief a bit mad. Her words making their effect clear as he tossed his jacket aside. Pinning her arms to the bed before dancing with her tongue again. Letting go of them to pull away at the ties to her dress. The dexterous fingers making quick work of them. Pulling the lose blue dress down her pale shoulders. As soon as it was possible, she pulled our arms back out to attack his chest now. Pushing the turtle neck up until she could barely reach. Taking over for her. Joining the rest on the floor. The golden yellow eyes growing wide at the sight of his bare chest.

The black glove hands running over Ren’s stomach. Seeing and feeling toned he was. A side she’d never seen on a human before made her quickly pull the gloves away. Rivaling the gods, demigods, and demons of legend in the compendium. If anything, Ren was her own now. One she’d worship. Her Trickster after all. Her soft hands made his stomach twitch. Feeling it a bit one sided, Ren turned his attention back to her. Looking down at her small, lithe frame. His hands were not as soft as hers. Slightly calloused after everything from crafting tools, working out, and fighting to save the world. Grabbing her just budding breasts, his palms nearly covered her whole chest. Kneading them as soft as he could. Lavenza let out a series of small moans as her sensitive buds moved against his somewhat rough hands.

Eyes closed as the feeling of pleasure rose from her chest. “I’m sorry. My chest is not as fully formed as some Humans.”

“It’s okay. I love it. It’s yours after all,” he said smiling. Leaning down to kiss her lips once more. Ren was not a full fledged pervert. He’d never looked at those similar to the Twins or Lavenza before with lust. Truly it was her that made him strain against his pants. Aching at that point. Growing to be unbearable. Letting go of her body to try and fix that, she opened her eyes to watch him undo the shackles of the raging prisoner in it’s cell. With one pull, it was free. With that done, Ren looked back at his small lover. Unable not to chuckle at her wide eyes fixated on his co*ck. The uncut beast standing tall. Dribbling from it’s tip like a drooling monster. From head to the small patch of black at the bottom, the Velvet Room attendant couldn’t look away.

“That thing.. is supposed to go inside me?”

“Well, not really. Unless you wish to try to. It’s possible, just not really a good idea. Another reason what we’re doing is frowned upon.” Crawling over her legs. Pulling at the ties to her bloomers. “There are other ways we can maybe try and show our love with one another,” he said finishing the last pull. Hooking his fingers in, he felt the lace of her panties beneath. Hooking them as well. Slowly pulling them off. Giving her a moment if she wanted to stop him. When she lifted her legs up though, it was clear it was okay. Down they went. Revealing more of her stomach below her belly button. Seeing the curve of her groin. Teasing himself with the reveal. Finally revealing her most private spot. Surprised that it already glistened in the light.

Once they were gone, Ren shoved them off the edge of the bed. Lavenza instinctively covered her body. Embarrassed and nervous being laid bare before him. Comforting her more kisses, this time on the forehead first. Wrapping her arms around his neck. Keeping him there till she felt up for it. Though she broke it off sooner than expected as she gasped at the touch of the burning rod on her thigh. Lowering his waist, he pressed the length down on her stomach. Seeing just how much he had to give. Squirming as pressed against her. Feeling the wet tip smear just above her belly button. Gasping at the thought.

“You’d split me in two with that power of yours.” Though she giggled there was a small bit of fear clear in her voice.

“We’ll do this instead,” he hissed. Lifting her thin legs up a bit for his co*ck to lay flat against her slit. Gently rocking back and forth. The sound of her innie painting his co*ck joined the lewd whimpers of Lavenza. Ren ever silent. Eyes shut. Hands stroking the stockings she still had on. Grounding him as he listened to the world around him. The cool air from the shut windows tickling his excitement drenched co*ck. The soft leather of her shoes digging into his spine as she locked her legs around him broke him. Opening his eyes to her writhing around. Hands gripping the bedding. Mouth open letting out her cute little moans. Her soft pale face a bright crimson. Looking up at him with eyes barely able to stay open.

“More. Please!” She cried out for her Trickster. Letting out a small grunt as he picked up the pace. The lips rubbing along him better than he could have imagined the touch of another could be. Though he still ached for release. Twitching. Throbbing. He had nights where his mind wandered like he’d been possessed in Momentos. Paling in comparison though to that moment. Making her scream more. Flop against the bed like a fish plucked from the water. No longer the cute, reserved Velvet Room attendant he knew. She was now his lover. Lost in a storm of pleasure they never could fathom being in. Her head band nearly flying off as she slammed back again and again. Till she froze. Body tensing up. When she went to scream once more for him, nothing came out. A small squeak but nothing more. The world she’d protected fade into a blur.

Ren watched her, a bit embarrassed with just how turned on he was seeing Lavenza in the troughs of her first org*sm. Slowing down. A bit too late in overstimulating her. The still hugging him even after he let go. Cupping her cheek. Wiping away small streaks of tears from her eyes so glazed in pleasure.

“Are you alright?” Whispering as soft as the fingers that caressed her face. Breathing in such quick small gasps. Unable to speak still. Lavenza nodded before grabbing the glasses. Tossing them off into the room.

“Why did you...”

“For.. what is.. to come.”

“I think we’re done.”

“In.. correct. You.. have not.. finished.” Biting his lip he figured what she was alluding to. “With eyes.. unclouded and clear.. Please.. take.. my heart.”

“It’ll hurt yo...” The little protests of Ren were silenced by the small sting of Lavenza’s hand. The wide open mouth gasping for air turned into a small smirking smile. Slapping him again without any provocation that time. co*ck aching more than anything her slaps could do. With the wet mess between them, if he had any chance trying to make it work, it was then and there.

Her hips lifted up off the bed by Ren’s hands. Shuffling a bit to cup her small butt in each palm. Fitting perfectly in his hands. Both gasping as the bulbous tip brushed against her tight closed lips.

“No one can ever know about this,” he grunted thrusting forward. Lips resistant to such an entry. Teeth grinding as the head slipped in. Tight and hot. Words he could only think of to describe the feeling of entering her. Cursing under his breath as he kept going. Just barely putting the head in. Lavenza was not fairing well by the looks of things. Mouth seemingly locked open. Eyes rolled back. Pushing further in. Unable to keep up the fight of pleasure and pain. Hands squeezing her bottom for dear life making her squirm more. The movements of her body while being stretched wide were devilishly taunting both to give up. Having to stop just barely over half way in. Seeing her stomach bulge. Clear where he was inside her. Almost cumming to the lewd sight.

“Are you okay, Lavenza?” Panting so hard it looked like he could fall over at any moment. Her walls said no. Trying to stretch to him but quivering as it seemed they knew not how to manage such a feat.

“Am fine. Just.. finish the task.” Easier said than done. Feeling one pump away from breaking at any moment. It was so tempting to thrust away without a care. Knowing she may appear a small girl, but she was not one truly. A being capable of destroying him in a fight in one single turn of her page. Able to take megidolaon after megidolaon like it was a simple shove. To Joker, she was perfect. So cute, so powerful and strong, and... it looked so right for them to f*ck like this. Felt so good to feel her wrapped around his co*ck.

Slowly pulling out, matching how he’d fill her again. And again. Walls teasing him goodbye as he pulled back. Only to seemingly reject but please and milk his co*ck with every return. Such was the life of dealing with her and the Twins she was to him at first. Angel and demon. When she was split in two, the twins were even smaller than Lavenza. The fleeting thought of that made his sack twitch. Balls aching. The quiet young man let out a small growl. Knowing full well what this meant. Lavenza could do nothing but hold on as Ren lost control. Wanting more. Damning that it would be over soon. Thrusts lost their rhythm only growing more fierce and fast. Not even giving the poor girl a moment to adjust as she felt her inner most wall fill with him. Bashing against the absolute end. Not able to tell Ren to stop as all words turned to screams of pleasure and pain.

Would they ever have a chance like this again? Would he have the pleasure of a nice quiet in with the cosmic being that he gave his heart to? Another chance to explore their bodies? And at in that moment. Feel those tight walls around his co*ck. Feel the way his sack bumped against her plump firm butt. With a guttural yell, he came. Slamming as deep as he could go. Shaking as he held to the hilt. Twitching within her. Feeling his own cum bounce against her cervix to seep around him. Flowing out her tiny hole onto him. Lavenza had fallen silent sometime as her body was slammed org*sm after org*sm by the ruthless assailant inside her.

His mind was a blur. Unable to keep his body up or formulate a thought. Their bodies going limp. Ren falling atop her as her lower half fell clean off him. The cold air sending shivers up his spin as it blow against his sin covered co*ck. They said nothing. Calming from their battle against the storm of pleasure they found themselves in. Eventually finding the strength to roll over and wrap his arms around the girl. Apologizing as she looked so defeated. Her breathing was ragged, tears running down her face, legs covered in their juices. Worried he’d gone too far at the end.

“No. I chose this. It was a decision I wanted.” She spoke slowly. Needing to stop and swallow as her throat grew hoarse from shouting. The frown on his face made her worry too. “Did you enjoy it?”

“Probably more than I should have,” he sighed. Fixing her hairband and trying to fix her hair, he gave up after awhile. Taking to patting her head again.

“If it is acceptable, I’d like to nap once more before I go back.”

“Totally acceptable.”

Taking her back. Sharing one last kiss before she left. Sealing their pact then and there in the light snowfall. Returning home to try and get rid of any evidence of what happened. Though nothing he could do about the one witness who heard a lot of screaming and moans coming from LeBlanc’s attic. Even with the windows closed, it couldn’t stop the noise they made. The annoying customer telling Sojiro the next day about it.

“You heard nothing all night?”

“No. It’s kinda odd because if I had heard it, I probably went to investigate it.”

“Hmm. Maybe he mistook a cat or something. Said he had a good bit to drink that night. Was on his way back from the bar when it happened.”

“Makes sense. Cats are as high pitch as a child sometimes. Look at Morgana for example.”


That fear of being caught and Morgana’s annoyance was enough to finally calm down his erection. Knowing full well that being forward and fair and respectful and not try and let them get to him was the only way he could. Marching back up the stairs, he found Caroline and Justine sitting at the tv. Playing with the little retro console set up there. Immediately he retreated. The sight of them having fun, wearing his shirt, the fact he could see a good bit of thigh shot his confidence down and his co*ck shoot back up. A surprise that he was WEAK!! to.

"...another minute. Just another minute and then.. talk."

Home Is With You - Chapter 1 - Sara_ara (2024)


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Author: Frankie Dare

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Author information

Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.